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Go outside the back of farm after DLC?


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So I was playing some farm survival with randoms last night and I thought the other pylon is at farm, then I looked out the back of farm closest to the side door of the house. And thought it would be awesome to go out there and train zombies, so I ran into the house and realised that there is actually a door at the back of the house at the bottom of the stair's.

Now if Tranzit still has more to tell, like the second buss route just before you reach diner, if they do end up opening that second buss route in the future. You may need parts for other things, maybe this would envolve going out the back of farm and have a look around. I know it sounds a bit impossible, but who knows they have their releasing a new weapon for multiplayer, they are implementing diner by itself for the Turned gamemode. Its still unsure if Diner will be a Survival map also. but all these things like making diner (an area of tranzit into a map for a new gamemode) they could do pretty much anything. But what I think is Greenrun Tranzit will indeed continue but it may be in a future dlc other then Revolution. but hey im just throwing some more suggestions out there, feel free to state your points.

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