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Giga IV

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Posts posted by Giga IV

  1. the "ready up" system is a key part of why zombies matchmaking has been so fun for all these years. it allowed for players to conversate, wait for others with headsets, and eliminate those who didnt. it kept the public matchmaking alive for years after release, but now it has been removed and replaced with a 60 second counter that doesnt reset upon joining or leaving and there is no way to extend it. this is game ruining for a pulic match player like myself and leaves us with a few choices. -play solo, wich i like but gets boring after mastering the map. -friends sessions, wich is also fun but gets boring quickly. - play with no mics, ragers, squeakers, and morons. is there anyone else who feels this way? i love the game but this will keep me out of public lobbys forever.


    (thanks "impatient ready up kid")  <---thanks treyarch for listening to this kid -_-


  2. i hate the way the bomb guys have the same health level as the zombies meaning they are pretty much invincible by 55, so you just have to hope all the good training areas dont get infected.

    also the bombs carry one of your drops, if you miss it then its gone for good. this sucks when they start sending two bombs every round. add this to what i stated above and there is only 2 drops per round, oh yeah and you cant get those either because the guns are so weak after a while you might as well use traps.

    It wouldn't be so bad if they came every 4-5 rounds like a dog round. But sending them round, after round, after round is just a little much IMHO.

    These Exo-Zombies maps aren't half bad they just overkill it with all these "Special Rounds" & "Special Zombie Types".

    completely agree, the design of the maps and the general feel reminds me alot of treyarch zombies, but as you said they over do it with the special rounds. plus they are forced on you.

    seems to me sledgehammer is trying to hard to be more challenging/different then treyarch

  3. i hate the way the bomb guys have the same health level as the zombies meaning they are pretty much invincible by 55, so you just have to hope all the good training areas dont get infected.

    also the bombs carry one of your drops, if you miss it then its gone for good. this sucks when they start sending two bombs every round. add this to what i stated above and there is only 2 drops per round, oh yeah and you cant get those either because the guns are so weak after a while you might as well use traps.

  4. Treyarch stopped the infinity damage "rule" for wonderweapons for Black Ops 2. Yes, the Jet Gun has unlimited damage IIRC but at a high cost. All other weapons added as DLC never had infinity damage. The Sliquifier had, but they patched it rather soon. Don't expect OP weapons like the thundergun and microwave for Black Ops 3 zombies, just saying. And I think that's a good thing. Yes, the wonderweapons have to be stronger than your average gun but not crazy OP. And it should not be your "get out of jail" card .e.g cornered? Just swipe the horde away. Maybe in early rounds but not all the time. Just like the Limbo. Powerfull but not insane.

    i agree but also disagree, i dont want weapons to save me from getting corned, i just want weapons that effectivly kill zombies on any round. it just adds an extra way to get kills rather than running them through traps constantly,infinite damage weapons can be balanced, the thundergun has limited ammo to balance it out(still too much), the sliq makes you slide, the ice staff/hells redeemer must be charged, the shrink ray technically does no damage, but alows you to kill the zombies quickly. the vr11 is usesless in solo, and the jetgun is just bad. keep in mind alot of these weapons do not make drops wich also helps with balance.


    any experienced player knows that a wonder weapon will not carry you no matter "OP" it may be, its just a means of killing zombies faster in a spectacular way.

    it doesnt matter how weak you make the guns, a real high rounder will find a way to kill them. it will just be boring and take ages,(just like exo zombies) thats why wonder weapons are needed.

  5. When the maps first release I play for the story via the Side Quest/Easter Egg. After that I play strictly for high rounds.

    ​i play mostly for high rounds, i refuse to do easter eggs that dont reward the player ingame.

  6. I never understood the point in having an infinite damage weapon. Why the need to go so far? 30 is my out, and you're saying 55? No.

