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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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I believe that the Vril-ya created the Pyramid on Moon and a good portion of the things in Shangri-La, but some of it was built by the enslaved human race there. You can MonopolyMac and I's version of the Vril-Ya history in our signatures.

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I am going to leave some quotes that refer to the Devil and Illuminati, take them or leave them. To me, they mean the Illuminati are the voices. Also, don't forget that the dogs are called hellhounds. This is only from 3 of the characters, and only one map.


Illuminati, I work for thee!

Thank you Dark One.

By the power of the Illuminati, I will destroy you all now! Yeah?

Yes Nikolai, do you feel his presence now?

The Illuminati will be pleased with you Nikolai.

Good, the service to the Illuminati can continue.

The Illuminati will be so proud!

Thank you Illuminati!


Is this all the Devil's got to throw at us?!


Lucifer, I'm coming for you!

Burn in Hell, Satan's minions!

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At some point, they had the ability to get to the pyramid on the moon (All Seeing Eye anyone?) and inscribe directions into it. When Richtofen touched the pyramid, that is when the voices came into his mind. I mean they are the Illuminati, so I don't doubt at all that they could have gotten up there.

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Guest MurderMachineX

Vril-Ya aren't superhumans really. Their phyiscal attributes differ only slightly from humans. The only thing that gives them any power is their technology.

As for leaving Agartha unguarded, the Vril-Ya usually had very little interaction with the surface world as I've seen. It wasn't until 1871 that they even knew that people existed on the surface. What they've done since is up to speculation, but they are really traditional; I don't think their ways would change much.

But yes, I stated previously that I'm just trying to a skeletal structure with as much data as possible; magnoramic theories can be layered on top of it by the individual reader. That's why I was trying to get a move on to the inventions.

I've read Vril as well. I even quoted an exerpt earlier. As for your quote, much of that contradicts what was in the novel. This is due to the popularity of the book; the legend has evolved into many branches. Now we could argue over which branches fit, or which ones meld together, but it should be the original trunk rather than a branch at all.

According to the earliest traditions, the remote progenitors of the race had once tenanted a world above the surface of that in which their descendants dwelt. Myths of that world were still preserved in their archives, and in those myths were legends of a vaulted dome in which the lamps were lighted by no human hand. But such legends were considered by most commentators as allegorical fables. According to these traditions the earth itself, at the date to which the traditions ascend, was not indeed in its infancy, but in the throes and travail of transition from one form of development to another, and subject to many violent revolutions of nature. By one of such revolutions, that portion of the upper world inhabited by the ancestors of this race had been subjected to inundations, not rapid, but gradual and uncontrollable, in which all, save a scanty remnant, were submerged and perished. Whether this be a record of our historical and sacred Deluge, or of some earlier one contended for by geologists, I do not pretend to conjecture; though, according to the chronology of this people as compared with that of Newton, it must have been many thousands of years before the time of Noah. On the other hand, the account of these writers does not harmonise with the opinions most in vogue among geological authorities, inasmuch as it places the existence of a human race upon earth at dates long anterior to that assigned to the terrestrial formation adapted to the introduction of mammalia. A band of the ill-fated race, thus invaded by the Flood, had, during the march of the waters, taken refuge in caverns amidst the loftier rocks, and, wandering through these hollows, they lost sight of the upper world for ever. Indeed, the whole face of the earth had been changed by this great revulsion; land had been turned into sea--sea into land. In the bowels of the inner earth even now, I was informed as a positive fact, might be discovered the remains of human habitation--habitation not in huts and caverns, but in vast cities whose ruins attest the civilisation of races which flourished before the age of Noah, and are not to be classified with those genera to which philosophy ascribes the use of flint and the ignorance of iron.

The author states that these beings existed long before the assigned date of the introduction of mammalia. The fossil record is reformatted all the time. Especially in the 1800s, all it was saying is that mankind existed, in one form or another, as well as the other mammals, long before modern scientists had thought. This was not the first time such a thought had occurred. Actually Charles Darwin made a discovery in much the same way, proposing the Earth's longer existence. Not to mention that the origin paragraph focuses heavily on the planet Earth, no other planet.

I assume they built the Pyramids. However Shangri-La was heavily modified by modern humans. But by all means, chip in :)

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

At some point, they had the ability to get to the pyramid on the moon (All Seeing Eye anyone?) and inscribe directions into it. When Richtofen touched the pyramid, that is when the voices came into his mind. I mean they are the Illuminati, so I don't doubt at all that they could have gotten up there.

