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Der Riese Server Exploration

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Guest maridius

Hey, new guy here. Was just reading through the post, and though very interesting, I just realised I have no idea what you guys are talking about or trying to do! Can someone fill me in?

Thanks :)

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Hey, new guy here. Was just reading through the post, and though very interesting, I just realised I have no idea what you guys are talking about or trying to do! Can someone fill me in?

Thanks :)

In Call of Duty: Black Ops, there is a computer that is accessable in the main menu by getting out of the chair. This computer contains a lot of information, not only, regarding what we djdn't find through the Black Ops campaign, but also info on the zombies storyline of the survival game we all love to play.

The thing is, there is the standard CIA server, and we already have the usernames and the passwords for those. But, we recently discovered that there is another server, Rlogin DerRise, and no one has the passwords. What we are trying to do in this topic, is try to find clues that would help us guess the password for the users. Or just plain guess if you can't or refuse to find any clues.

That basically sums the main concept of this topic. If there's anything else that you need to be explained, just post a reply.

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Guest D3M0N-SNYP3R

in the intro to kino der toten, or somewhere on there, im not quite sure as i havent played zombies as of today, he talks about subject 24. which means he's close, or getting closer to 26. just a lil thought i had.

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Guest CODArcher88

In the CIA Database section of the Black Ops wikia (http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Centra ... ata_system), there are two letter strands in relation with DERRIESE that were formed using specific letters in the limericks. The strands are:



I dug around in these strands and noticed some interesting sections...

Lets start with the second strand:

The first bit starts with MJTBIT. Well Majestic 12 (aka Dreamland) is also known as MJ12. A tbit, or terabit, is 10^12 bits...

Next you have MB, which could stand for something like monkey bomb (considering the references to John Banana)

The part that I am most curious about is at the end: DKMFK. D. King's initials are DK, and his login password is MFK

I'm still working on it, but I wanted to throw these thoughts out there

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I can't seem to find it right now, but what about the name of the wine bottle attached to the monkey bomb.

If you look at Samanthas room in Kino der toten, you will see the monkey bomb has a wine bottle attached to his back. There is a clearly visable name, I don't think they put that there by mistake.

Also, the posters are of Faust and Pygmallion and of Bismarck, so possible passwords:














Ugh, the list goes on and on. My money would be on the monkey bomb and the wine. If someone could get a SS of that then ill play around with that possibility

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I can't seem to find it right now, but what about the name of the wine bottle attached to the monkey bomb.

If you look at Samanthas room in Kino der toten, you will see the monkey bomb has a wine bottle attached to his back. There is a clearly visable name, I don't think they put that there by mistake.

Also, the posters are of Faust and Pygmallion and of Bismarck, so possible passwords:














Ugh, the list goes on and on. My money would be on the monkey bomb and the wine. If someone could get a SS of that then ill play around with that possibility

I'll try to get you the name and/or a screeny.

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Guest TheBarbarian

hey you guys, why dont we go find some hacker who is really good. the only thing we have to do is presuade him to hack black ops(best for pc) and let him just decode the code. there are plenty of hackers in the world, there is even a yearly event of hackers. so why dont we go in search for a hacker instead of wasting our time on guessing. and i guess it even wouldnt be that hard of a password. so lets find ourself a good hacker :D

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hey you guys, why dont we go find some hacker who is really good. the only thing we have to do is presuade him to hack black ops(best for pc) and let him just decode the code. there are plenty of hackers in the world, there is even a yearly event of hackers. so why dont we go in search for a hacker instead of wasting our time on guessing. and i guess it even wouldnt be that hard of a password. so lets find ourself a good hacker :D

The problem is I don't think it's really "hacking". We're not utilizing some exploit to gain access, I suspect the problem would be in the code. Treyarch could write whatever code they want if they have their own compiler and language. So it's more of a translation issue than a hacking one

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Guest TheBarbarian

still i dont think treyarch didnt put a lot of effort in the code. it must be somewere in the gamefiles. just let some guy who got the knowledge of how things work decode it

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Guest Captain Havoc

Yeah, i agree. When the Update comes out for First Strike it will no doubt update the terminal. Im hoping it includes an Ascension server too, you would have thought so.

