Edward Richtofen and Tank Dempsey - Crossfire
Dempsey: So, Richtofen, with all this mayhem unfolding around us, have you formulated a new plan?
Richtofen: Yes, Dempsey, my plan is to live through this day. If we can do that, then we still have a chance.
Dempsey: Those kids in the House, they’re actually us? Created from our souls in the Summoning Key?
Richtofen: Ja, Dempsey, the children are us. But they are free of the confusion and delusion that has shaped our existence.
Dempsey: So this Dr. Monty, what do you actually know about him? Was he another Group 935 scientist or something?
Richtofen: (chuckles) Oh, no. He may call himself a Doctor, but Monty is so much more than that.
Dempsey: How do I know this isn’t what you wanted all along, Richtofen? I mean, throwing the whole universe into perpetual chaos seems like exactly the kind of thing you’d do.
Richtofen: You are wrong, Dempsey. Just as Dr. Monty explained, this is not the future we had sought to secure. Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.
Dempsey: So, answer me honestly, how much of this chaos is your fault? Did our little trip to Alcatraz have anything to do with it?
Richtofen: Be quiet, Dempsey! I told you, that’s our little secret.
Edward Richtofen and Nikolai Belinski - Crossfire
Richtofen: I know you’re not particularly fond of me, Nikolai, but I promise you: I’m really trying hard.
Nikolai: (sighs) You should try harder.
Nikolai: The children in the house… they are us? Are we to believe that they are vessels for our eternal soul?
Richtofen: Ja, Nikolai, that is exactly what they are: Vessels for our eternal souls.
Nikolai: What of these bodies that we currently inhabit? What becomes of us when the battle is over?
Richtofen: You will see, Nikolai, und one day, you will thank me.
Nikolai: Your plan forced me to relive painful memories I would rather have left in the past! I am not sure I should thank you for that.
Richtofen: You misunderstand me, Nikolai. I’m referring to the future, not the past.
Nikolai: I fear that our future will soon be upon us. Our journey’s end is rapidly approaching.
Richtofen: Let us just agree to disagree, Nikolai. I have every intention of living a long und eventful life.
Edward Richtofen and Takeo Masaki - Crossfire
Takeo: We have travelled far, Richtofen. But what do you know of our true destination?
Richtofen: We have to focus on restoring order to this universe, Takeo. Which means doing the kind of things we usually do.
Takeo: Questions remain unanswered, Richtofen. What of the children? The Monty Doctor seemed to imply that they are us?
Richtofen: They are what we could be, had we lived in a world unsullied by the evils that have punctuated each and every moment of our existence.
Takeo: If the children are us… then what of us? The bodies we now inhabit, what becomes of them when order is restored?
Richtofen: That question has been on my mind for a long time, Takeo. I believe the answer is not one that would bring you any comfort.
Takeo: Are you returning to your old, duplicitous ways, Richtofen? Do you have another agenda that we are unaware of?
Richtofen: I promise you, Takeo, I will make this right... with or without the help of Dr. Monty.
Takeo: You have kept your word. As you had promised, I was shown the truth, by my own misguided path.
Richtofen: Have faith, Takeo. Other than all the times I betrayed, tortured, or tried to kill you, have I ever let you down?
Tank Dempsey and Nikolai Belinski - Crossfire
Dempsey: You still seem real mad at Richtofen. You having second thoughts, Nikolai?
Nikolai: Second thoughts? My opinion of the German has barely wavered, but I believe we are serving a higher purpose.
Dempsey: So do you think this Dr. Monty is the real deal?
Nikolai: I see no other explanation, Dempsey. But as for how closely his goals are aligned to Richtofen’s, is something that remains to be seen.
Dempsey: I know, and you put up a bigger fight than the rest of us. You think your gut feeling about RIchtofen was right all along?
Nikolai: Each of us have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of Richtofen’s plan. We have hunted down and extinguished our other selves.
Dempsey: We’ll fight side by side, back to back… even if it’s for the last time, Nikolai.
Nikolai: Though I fear the end approaches, I believe Richtofen holds cards he has yet to play.
Tank Dempsey and Takeo Masaki - Crossfire
Dempsey: So, Tak, you notice anything off when we bagged Nikolai’s soul in Stalingrad?
Takeo: Many things were “off” on our last mission, Dempsey, but I believe I know what perplexes you.
Dempsey: The big beam of light that came out of the Summoning Fucker… it shot right up into the sky and I saw figures in it. You, me, Nikolai-
Takeo: But no Richtofen. An intriguing realization. An unlikely revelation.
Dempsey: I’ll tell you what I think, I think our pal Richtofen ain’t got a soul. Not sure if he ever did.
Takeo: If our memory of Stalingrad is correct, why do you think we saw only three figures?
Dempsey: Exactly! I’m starting to see a flaw in this plan, specifically that we don’t seem to feature.
Takeo: Hmm… If our souls are truly within the children, then what is left of us?
Dempsey: I ain’t sure I like the sound of that. What if I don’t want to be a fucking kid? What if I just want to be me?
Takeo: Perhaps when the battle is over, our spirits will join in unity, ascending to another plane of existence.
Nikolai Belinski and Takeo Masaki - Crossfire
Takeo: You know that this journey has changed us all, Nikolai.
Nikolai: However much I would wish it to be otherwise, I know that my past is gone forever.
Takeo: Would you welcome a fresh start? For your soul. The chance to live a new life, far from this realm of violence and fear.
Nikolai: I do not believe the survival of our eternal souls is the real driving force behind Richtofen’s agenda. He is a… selfish creature.
Takeo: I think you are mistaken. I believe this Richtofen has sacrificed more than we may ever know.
Nikolai: Tell me, Takeo, what do you believe in?
Takeo: My beliefs have changed greatly. But I will tell you one thing I know for sure, Nikolai: Even though we are bound by destiny, in our hearts, we are a team.
Nikolai: I cannot dispute that. The fact that I allowed myself to do what I did proves that.
Takeo: What do you believe in, Nikolai?
Nikolai: I believe in a higher power. I believe this Dr. Monty may well offer us our best hope for the future, whatever it may be.
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