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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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I am going to leave the other subject alone as it is kind of like beating an insignificant horse (see what I did thar ;) ) I mean regardless of being of alien or human descent, it doesn't change the story. I will give credit where credit is due however and say that you made good points MurderMachine. Shall we continue, whats the next topic of discussion?

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Guest MurderMachineX

Well first thing's first. We have to make the next paragraph. So here goes, correct what you think should be corrected.

Approximately on December 5, 1939, a thirty-day period began where Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster made rapid advancements to the teleporter prototype. On January 4, 1940, Dr. Richtofen volunteered to be its first human subject. However, when he teleported, he did not end up in the receiving receptacle, but instead he found he was within a dark cave within the Moon. He saw the Pyramid that had been created by the Vril-Ya. Notably the cave had oxygen within it, and it had machinery of a non-electrical sort. Also, he saw strange passageways on the ceiling. Then he touched the Pyramid. From that moment forward, Dr. Richtofen would hear other voices in his head; he became schizophrenic. He was then teleported away, to Shangri-La.

While Dr. Richtofen was in Shangri-La, he made diplomatic relations with the local people, although it was mostly due to them likely believing him to be a god. This changed Dr. Richtofen. By January 23, 1940, Dr. Schuster had nearly given up all hope of Dr. Richtofen's return since his disappearance through the Teleporter when Dr. Richtofen showed up, having physically trekked his way back to Der Riese. Dr. Richtofen claimed they had much work to be done.

How's that? By the way, I think Kino der Toten's teleporter is more primitive than the one in Der Riese. I say this because the one in Kino der Toten "defectively" sends you elsewhere before sending you to your location, just like this one did. So I imagine maybe they built the ones at Der Riese, while sometime building one at Kino der Toten, but perfecting them at Der Riese, if perfecting is a good enough word. This isn't anything major though.

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The only thing I could even debate is that he trekked his way back. We know that he didn't teleport back, so trekking is the next best option, but something about it just doesn't sound right. I mean I say keep it since I can't offer an alternative theory, but that is just my thoughts.

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Guest MrEvakin1

Wow man excellent work, didn't even think of the Vril-Ya as being the zombies from Shangri-La, I just thought they were some tribe native to that region, excellent work! Although, I do disagree that the pyramids were vehicles. Is there some evidence somewhere? Because if there is then I REALLY want to know why they would build something that big and clunky to move around. I believe they were just temples that were for some reason take (?) to the Moon, but that raises the question of why and who. Anyways, fantastic job!!

And p.s. long time no see haha

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

Well first thing's first. We have to make the next paragraph. So here goes, correct what you think should be corrected.

Approximately on December 5, 1939, a thirty-day period began where Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster made rapid advancements to the teleporter prototype. On January 4, 1940, Dr. Richtofen volunteered to be its first human subject. However, when he teleported, he did not end up in the receiving receptacle, but instead he found he was within a dark cave within the Moon. He saw the Pyramid that had been created by the Vril-Ya. Notably the cave had oxygen within it, and it had machinery of a non-electrical sort. Also, he saw strange passageways on the ceiling. Then he touched the Pyramid. From that moment forward, Dr. Richtofen would hear other voices in his head; he became schizophrenic. He was then teleported away, to Shangri-La.

While Dr. Richtofen was in Shangri-La, he made diplomatic relations with the local people, although it was mostly due to them likely believing him to be a god. This changed Dr. Richtofen. By January 23, 1940, Dr. Schuster had nearly given up all hope of Dr. Richtofen's return since his disappearance through the Teleporter when Dr. Richtofen showed up, having physically trekked his way back to Der Riese. Dr. Richtofen claimed they had much work to be done.

How's that? By the way, I think Kino der Toten's teleporter is more primitive than the one in Der Riese. I say this because the one in Kino der Toten "defectively" sends you elsewhere before sending you to your location, just like this one did. So I imagine maybe they built the ones at Der Riese, while sometime building one at Kino der Toten, but perfecting them at Der Riese, if perfecting is a good enough word. This isn't anything major though.

Seems pretty good except the trekking part, I'm pretty sure he was able to teleport back. But what happened there is still rather unclear so it's debatable.

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I don't think he teleported back, well maybe the Vril-ya teleported him back. Regardless, he has a quote in Shangri-La that says he was unaware that the temple had the ability of teleportation, and I believe he says that when he arrives. So teleportation just seems... odd to me. Who know, maybe the Vril-ya teleported him since they did have the ability.