    ​so your telling me you would rather just quit at 30 then go any further?

    high rounds are why most people play this game o_0

  7. why are there no infinite damage wonder weapons?

    the argument for this is exo zombies is going for a more challenging experience, but the truth is that without a ww that kills zombies efficiently on any round players will simply run them through traps or wait for the zombies to bleed out. this does not equal out to a more challenging experience, it just makes it more time consuming. it also leads to extreme boredom with only 2 ways to kill them. for example on motd, if you got bored of using the traps you could throw your tomahawk for fun plus it made drops so you could get insta kill/ max ammo.

    all of the exo zombies wonderweapons cap out at about the same round

    CEL-3 Cauterizer- 55

    Magnetron-40-45- and kils them very slowly

    LZ-52 Limbo- this weapon caps out in the 50s, what makes it seem more powerful is the fact that it kills huge groups, either way its taking 6-7 shots in the 50s rendering it useless.

    what about wonderweapons that dont have infinite damage but have unique abilities, like the vitrolic withering, the paralyzers flight ability, the sliquefiers chain reaction, the vr11. i would settle for any of this just to make the game interesting.

    anyway what are your thoughts? do you think we need this?

  8. I run traps like there's no tomorrow. After the 30's, I rage around Burgertown and activate the Orbital Strike when I just get clustered with them. Either that, or side-boost and toss a Contact Grenade at 'em when in large clusters.

    Also: they only EMP you when you use your exo-suit or manage to hit you. So long as you just sprint, you will be totally immune to their effects.

    thank you, i figured outthe emps only hit you when you exo boost and got to 38. now i got to figure out how to run the gator trap.


  9. Shoot them. Shooting them is always a good idea.

    ​lol your funny, shooting them is easier said than done when your getting shocked every half second. Prioritizing EMZs as "kill 1st" cannot work because you will quickly waste your ammo shooting one target at a time, then they just respawn.

    So please dispence your sarcasm elsewhere.

  10. I just got exo zombies/ infection yesterday, i can easily get to round 30 solo but after that the EMP zombies spam me to death.

    i understand there is a learning curve for every map and mode, but with these EMPs i cant help but feel cheated haha.

    anyone got any tips for avoiding these?

  11. yes, black ops III seems put alot of emphasis on the fusion of man and machine and the consequences that it may one day bring.

    it is the theory of technological singularity, basically where technology either becomes smarter than humans or even becomes its own life form, this story has been told many times, The matrix and The Terminator series are great examples.



    @the_clay_bird @Chopper The answer is simple really, the majority of people who buy CoD don't buy DLC. Instead, they just play that one Zombies map that came with the disc. This move was clearly done to persuade as many of those people into buying the DLC anyway.


    Now only buying the main game is no longer an option because you have to get at least one of the DLCs in order to play Exo Zombies. And hey if you're going to buy one why not just get the Season Pass for this amazing price, right?


    But if someone buys the game for the zombie content on the disk, those same people would buy the DLC anyway. DLC has been up in sales because all CoD titles now offer these extra coop maps and stories and not just MP maps like MW3 did. If they didn't put Zombie material on the disk and waited for DLC, they might hurt their sales. People like me wouldn't buy the game, like I didn't with Ghosts and AW. Then when the DLC comes out, it makes the decision of buying it that much harder since now I have to consider spending $60 for the game and then $15 or $50 for DLC. In AWs case, the zombie content does look fun, but there's not enough there for me to invest that much. Had their been zombie material on the disk and I spent the money then, the DLC would have been a no brainer. 


    Also, Activision puts a lot of importance in their release sales. Hence why they push pre-orders and in Ghosts case, tried to juice up the numbers. So putting Zombies on the disk and advertising it is the best way to make sure those sales go back up to where BO2's were. 



    i didnt like the dirty zombies paywall tactics of advanced warfare either, its why i never bought the game until i found it online for 30$. i got a dlc and will get the better of the next 2 dlcs. either way i will not be spending more than 60$ on this game.


    when did 60$ become not enough?

