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Classic Multiplayer - game mode idea

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So I had this idea for a multiplayer game mode, which would work very similarly to the normal classic mode

Players - 3-4 humans. 4-8 zombies.

The game would begin exactly like classic. Zombie players would spawn behind barriers and would try to break through and kill the humans. The zombie team would have a "counter" for how many zombies were in the round. Each time a zombie dies, the counter drops by 1. When the counter hits 0 the round progresses.

Each time the round progresses, the zombies would gain more health (they would have to gain it a lot faster than in the normal classic mode though.)

The rest of the game plays exactly like classic. The humans' objective is to reach a certain round, and the zombie's objective is to kill the humans before they reach that round.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm on my phone...

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I think it could work, and maybe after a certain ammount of rounds or if all he humans go down, it would switch the teams up so that you wouldnt be stuck as a zombie.

I was thinking of a gametype like this too. But a little different. So you have 4 humans and 4 zombie players. But the zombie players have an overhead view of the map and controll a certain ammount of zombies. They get to choose where their zombies spawn and what type spawn. Almost like a top view rpg. The zombie controllers could also mess around with environment objects like the excavators on moon. And every couple rounds you could put a red powerup on the map to try to trick the humans. I was thinking of a gametype along these lines just because it would be like you are Richtofen controlling the zombies. But I dont know if it would really work that well :lol: But I just think it would be a cool way of being able to play as Richtofen

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