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Guest MurderMachineX

The only thing I could even debate is that he trekked his way back. We know that he didn't teleport back, so trekking is the next best option, but something about it just doesn't sound right. I mean I say keep it since I can't offer an alternative theory, but that is just my thoughts.

Seems pretty good except the trekking part, I'm pretty sure he was able to teleport back. But what happened there is still rather unclear so it's debatable.

I don't think he teleported back, well maybe the Vril-ya teleported him back. Regardless, he has a quote in Shangri-La that says he was unaware that the temple had the ability of teleportation, and I believe he says that when he arrives. So teleportation just seems... odd to me. Who know, maybe the Vril-ya teleported him since they did have the ability.

Well he didn't come back the way he came. That is sure. Dr. Schuster would have seen Dr. Richtofen come back via the Teleporter. So however he came back would have to be through some other means, and no one nearby had any other Teleporters. So I figured he trekked back. He had 19 days, so he had enough time, especially if he could find a plane somehow. Maybe I should just tweak that part to leave it a bit ambiguous since we don't know exactly how it happened?

Wow man excellent work, didn't even think of the Vril-Ya as being the zombies from Shangri-La, I just thought they were some tribe native to that region, excellent work! Although, I do disagree that the pyramids were vehicles. Is there some evidence somewhere? Because if there is then I REALLY want to know why they would build something that big and clunky to move around. I believe they were just temples that were for some reason take (?) to the Moon, but that raises the question of why and who. Anyways, fantastic job!!

And p.s. long time no see haha

Hey! How's it been? Guys, this is MrEvakin1. He had the most in-depth storyline on the official Call of Duty forums before Infinity Ward took over. He helped me with my old storyline. Give him a warm welcome.

Well, some people would say they are, but I don't think so. The Zombies in Shangri-La are just people, as Vril-Ya are all underground, DEEP underground. Also, Vril-Ya are taller, redder, and some wear mechanical wings.

As for the Pyramids, MixMasterNut came up with that. Really, it just fit. It was a good puzzle piece. We've seen the technological capabilities of the Vril-Ya. The Pyramid on the Moon is pretty advanced. It explains why a Pyramid is flying into the sky in the Shangri-La loading screen. It explains why there is a Pyramid in the distance in the Moon loading screen. It also explains how a Pyramid got on the Moon in the first place.

See this thread, although I don't necessarily believe everything in it, it has a lot of good points.


Thank you :)

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

I don't think he teleported back, well maybe the Vril-ya teleported him back. Regardless, he has a quote in Shangri-La that says he was unaware that the temple had the ability of teleportation, and I believe he says that when he arrives. So teleportation just seems... odd to me. Who know, maybe the Vril-ya teleported him since they did have the ability.

Well I find it hard to believe since he teleported there.

Nonetheless, it's still probably true the vril ya teleported him back.

I'm sticking with my original theory that Richtofen returned and killed the vril ya because the voices told him to and they were Satan. then the bodies were rediscovered when Group 935 returned and found the place themselves and took the corpses back. And Dr. Steiner experimented with them at the antarctic base, as their x rays can be seen there and at rebirth and at kino takeo says they could never have been human.

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I agree that the voices are of satanic origin, I believe they are of the Illuminati. I am growing away from my idea the the Illuminati is the Vril-ya, as it wouldn't really make sense I suppose. I do not believe that Group 935 as a whole found Shangri-La, I believe that only Maxis and Richtofen were ever there. The Kino crawlers don't seem Vril-ya to me, they are way to different, not to mention they are tiny like children, the vril-ya people were massive.

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Guest MurderMachineX

Okay, so a minor edit:

Approximately on December 5, 1939, a thirty-day period began where Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster made rapid advancements to the teleporter prototype. On January 4, 1940, Dr. Richtofen volunteered to be its first human subject. However, when he teleported, he did not end up in the receiving receptacle, but instead he found he was within a dark cave within the Moon. He saw the Pyramid that had been created by the Vril-Ya. Notably the cave had oxygen within it, and it had machinery of a non-electrical sort. Also, he saw strange passageways on the ceiling. Then he touched the Pyramid. From that moment forward, Dr. Richtofen would hear other voices in his head; he became schizophrenic. He was then teleported away, to Shangri-La.

