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Considering the experience that the original four have is a million times superior then that of Green Runners, i'm not talking about a physical battle. I'm talking about a grief mode sort of deal except contesting to see who kills the most zombs. It could be called Tributes or Trials Of Tryants or Four or something like that. O4 start out on one end of map while GR4 start on opposite side of map. They make their ways to each other at a center but if they stay together for too long, their perks drain away. 10 seconds in the other teams vaccinity and one random perk is gone. And we'll have all 8 perks and they'll randomize for each side with four on one and four on the other side. For every four rounds, a new boss is introduced and it's at least four of them. So a four Brutus but scaled back a little. And once one side reaches the other, that's where the PaP will spawn. So that means the other four would have to go back to the other side. There won't be barriers. There would be at least 8 spawn points in each room. There will be four rooms then the center. Then the other fours rooms on the other side. A race almost. Except risks are high. Traps are in it. Don't know which, however. Thoughts?

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That's a good idea. Although I think it should still be based on survival. There have been many times I've had less kills, but I was the last up. The map idea is good, but I think there should be no side effect of being to close to another team for a certain amount of time(sounds like the hancock movie). We should be able to get 5 perks by purchase(there would have to be A LOT of undead for points), and each team should work for the other 3 perks on their own. I don't think Brutus should be involved for this map, unless they were in the Aether, then all bosses could exist there. There should be a brutish boss though. I do like the four bosses idea, but feel there should be waves of bosses, within that round. Maybe boss round starts at round 8. If PaP spawns on the other side of map, there should be a limited teleporter(sort of shortcut), for those lucky to reach it in time. I do love the idea, you just need time to work the mechanics.

I had a similar idea that had the O4, GR4, and CoTD4. The map would've took place at Colossus, the modern day Atlantis.

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That's a good idea. Although I think it should still be based on survival. There have been many times I've had less kills, but I was the last up. The map idea is good, but I think there should be no side effect of being to close to another team for a certain amount of time(sounds like the hancock movie). We should be able to get 5 perks by purchase(there would have to be A LOT of undead for points), and each team should work for the other 3 perks on their own. I don't think Brutus should be involved for this map, unless they were in the Aether, then all bosses could exist there. There should be a brutish boss though. I do like the four bosses idea, but feel there should be waves of bosses, within that round. Maybe boss round starts at round 8. If PaP spawns on the other side of map, there should be a limited teleporter(sort of shortcut), for those lucky to reach it in time. I do love the idea, you just need time to work the mechanics.

I had a similar idea that had the O4, GR4, and CoTD4. The map would've took place at Colossus, the modern day Atlantis.

That idea is pretty fantastic. And the reason why I was thinking the ten second rule is because one team could just as easily piggyback off the other and not have a very high chance of death. Also, I'd also think that that adds a strategy in the point of being like a leech to the other team do that they would try to stay away from the others. Hmmm...

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That's a good idea. Although I think it should still be based on survival. There have been many times I've had less kills, but I was the last up. The map idea is good, but I think there should be no side effect of being to close to another team for a certain amount of time(sounds like the hancock movie). We should be able to get 5 perks by purchase(there would have to be A LOT of undead for points), and each team should work for the other 3 perks on their own. I don't think Brutus should be involved for this map, unless they were in the Aether, then all bosses could exist there. There should be a brutish boss though. I do like the four bosses idea, but feel there should be waves of bosses, within that round. Maybe boss round starts at round 8. If PaP spawns on the other side of map, there should be a limited teleporter(sort of shortcut), for those lucky to reach it in time. I do love the idea, you just need time to work the mechanics.

I had a similar idea that had the O4, GR4, and CoTD4. The map would've took place at Colossus, the modern day Atlantis.

That idea is pretty fantastic. And the reason why I was thinking the ten second rule is because one team could just as easily piggyback off the other and not have a very high chance of death. Also, I'd also think that that adds a strategy in the point of being like a leech to the other team do that they would try to stay away from the others. Hmmm...

now I understand, and that's a good rule to have in that game mode.

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That's a good idea. Although I think it should still be based on survival. There have been many times I've had less kills, but I was the last up. The map idea is good, but I think there should be no side effect of being to close to another team for a certain amount of time(sounds like the hancock movie). We should be able to get 5 perks by purchase(there would have to be A LOT of undead for points), and each team should work for the other 3 perks on their own. I don't think Brutus should be involved for this map, unless they were in the Aether, then all bosses could exist there. There should be a brutish boss though. I do like the four bosses idea, but feel there should be waves of bosses, within that round. Maybe boss round starts at round 8. If PaP spawns on the other side of map, there should be a limited teleporter(sort of shortcut), for those lucky to reach it in time. I do love the idea, you just need time to work the mechanics.

I had a similar idea that had the O4, GR4, and CoTD4. The map would've took place at Colossus, the modern day Atlantis.

That idea is pretty fantastic. And the reason why I was thinking the ten second rule is because one team could just as easily piggyback off the other and not have a very high chance of death. Also, I'd also think that that adds a strategy in the point of being like a leech to the other team do that they would try to stay away from the others. Hmmm...

now I understand, and that's a good rule to have in that game mode.

Uh huh. What I have envisioned is a sort of race. With the inclusion of your teleporter idea. As well as making doors around three thousand points to open.

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