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About NaughtyChic69

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  1. I was playing Keno with a couple friends. When I had ran into the room to hit the weapons box and I heard knocking and then I turned around and it was coming from the brown Door located in the firetrap door room towards the alley. It almost sounds like a knocking sequence to maybe an Easter egg. You know like the Easter egg Sophie's doll where you have to knock on the blue door in the alley using a number sequence made up of three numbers, then knife the door with the sequence that was knocked on the door, then go and find the dolls which I don't know other locations. But I started really listening to The Knocks and I couldn't figure it out. So I had two of my friends come over to where I was and have one of my friends keep a zombie alive and away from the door. They didn't even know what the knocking was coming from apparently that had been like the first time they'd even heard it too. They even said that it did sound like a number sequence, but didn't know what it could be to. So I'm just here trying to get answers on what that could be. I read other people's like thoughts on it and some people said that they could even hear talking behind the door but I never heard talking all her was knocks like banging on the door but never any words. So if anyone could possibly help me figure out what the knocking on that door it's from or why knocking is coming from that door that'd be awesome. I hope someone can, thank you for letting me ask the question and then also reading what I typed have a great day.
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