While Dr. Richtofen was in Shangri-La, he made diplomatic relations with the local people, although it was mostly due to them likely believing him to be a god. This changed Dr. Richtofen. By January 23, 1940, Dr. Schuster had nearly given up all hope of Dr. Richtofen's return since his disappearance through the Teleporter when Dr. Richtofen waltzed back into Der Riese. Dr. Richtofen claimed they had much work to be done.

I don't think Dr. Richtofen murdered them all, but I'm not entirely sure what to think about the demise of Shangri-La. The place had become partially modernized (water-powered, furnaces, metallic debris, napalm, etc.).

But what I think we ought to do now is this. We are coming upon the time that is largely undocumented about the five years of working at 935. During this time, many things were made. We need to list everything they made. In addition to this, we have to break it at 1942, as Richtofen made his announcement in Griffin Station then. So we must divide before and after that. We must also note any unseen events during that time period, but we can just focus on inventions for the time being if one wishes.

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Guest Monopoly Mac

The Crawlers are small aren't they Tac? From what I've read and heard the Vril Ya are supposed to be taller than an average human. So I propose another theory to the Nova Gas Crawlers. The Dropa tribe.

(Note, read Mixmasternuts theory on the Dropa disks, its in the General Discussion section. His and PTG's theory really opened my eyes.)

We know they may have lived in Shangri La and possibly the Moon because their disks are there. Apparently they had long skulls, just like the one you see on Richtofens shrine. They apparently landed in a mountain range. The actual real Dropa tribe lives in the northern part of the Tibetan Plateau.

The thing about Dropa that makes me think they are the crawlers are they are 3 feet tall, frail and spindly, yellowish skin, and had elongated skulls. Although the crawlers don't exactly have long skulls it looks like they might have deformed and experimented on by 935.

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Now Tac you need to believe Ray gun is from Aliens! :lol:

In the campaign of World at War ray gun came in a statue trough the Earth (Agartha), and the statue was kinda like the ones in Shangri La.

And why Japanese if they even had the blue prints were not able to build one? Because they were not able to figure out the blue prints/technology(!)

Finally Maxis succeeded in building one.

If Japanese had intelligent to build ray guns they would have demolished everyone in the war. But clearly they didn't know how to actually build one.


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Guest BlindBusDrivr

The Crawlers are small aren't they Tac? From what I've read and heard the Vril Ya are supposed to be taller than an average human. So I propose another theory to the Nova Gas Crawlers. The Dropa tribe.

(Note, read Mixmasternuts theory on the Dropa disks, its in the General Discussion section. His and PTG's theory really opened my eyes.)

We know they may have lived in Shangri La and possibly the Moon because their disks are there. Apparently they had long skulls, just like the one you see on Richtofens shrine. They apparently landed in a mountain range. The actual real Dropa tribe lives in the northern part of the Tibetan Plateau.

The thing about Dropa that makes me think they are the crawlers are they are 3 feet tall, frail and spindly, yellowish skin, and had elongated skulls. Although the crawlers don't exactly have long skulls it looks like they might have deformed and experimented on by 935.

hmm, this makes much more sense.

Perhaps they were visited by the vril ya. But how does it explain the vril ya technology being there?

My most plausible idea about the vril ya there if Richtofen did kill them, is that they just weren't as powerful as in the book.

But I could still be wrong. And were the Dropa's aliens or a tribe of natives?

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Guest Monopoly Mac

Well when the Disks were deciphered it apparently told a story of how a spacecraft crash landed on Earth 12,000 years ago. Aliens yes you could call them.

And could I ask what Vril Ya technology is at Shangri La?

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Guest MurderMachineX

The Crawlers are small aren't they Tac? From what I've read and heard the Vril Ya are supposed to be taller than an average human. So I propose another theory to the Nova Gas Crawlers. The Dropa tribe.

(Note, read Mixmasternuts theory on the Dropa disks, its in the General Discussion section. His and PTG's theory really opened my eyes.)

We know they may have lived in Shangri La and possibly the Moon because their disks are there. Apparently they had long skulls, just like the one you see on Richtofens shrine. They apparently landed in a mountain range. The actual real Dropa tribe lives in the northern part of the Tibetan Plateau.

