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Posts posted by Marky

  1. Well, we know the box can pull weapons from different time zones.

    Pretty much this, really. The question is, how is the Mystery Box active at this point? Isn't it generally assumed that the current Announcer deploys the box after the zombies start arriving? In the trailer, the zombies happen after the NO3 make their entrance.

  2. And I'm just sitting here, playing BO2 on my Wii U. Haha, jk, no-one plays that shit. *ahem* Back to the topic at hand, I think it might help kill off some of the less dedicated zombies channels and kill off some, I repeat some of the twelvies, but other than that, it's just gonna piss a lot of people off who are still on the last gen. This might just be me, but I don't want to pay an extra 60 or so dollars to get a PS4 but I also want to get my DLC early. I wish they'd just stop being dicks to one side of the community and release the DLC within a couple of days of each other.

  3. I have a theory regarding @Flammenwerfer's first time-travel theory. So, assuming that Origins Richtofen is from another reality, wouldn't that mean he had different experiences and knowledge? I mean, he worked alongside Maxis to create the staff clones, so why not time and space travel?

  4. That was among my first thoughts (now I remember what the boss reminds me of) but we'll have to actually play the map to see if there are any Nova-6 barrels or some shit. Something tells me it's a bit too early for Nova 6 to exist, though.

  5. Alright, so I've been in the chat room and I think I'm onto something. So the trailer referenced sin, right?

    Femme Fatal- Lust. Using her body to get what she wants, she manipulate men with her beauty.

    The Magician- Pride. Confident that nothing can stop him, this man is arrogant and believes everything will go his way.

    The Boxer- Wrath. This man doesn't seek to win, he seeks to inflict damage on people- unleash his wrath on them.

    The Cop- Greed. This man will take any job if he gets the proper bribe.

    Now, bear in mind these classifications are based purely off of the character profiles and I don't know anything more about them. Yeah, not exactly seven sins yet but, it's a start. Anywho, onto the next part.

    We've seen a three-headed monster. What's a three headed monster I know of? Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the gates of the Greek Underworld. This monster could represent the three remaining sins, sloth, envy and gluttony. Also, Illuminati confirmed.

    Again, just an idea I'm bouncing off you guys. Seeya!

  6. You're welcome for the vague title. Now, as we know, the Goliath make an appearance on the bomb rounds- and later every round. BUT- where are they coming from? Let's take a look.

    So, we've seen Goliath zombies in Infection, but in Carrier, these Goliath suits are being operated by Atlas soldiers. This means that Atlas are trying to kill you but help you at the same time, seems like a mixed message, huh? My question posed to you guys is, why is Atlas sending in Goliath operators to kill you but at the same time sending in Orbital Drops to help our team out?

  7. Survivors: So you're telling me, you WANT to spend five minutes doing absolutely nothing if you've wasted all of your grenades, distraction drones and ammo on saving his sorry butt?

    Easter Egg: Yes, Bubby helps you out! For one round...

    Music: Even I can't complain here.

    The Wonder Weapon: Yeah, the VR-11 was supposed to be used with friends, and how did that work out? BRILLIANT! The VR-11 gave you free insta-kill and zombie blood! What does the Magnatron do? It kills the zombies... after you use it for a couple of seconds of close-range, continuous fire.

    Infection Zones: Again, you're telling me you WANT to limit yourself even more in an already-small map to your certain doom? 

    Goofiness: I don't see the goofiness. Please point it out.

    Storyline sucks: There is no story! We've literally gone from one small place to another small place and... no plot still except for Infection's ending cutscene.

    No new Perks: Again, I can't complain here.

  8. Uh..... Contact Grenades and Distraction Drones always make a great combo. The CEL-3 isn't too bad either. Other than that, I believe you can get the Goliath to kill zombies in his way and they won't respawn.


    Sledgehammer didn't develop Infection. (nor Outbreak)  :rolleyes:


    Ravensoft made Outbreak and Highmoon Studios made Infection.