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Guest StoicalCookie

How bout "red baron" or "the red baron" i was in school today and his last name was richtofen...

it wasnt edward, but edward could be related to him

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Guest StoicalCookie

Yeah, i agree. When the Update comes out for First Strike it will no doubt update the terminal. Im hoping it includes an Ascension server too, you would have thought so.

for hacking it, it doesnt matter if they update it, the guy can just clear his cache and look for the code or open it with a hex editor

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Guest TheBarbarian

yes, the update wont change anything in the code. we just need a skilled hacker, i guess he would got the code in less then 15 minutes. so if any of you guys got a mate who knows how to hack(And is a good one) then ask him if he can crack the code

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Uhm, you guys do know that updates don't change he coding on the disk, right? As far as we know, they could have updated the terminal on launch day.

Also, why would and/or should there be an Ascension file? I mean, if i were to teleport to yet another zombie infested facility, the first thing I'd do is find a way out of there. Not setup an account on some random scientist's computer.

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Uhm, you guys do know that updates don't change he coding on the disk, right? As far as we know, they could have updated the terminal on launch day.

Also, why would and/or should there be an Ascension file? I mean, if i were to teleport to yet another zombie infested facility, the first thing I'd do is find a way out of there. Not setup an account on some random scientist's computer.

And that good sir is why you don't get very far in zombies!

If someone wants to send me a copy of the code off the disk I'll be happy to try to hack it, I know vb, c plus plus, perl, java, html. But as I said, it would depend on knowing how their compiler works.

Think of it like this, I make my own language up and I tell you:

Banana Telephone APPLES!

you now know it's 3 words, or phrases, but you could spend all day trying to figure it out, it could be I hate you, I love you, go to hell, what the fuck, etc, etc , etc.

Then one day you find a rock, like the rosetta stone, that says Banana equals Monday, telephone equals horse shit, and APPLES equals hippopotami.

The sentence I originally told you would then mean Monday Horse shit Hippopotami!.

To figure that out by a brute force attack would mean the number of possibilities is equal to the number of words/phrase in the English language to the third power.

See why it's not an issue of hacking, it depends completely on the compiler, which they could set to mean anything they want. Without some sort of key the chances of decyphering their code is very very small.

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Lol? Egocentric ftw?

Firstly, I don't play much zombies. I'd rather run around nuking the noobs wih me Intervention.

Secondly, they don't code stuff using random words. They code their material using an intricate string of characters. And, not every section is encoded using the same cipher. I may not know much about programing, but I know it's far more complicated than looking at a rock and basing your investigation of off that. Especially if your "decoded" message comes out to be as retarded as "Monday Xieon Hippopatimi."

Not trying to flame(you can be the judge) but don't post a reply thinking you're hot sh*t and falsely assuming things, such as my zombie skills, if any are needed.

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Lol? Egocentric ftw?

Firstly, I don't play much zombies. I'd rather run around nuking the noobs wih me Intervention.

Secondly, they don't code stuff using random words. They code their material using an intricate string of characters. And, not every section is encoded using the same cipher. I may not know much about programing, but I know it's far more complicated than looking at a rock and basing your investigation of off that. Especially if your "decoded" message comes out to be as retarded as "Monday Xieon Hippopatimi."

Not trying to flame(you can be the judge) but don't post a reply thinking you're hot sh*t and falsely assuming things, such as my zombie skills, if any are needed.

First off I think you need to go back and reread the order of posts. I wasn't assuming anything about your zombie skills. You said that if you were being chased by zombies the first thing you did wouldn't be to set up an account on a random scientists computer. Then I said, sarcatically, thats why you're not good at zombies. It was sarcasim based on the point you would rather fight them than set up a computer account.