  13. @the_clay_bird @Chopper The answer is simple really, the majority of people who buy CoD don't buy DLC. Instead, they just play that one Zombies map that came with the disc. This move was clearly done to persuade as many of those people into buying the DLC anyway.


    Now only buying the main game is no longer an option because you have to get at least one of the DLCs in order to play Exo Zombies. And hey if you're going to buy one why not just get the Season Pass for this amazing price, right?


    easy way to solve this would be to seperate the zombies from the game but instead of requiring you to have both the disc and dlc, make it a stand alone dlc that would be playable without the actual game. they would have to add more zombies content than usual but they could jack the price up.


    i would gladly pay 100$ for this, but making me pay for multiplayer

    (wich i do not touch EVER) is not cool.

  14. 1- what if treyarch puts zombies behind a pay wall like exo zombies? meaning that zombies will not come free with the game but be a dlc. i personally believe there is a very small chance of this happening, but i wouldnt put it past activision.


    2- what if there is a microtransaction system similar to the advanced supply drops from advanced warfare except instead of a  gun or camo you get a raygun mk2 or perma-perk or somthing of the such?


    3- is there a possibility that zombies could go "free to play" or the dreaded "pay to win"? (using real cash to purchase max ammos, extra lives etc)


    would you support any of this?


    1- i would be very dissapointed, but yes.


    2- only if the perks were purely cosmetic.


    3- pre-order canceled, :(



  15. i dont like the idea of saving, if that was the case people would be able to go to round 300000000. it defeats the purpose of patience and endurance.


    custom games dont count because if they did it would divide the community up. there would be no reason for public matches to exist anymore as most players would be in private matches from day 1


    the zombie shield is the best


    everything else i can agree with though

  16. A pre-order bonus is technically free, just you have to order early so they know how many of the game to make. 

    a pre-order is a sign of good faith to the developer, its like saying "you already have my money even if this game blows" so its not free.

    that is why so many games relaese brokenunfinished these days <-----do not take this as a hostile statement, its just somthing to think about)


    that being said, bo3 or whatever it is will be my first pre-order in years, because the nazi zombies formula is difficult to screw up.

  17. i think bo3, but i imagine the campaign will jump back in forth through time. (ww2-2025) 

    as for the trailer it will likely be a campaign overview with a 6-10 second zombies teaser like tranzit.


    all in all i have almost no doubt that bo3 will triumph over all other treyarch titles. i see what they were doing in black ops 2, they were experimenting, trying to be innovative with zombies. but some of the experiments failed so now they know exactly what to build



  18. -Private match problems- 


    =people glitching there way up to the top of the boards in privacy (this could be solved if treyarch actively searched for cheaters via playerchannel)


    =isolation of the online community, if private matches counted to leaderboards few players would bother with public matches, thus ruining the longevity and lifespan of the game.


    i play 95% public games and ill play with almost anyone who doesnt scream in my ear, that being said there are few players online like myself who are both fairly skilled and willing to gamble with a random team or just teach new comers. so if it were up to me, private matches would work exactly like black ops 2


    there has to be a cap on xp, plus a a sceond tier/prestige. heres why.


    -anyone can do the thing on the first list, that means anyone can rank up even if they arent any good.

    -the first to start playing would always be a higher rank than someone who started say a month after as they would have a huge lead


    i say it should work like this-


    -max rank100

    the criteria from your first list will earn xp until 50, after that you will only earn xp from high rounds or earn a lump sum of xp for getting 3000 kills.


    " There is a price to pay for accomplishment"

    The cap thing is true, but being against objective based ranking is not. It's entirely possible to have objectives that accumulate. Like say at one point in time you're given a list of achievements for a map, but you  need to complete all of them to get the next rank, and the next list of achievements. 


    -It doesn't matter regardless when a player starts playing: People who get the game first have the longest time to rank up in any system 


    good point, like titanfalls ranking system [wich i thought was great] it forced you to become proficient at every weapon and tactic in the game.


    that being said i still believe there should be unique rewards for certain things.w

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