    Nonetheless, they have a duty to make sure their games come out to a certain standard. I don't feel they did that here.




    When the REAL zombies get here, we can expect (relatively) MASSIVE maps filled with epic things to do. The story should have plenty of time to be thought out. And best of all, trayarch has had a whole year to listen to the community for what they want!

    Pff, just because they've heard our complaints and ideas doesn't mean they're going to give them to us. Do I even need to mention Tranzit? And really all the maps in BO2 in general. Just awful. 


    *cough cough*

    Origins and Mob of the Dead would like to have a word with you.

  11. There were many, many things wrong with this map. Sledgehammer, I love zombies. I've been to an underground mining town, I've been to the Moon,  I've been to CoD's equivalent of El-Dorado (Shangri-La) and I've seen the world burn. You give us... a fucking glorified McDonalds? Bloody stupid characters aside, I find it difficult to believe that Atlas had somehow installed numerous 3D printers, two upgrade stations AND that there's a flippin' remote controlled alligator in the sewers.

    Sure, in Origins we had magical staves and soul chests but at least then, we had an inkling of an explanation as to how they were created!


    Onto my next point, survivors. I'm just gonna go straight up and say that they're a waste of time. You'll find him, you'll waste all of your ammo trying to protect him, and just to be a dick, they take the longest way around the map. Any person that is that stupid deserves to be eaten, in my opinion. Couple with the fact that it's damn near impossible to get to them after you hit round 20, this map is gonna screw you over and leave you with nothing to do for the next ten minutes as the power drain wears off. Hey, it gets better!


    The toxic zones. Yes, I want to spend the hardest rounds running around in a death-trap of an area with dogs, EMZs, EMZ dogs, exo-zombies, normal zombies, Acid Drippers and to top it off, no fucking ammo will be available after you run out! After you run out of ammo, you've got two options. One, feed yourself to the zombies right then and there, or two, get your ass out of there into a toxic zone, try to go for an upgrade and when you're swarmed trying to get into the sewers again, guess what? GAME OVER, bitch. This map is small as it is, Sledgehammer. You want to limit us even more in where we can go, to make us to go into the sewers, a place where it's hard to see, it's small and just an overall nuisance to play in? How dumb can you get?


    Now, about the zombies. You will be lucky, lucky I tell you to get past round 15 at most. Starting at round 10, you're either going to be raped by the Goliath with his EMP homing rockets, run out of ammo and not be able to get back to the upgrade station during a toxic zone, get infected and have the whole sewer blocked off, get messed over by the EMZ dogs, or you just rage-quit and fire the MAHEM at your feet. Sledgehammer, baby. Treyarch may have had hard bosses but they never raised up the difficulty to a point where it's impossible to play.

    A map is supposed to challenging, yes. A map is not supposed to be so over-crowded and so limited in what you can do that it's not worth playing.


    Mr OP, I think you are an idiot for preferring this over Outbreak, I think you are an idiot for buying this DLC and I think you're an idiot for being a Sledgehammer fanboy, thus overhyping this map, largely.. This is not what we wanted! We want Exo-Zombies with a reasonable challenge and not zombies with motherf*cking Five with no perks difficulty. This is practically the Tranzit of AW and they didn't even add anything new, in fact I think they took a couple of steps backwards.



    I apologize for this rant and my language, I felt it was necessary and I honestly hate this map. This was a completely unbiased review.

    Marky out.

  12. Okay... @Nightmare Voyager, you use a 115 meteor to build the Navcard table. 


    I understand this is supposed to be a support weapon but, let's take Call of the Dead. The VR11 was that map's support weapon, with the Scavenger being the map's badass. Both of these were exclusives to CoTD and I feel they should've done that here. Sledgehammer should've had the Magnatron as the support weapon, and not relied on the CEL-3 to be Exo Zombie's badass gun again.

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