The thing about Dropa that makes me think they are the crawlers are they are 3 feet tall, frail and spindly, yellowish skin, and had elongated skulls. Although the crawlers don't exactly have long skulls it looks like they might have deformed and experimented on by 935.

Yeah, the Gas Zombies are definately not Vril-Ya. Gas Zombies are dwarfed to humans, while humans are dwarfed to Vril-Ya. They are Dropa either. If they were deformed so that they don't have long skulls like Dropa, why can't they just be humans deformed to be 3 feet tall? They're mutated humans.

The Dropa theory has a few similarities that could make it fit the story, but I don't believe it. The disks found in Shangri-La and Moon clearly have a square on the circle, while all of the other images have circles. So it must just be a graphic, a stone foundation, artifact, or some random debris. Honestly, I think this just proves that Richtofen had more to do with Shangri-La, because one of its artifacts is found on Moon. However, the absolute biggest whole in the theory is that it provides an alternate origin to Vril-Ya.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the first person to interact with them and tell the tale, wrote (this was one paragraph):

According to the earliest traditions, the remote progenitors of the race had once tenanted a world above the surface of that in which their descendants dwelt. Myths of that world were still preserved in their archives, and in those myths were legends of a vaulted dome in which the lamps were lighted by no human hand. But such legends were considered by most commentators as allegorical fables. According to these traditions the earth itself, at the date to which the traditions ascend, was not indeed in its infancy, but in the throes and travail of transition from one form of development to another, and subject to many violent revolutions of nature. By one of such revolutions, that portion of the upper world inhabited by the ancestors of this race had been subjected to inundations, not rapid, but gradual and uncontrollable, in which all, save a scanty remnant, were submerged and perished. Whether this be a record of our historical and sacred Deluge, or of some earlier one contended for by geologists, I do not pretend to conjecture; though, according to the chronology of this people as compared with that of Newton, it must have been many thousands of years before the time of Noah. On the other hand, the account of these writers does not harmonise with the opinions most in vogue among geological authorities, inasmuch as it places the existence of a human race upon earth at dates long anterior to that assigned to the terrestrial formation adapted to the introduction of mammalia. A band of the ill-fated race, thus invaded by the Flood, had, during the march of the waters, taken refuge in caverns amidst the loftier rocks, and, wandering through these hollows, they lost sight of the upper world for ever. Indeed, the whole face of the earth had been changed by this great revulsion; land had been turned into sea--sea into land. In the bowels of the inner earth even now, I was informed as a positive fact, might be discovered the remains of human habitation--habitation not in huts and caverns, but in vast cities whose ruins attest the civilisation of races which flourished before the age of Noah, and are not to be classified with those genera to which philosophy ascribes the use of flint and the ignorance of iron.

That completely contradicts the Dropa theory.

Now Tac you need to believe Ray gun is from Aliens! :lol:

In the campaign of World at War ray gun came in a statue trough the Earth (Agartha), and the statue was kinda like the ones in Shangri La.

And why Japanese if they even had the blue prints were not able to build one? Because they were not able to figure out the blue prints/technology(!)

Finally Maxis succeeded in building one.

If Japanese had intelligent to build ray guns they would have demolished everyone in the war. But clearly they didn't know how to actually build one.


Actually, those statues are Shi Shi Dogs, a symbol unique to Japan. They typically guard gates to prevent evil spirits from entering.

No, that's not necessarily true. Take Nikola Tesla, for instance. He was a brilliant man, and he had designs for many inventions that he did not build, because he did not have the resources to build them.

hmm, this makes much more sense.

Perhaps they were visited by the vril ya. But how does it explain the vril ya technology being there?

My most plausible idea about the vril ya there if Richtofen did kill them, is that they just weren't as powerful as in the book.

But I could still be wrong. And were the Dropa's aliens or a tribe of natives?

There weren't any Vril-Ya living in Shangri-La. It was a gateway to Agartha, where the Vril-Ya were.

Well when the Disks were deciphered it apparently told a story of how a spacecraft crash landed on Earth 12,000 years ago. Aliens yes you could call them.

And could I ask what Vril Ya technology is at Shangri La?

12000 years ago? That more sounds like the theory of panspermia than the arrival of aliens, in which case aliens arrive to Earth and become the civilized race known as humans. As far as I recall, I cannot think of humans every doing anything before 10000 BCE, but I may be wrong. Still, I don't think the Dropa thing applies.

And I think he's referring to the Pyramid.

