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The Wonder Weapon after Moon

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After the events at area 51 and moon the U.S. thought it would be safer at a remote island in the middle of the pacific ocean. There they tested gravity and tested if gravity would be the best result for combating against the horde.

In their experiments they used small fragments of element 115 so that they would not be affected, by it but when bad went to worse they had to use huge chunks of the material. eventually it worked better than they anticipated, but it wasn't that powerful to combat against the horde. So they kept testing.

One Scientist Professor Charles found out that the element 115 was becoming unstable and dissolved when the weapon started to fire. When he was studying this the found the the element was turning into another element which was very unstable. When the weapon fired Charles found out that it was creating a tremendous amount energy that was not found on Earth and only in the sun this allowed the hydrogen, that was cooling the weapon, was merging with the element and created the new element this new element was 116 it was so unstable that it dissolved into itself like a black hole, so they named the weapon the IGC-116.

Professor Charles was then trying to find out a way to make the new found element stable enough to use as a power source. after months of study he was able to make the element stable enough to use. unfortunately that day was the day "they" came.

They were the "Free Masons", a group of people that were hiding the secrets of humanity for thousand's of century's. they have their own plans of stopping the Apocalypse from going any further(the entire plan of the Masons will be told in another post of mine)and it needed the IGC-116. when the masons got there they asked the military chief to show them how the weapon worked and if it was any good for use.

Before they even started to fire the weapon they were surrounded by zombies.

Oh did I forget to tell you that that island was also in the Bermuda Triangle, the place that Ships, Planes, and diver's go missing and are never found again.

anyways zombies attacked the masons grabbed one of the two IGC-116 and left along with the element 116 that they were introduced to before the attack. [brains]

This is my theory on one of the couple things that happened between Moon and BOII Zombies hope you enjoyed it and that Trayarch puts it in the game. :mrgreen:

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