I think that the Illuminati is actually lucifer and his followers trapped in Aether.

And the voices are the Devil speaking to Richtofen. He tells Richtofen what to do so he gets his wish or being in control of the zombies and Devil gets his revenge for being imprisoned.

Some of those quotes Tac put back me up here.

"Thank you Dark One"

"Yes Nikolai, do you feel his presence now?:

"Thank you Illuminati!"

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Guest MurderMachineX

Guys. I thought we were going to drop the whole Illuminati thing? As well as the Satan thing?

Now I posted this a little while back, but we still need to move forward:

Here is a list of stuff that 935 could've made from 1940 to 1945. We'll have to sift through the list to make sure they actually made this stuff. Some of this stuff may not be made by 935, and we will be sifting those out. I've also included a lot of the stuff detailed in the Moon loading screen. But we need to think: Does this stuff count? I think it does. It is clearly in a 40's style. So I think it may have been a magazine advertising the things that they made. Add something if you think it is missing.

31-79 JGb215

Control Panel

Deadshot Daiquiri

Deluxe Electro-Shock

Double-Tap Root Beer


Electro-Shock Defense


Fly Trap

Gamma Ray Specs

Griffin Station

Gun Mule


Idle Idol


Monkey Bomb

Nova Gas


PhD Flopper

Pocket Teleporter

Quantum Entanglement Device

Quick Revive

Ray Gun

Richtofen Center for Clinical Research


Speed Cola



Therepeutic Apparatus


Used Data Tapes


Vending Machine Bank

Wunderwaffe DG-2

Xenon Belt

Zap Gun Dual Wield

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I think you hit it right on, I honestly can't definitively think of things to add. However, I do not believe that the Egg should be on there because they did not make it, it was one of the VRIL artifacts I do believe.

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Guest MurderMachineX

Okay, then, I'll take it off the list.

31-79 JGb215

Control Panel

Deadshot Daiquiri

Deluxe Electro-Shock

Double-Tap Root Beer

Electro-Shock Defense


Fly Trap

Gamma Ray Specs

Griffin Station

Gun Mule



Monkey Bomb

Nova Gas


PhD Flopper

Pocket Teleporter

Quantum Entanglement Device

Quick Revive

Ray Gun

Richtofen Center for Clinical Research


Speed Cola



Therepeutic Apparatus


Used Data Tapes


Vending Machine Bank

Wunderwaffe DG-2

Xenon Belt

Zap Gun Dual Wield



Idle Idol

Btw, I was playing the Moon Easter Egg yesterday, and I was hitting the Egg. It almost sounds like it says something all robotic-like.

So, that's it? You think all the new Perks are made by 935 as well? And what about the Thundergun? What do you think of its creation?

EDIT: I removed Idle Idol. Those are found in Shangri-La.

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Oh damn, I didn't even see the new perks in there. Let me go back over the list.

Take off:

PhD Flopper

Pocket Teleporter


Thundergun. I believe it is Russian but it is hard to prove.


I'd change Gun Mule to Mule Kick

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Guest MurderMachineX

Well first, you need to ask yourself. Are we taking the Moon loading screen seriously?

It adds a lot of plausible inventions, and it has many uncanny references that could apply.

Just PhD Flopper? Why just that one? I think it's a stretch to say that 935 didn't make that one yet made all the rest.

Well, if we take the loading screen seriously, that means it was originally known as Gun Mule, later having a name change to Mule Kick. That also means the Thundergun was originally made by 935 but later stolen by the Soviets, since it appears in the loading screen.

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I don't believe that everything on the loading screen was their invention, hell some of it weren't even inventions, like the Directors Chair.

Let's go through the perks, we believe they made the original 4. Oh, I forgot Stamin-Up. i would personally only take out the Ascension ones.

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Oh damn, I didn't even see the new perks in there. Let me go back over the list.

Take off:

PhD Flopper

Pocket Teleporter


Thundergun. I believe it is Russian but it is hard to prove.


I'd change Gun Mule to Mule Kick

Well TG has Russian text on it so I guess we can say it is Russian.

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Guest MurderMachineX

No, no. Of course not, but the Soviets weren't a major player at this point, in the '40's. They didn't acquire their technology until the '60's.