Also, I know they don't use random words to encode their coding, but its a simple way to explain to people who don't know a lot about programming how compilers and code works.

Granted, their code would most likely look something like this :


If pickup equals death.machine then

current.weapon.hold equals current.weapon

current.weapon equals death.machine.weapon

timer equals 30.

while timer > or equalto 0

#Continue using the death machine

current.weapon equals current.weapon.hold


However, since they are using their own engine, they could have the actual code be written in any way they want if they also wrote the compiler.

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I'm just breaking ya balls, dude...

Jk. No, I wasn't. You just made me look like an idiot and I'm trying to make up an excuse. Lol.

Anyway, It just doesn't seem logical that they would setup computer accounts. I believe that Der Riese is where it began, and where it will end. So, they probably wouldn't update anything on their events and mishaps until they know the zombie whatever you wanna call it is over.

EDIT: Also, sorry for dissing you the way I did. I don't know if you caught it, but it was kinda sneaky.

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Guest CheezyWeezle

Lol? Egocentric ftw?

Firstly, I don't play much zombies. I'd rather run around nuking the noobs wih me Intervention.

Secondly, they don't code stuff using random words. They code their material using an intricate string of characters. And, not every section is encoded using the same cipher. I may not know much about programing, but I know it's far more complicated than looking at a rock and basing your investigation of off that. Especially if your "decoded" message comes out to be as retarded as "Monday Xieon Hippopatimi."

Not trying to flame(you can be the judge) but don't post a reply thinking you're hot sh*t and falsely assuming things, such as my zombie skills, if any are needed.

First off I think you need to go back and reread the order of posts. I wasn't assuming anything about your zombie skills. You said that if you were being chased by zombies the first thing you did wouldn't be to set up an account on a random scientists computer. Then I said, sarcatically, thats why you're not good at zombies. It was sarcasim based on the point you would rather fight them than set up a computer account.

Also, I know they don't use random words to encode their coding, but its a simple way to explain to people who don't know a lot about programming how compilers and code works.

Granted, their code would most likely look something like this :


If pickup equals death.machine then

current.weapon.hold equals current.weapon

current.weapon equals death.machine.weapon

timer equals 30.

while timer > or equalto 0

#Continue using the death machine

current.weapon equals current.weapon.hold


However, since they are using their own engine, they could have the actual code be written in any way they want if they also wrote the compiler.

The code could be, for the Death Machine:





TIMELIMIT773821 = DEATH..TIMER..92164378920..TIME..30





Or something like that. Showing that that is confusing, now try to crack a "Simple" password with 80+ scripts like that for the actual password, 50-60 for reading the passwod, 30 for accepting the password, and around 40 for actually giving you access to the account. If one script is changed in a way the other scripts don't recognize, the game crashes. Try to do that without knowing what you even need to put in or edit. Hacking is soooooooo hard when the thing you are trying to hack is a custom program. Heck, the script for Death Machine power up could be;

HGUJidjs9afy4jh&*^%(*$#*7uhq4789*UHUJIOd7f89yhu4k3;l2p[[OLKO_w0=0r9j2389)_^T&G#2yhjkl84249pUUIHU&E*)83hj2ui90YT&G67r512d`f`ioy*&Y(~H`970238hj-g8H($P)-[r43k2][koL:W<R_.[=3402;/fdpskM"oew==0-_= 2459-=IOP{LW:ER"0-gfr=e0w]4032\


((((KJODFFFFFAHPDAUPD*()_##KJL{@!_)(_+ JKDFOSPAHD#O_ KJLDPSA__+kaLDShji3o-__JKQ#LH9yujhfoa-_OQ#NK[)))))


for all we know. NOW try to crack THAT. it's alost impossible without a program. Now create that porgram. It's almost impossible unless you know what to put in. And you are creating that program to know what to put in. That is a basic, BASIC, example of hacking.

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