By the way, I mentioned Vril-Ya were just one of many races in Agartha. That is true; just like the race of Caucasian is a slice of the race of Human, the race of Vril-Ya is a slice of the race of Ana, and Ana and Human are closely related but not quite.

EDIT: Also, in addition to what I've said, I'm going to start listing stuff that 935 could've made from 1940 to 1945. We'll have to sift through the list to make sure they actually made this stuff. Some of this stuff may not be made by 935, and we will be sifting those out. I've also included a lot of the stuff detailed in the Moon loading screen. But we need to think: Does this stuff count? I think it does. It is clearly in a 40's style. So I think it may have been a magazine advertising the things that they made. Add something if you think it is missing.

31-79 JGb215

Control Panel

Deadshot Daiquiri

Deluxe Electro-Shock

Double-Tap Root Beer

Electro-Shock Defense


Fly Trap

Gamma Ray Specs

Griffin Station

Gun Mule


Idle Idol


Monkey Bomb

Nova Gas


PhD Flopper

Pocket Teleporter

Quantum Entanglement Device

Quick Revive

Ray Gun

Richtofen Center for Clinical Research


Speed Cola



Therepeutic Apparatus


Used Data Tapes


Vending Machine Bank

Wunderwaffe DG-2

Xenon Belt

Zap Gun Dual Wield

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No, that's not necessarily true. Take Nikola Tesla, for instance. He was a brilliant man, and he had designs for many inventions that he did not build, because he did not have the resources to build them.

Well most of the things he had in mind to build, he did, he just never got recognition for them. I mean I agree that he had a lot of prototype versions, but he was one messed up person in the head, and Edison had all the power and influence in the community to sway them to not take Tesla seriously. But everyone knew what he could do years later, that's why some of his inventions are in the game!

There weren't any Vril-Ya living in Shangri-La. It was a gateway to Agartha, where the Vril-Ya were.

It is said that there were guards to Agartha, and that they were Vril-ya. Personally, I believe whole-heartedly that the Vril-ya were on the Earth's surface at Shangri-La. I believe that Ed eventually killed them off, or at least a portion of them.

In my own opinion, I am just sticking with the thread that me and Mac made a while back about the Vril-Ya being alien and coming from Aldebaran, since that is what all the Nazi Occultists have been under the impression of, and Nazi Occultism is rampant in the game.

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Guest Monopoly Mac

Well the Dropa Disks were thought to be 12,000 years old nonetheless. Anyways you proved some points so I'll put the Dropa in the shelves for now. So my best theory on Richtofen in Shangri La is he found some humans in Shangri La, became their king, enslaved them to mine 115, and actually killed some to power the pyramid. Do you agree?

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I still believe that those that are dead are the Vril-Ya, or even the Nephilim, but the Zombies themselves are the enslaved humans.

My theory is that he arrives in Shangri-La and the Vril-Ya that watch over the site come out and ask what his purpose for being there is, or something like that. He explains the technology that they have and everything they can do, so the Vril-Ya look at him as a god-king and Richtofen finds that they have 115 there, so he knows he has hit the jackpot. He tells them that he will be back, but he needs to go home, but so that they remember him and he gets recognition, they make an alter with him name on it. The Vril-Ya, with their teleportation abilities, teleport him back inside the Der Riese compound.

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Guest MurderMachineX

Well I don't know the ratio, but I do know that he had some ideas that he couldn't build because they were too costly. He had one tower that he never finished because the government wouldn't allot him enough funds.

Where is that said? Never heard of it. If Vril-Ya were commonplace in Shangri-La, we'd have Vril-Ya Zombies.

Eh. But see the alien thing contradicts what Edward Bulwer-Lytton said. As for the Nazis believing in it, I can't know the validity of that.

@Monopoly: Well, I think god is a better word than king. Although, I had thought they'd been killing Jews for the Pyramid, but I suppose it is quite possible they were Shangri-La residents.

The Vril-Ya would never take in ANYONE as a god nor king. They worshipped one diety, and they had no respect for legal rulers. All Vril-Ya detested the job of even their own ruler, including the ruler, Tur, himself. They thought it was an awful job. They'd have no respect for a king just like they had no respect for a president.