PhD Flopper and Stamin-Up? Why not Deadshot Daiquiri? It was in Russia too.

Well I think the Thundergun has a more colorful history behind it, having to do with both Nazis and Soviets, since it is referenced by both so much.

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Deadshot Daquiri might be in a Russian locale, but the map is a 935 base, therefore I say keep it. So I say take out PhD and Stamin-Up, and leave the Thundergun I guess. I just believe that it was either made by a Russian in 935 or it was an added in last second to Kino

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Guest MurderMachineX

I suppose, but what can you say to prove that Call of the Dead is Nazi, not Soviet?

This is what I would say about the origins of the Thundergun; it is what I said in my old storyline:

I dubbed the Thundergun through three phases: Mk I, Mk II, and Mk III. I just made up the Mk's, but I think they sound cool :P

Thundergun Mk I was created by 935. It was mainly a prototype, not being fully operational. I think it might be powered off 115, but I think you disagree, and maybe rightly so. Richtofen also mistakenly refers to the Thundergun as the DG-3. So, while he is wrong as there already is a DG-3, it must have some similarities to their other Wonder Weapons.

Thundergun Mk II is the one that is playable in the games. The Soviets stole the technology and tried to perfect it. This is seen by its Russian writing and its presence in Ascension. Its presence in Kino der Toten is not far fetched. Kino was in Easter Germany after all. Either that faciliated some Soviet influence after the war or that Soviets actually went there.

Thundergun Mk III is the one that you can get in Kowloon City. It only has a slight improvement - reloading capability. Since China is communist, I could also see how this Thundergun, which had probably just been enhanced, got mixed into the weapon cache.

EDIT: Crap. I knew you were going to argue saying that Kino is in West Germany. Anticipating such an argument, I gathered my case together... and ended up proving myself wrong. But it doesn't make any sense. A Nazi building in East Germany makes sense. One in West Germany makes no sense. Also, a Russian weapon in West Germany also makes no sense.

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I have been reluctant about the time of Kino, so I have two theories.

1. The only way that Kino can be in the projected timeline, based off of the Fernsehturm, is that they had to time-travel back in time to Ascension.

2. It is possible that Germany was abandoned in a separate timeline and so the Fernsehturm stayed unfinished until after Ascension in 62-63

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Guest MurderMachineX

It just looks like a video someone made. Is it supposed to be official? Doesn't look like it.

Tactical, I think the Pocket Teleporter is a useful explanation for how they could've gone back in time to Ascension. In fact, didn't Richtofen go to many places for certain reasons? Maybe the Pocket Teleporter was in Kino der Toten, even though Richtofen didn't mean to end up there.

It still doesn't explain why the building is still standing. I though I had that figured out. I was wrong.

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Guest Zombieofthedead

I have been reluctant about the time of Kino, so I have two theories.

1. The only way that Kino can be in the projected timeline, based off of the Fernsehturm, is that they had to time-travel back in time to Ascension.

That is, IF Ascension occurs when five does

2. It is possible that Germany was abandoned in a separate timeline and so the Fernsehturm stayed unfinished until after Ascension in 62-63

I seriously doubt that. Besides, construction began sometime in 64' right? Somewhere around there

Probably another stupid fake.

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I would like to know where we have a reference to this Pocket Teleporter, is it on the Moon loading screen? To me, I don't get how they would have gotten on a Lunar Lander. If you notice, the Lunar Lander is coming in form somewhere, I believe this to be outside the map somewhere. Kino :arrow: Ascension is the hardest to me, unless they used the Kino teleporter to teleport to somewhere near Ascension and used a Lander to get inside the map.

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Guest MurderMachineX

The major evidence that Ascension takes place at the same time as "Five" is that you can find red telephones just like in "Five" in Ascension with "Five"'s characters on the other end of the line. It's not major, but it is the best thing that we have.

Hey. I was trying to think of why Kino would still be standing. The only solution I thought of was that Kino der Toten is where the United States got a lot of its reverse engineered technology. Since there was so much technology there, why would they tear it down? They might leave it standing. And since then Zombies overran they place.

EDIT: Yes, it is on the loading screen.


Well, Richtofen showed in Call of the Dead that he is not perfect with the Pocket version, if we assume he used it there as well. Maybe they appeared far away enough to where they had to hitch a ride onto a Lunar Lander to gain access. I know there's a lot of if's but I think it makes the Kino > Ascension thing fit.

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