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Personally, I do not believe that the Vril-Ya can be Zombies, but that is just my belief. They are not humans, they are superhumans, their genes are much different, so I do not believe they can be effected by Element 115. That, however, goes off my belief that they were very very common in Shangri-La, because I doubt that they would just let an entrance to Agartha be unguarded, or at least guarded by humans.

I agree that they were killing Jews for the Pyramid, that is my belief.

My research is what I was/am going with, because I personally believe the Nazi account of things because that is the most abundant part of things in the game, that is what the game is centered around. But regardless of that, we all seem a bit divided on this so I believe we should move on to a new topic as we can all have separate things for our own stories. :D

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I own a copy of the coming race, and if you read all of it you will find that the vril-ya are not descendant from man but rather a species forced underground a millennia ago before the biblical Great Flood. The author goes so far as to hypothesize that the vril-ya could have descended from god's prototype race before man, posing the last several thousand years as earth's angels.

Even more than this, we can refer to modern conspiracies, ancient legends, and hell, even Herodotus to help us paint a picture of what it would be like if these vril were real.

The solar system Aldebaran has a sun which revolves around two inhabited planets that form the empire Sumeran Empire. This population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race known as the Aryans, the "light God people," and a subservient lower race. Due to climate changes, their spiritual development decreased, meaning they couldn’t maintain their forefathers’ space travel capabilities and could no longer leave the planets by their own means. When their sun expanded making the planets uninhabitable, all the races had to evacuate to other inhabitable planets. The Aryans landed in Sumeria and split into two factions. Some began to go northward; the others began to migrate towards Gobi. Those that went northward, landed in Hyperborea. Hyperborea was a continent that consisted of people who had abilities far beyond humans. The capital of Hyperborea is known as Ultima Thule, or “the farthest North.” Through employing a power source known as VRIL through gold refining rods, they could achieve great telekinetic abilities and live up to the age of one thousand years.

The faction that began to migrate towards Gobi ended up in Atlantis. Upon arrival, they began a series of wars with the Lemurians due to differing views. Lemuria and Atlantis became the victims of their own aggressions. Both knew their homelands were about to sink, so they petitioned to the Agartha Network to build subterranean cities because of the atmospheric changes they had caused. The Atlanteans moved into their new city at just about the same time Lemuria sunk, first moving in their priesthood, their greatest scientists, some of their greatest thinkers, to try and preserve their lives against the coming cataclysms. They created the city known as Agartha, capital being Shambhala, which is a legendary city that resides in the Earth’s Core, Hollow Earth. Agartha was the center of intellectual progress, enlightenment, and was powered by the Black Sun or the Central Sun, a black star located within the earth itself said to contain immense power, called VRIL Energy. Over time, evidence began to show that this “vril” was the very lifeblood of the Aryans, the source of powerful psychic and technological advancements among their race.

The Agartha Network is a network of over 120 subterranean cities that is guided by a city called Shambhala the Lesser, which is essentially the seat of government for the inner world. All cities in the Agartha Network are physical and are of the “Light”, meaning that they are only allowed to join if based on light principles, like love and non-aggression. If one eventually become aggressive like the Lemurians and Atlanteans did, they can only be accepted back in by proving to Shambhala the Lesser and other organizations that they understand the lessons of oppression and war. The coming cataclysms on Earth’s surface that the Atlanteans once foresaw occurred. While we can be unsure what these cataclysms pertained, rumors abound of the Biblical flood or various other catastrophes that ravaged the Earth’s surface, but the realm of Agartha survived due to it being under the Earth. As with the original Hyperboreans, the Aryans now split into two factions: one group heading North-West, hoping to return to their lost Hyperborea, and the second going South, where they founded a new secret entrance under the Himalayas. This second faction began to experiment with the power of vril and became our Vril-ya. The Vril-ya began a unique society worshipping snake-like entities that dwelt beneath the Earth’s crust, possibly a pre-flood creature similar to our dinosaurs (or later, dragons.) They grew to call these creatures the Nagas, greatly affecting the Vril-ya culture.

That is just a taste of what me and Tac have been working one in the last few months, and we have considered omitting this segment strictly because we need to make room for more crap to write about, so trust us, we know what we are doing. We've been in this business for a while now.[/center:2iquxphg]

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Guys I'm pretty new to this Vril ya stuff but basically, did the vril ya build/own the pyramid on moon and if so does that meen that they built all the focussing stone stuff on shangri-la?

And I'm going to have to read up on this stuff if I want to start posting in this thread

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