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Posts posted by weslyfe

  1. I'm wondering what everybody favourite style of gameplay is in the zombies series?

    There are a lot of different styled maps throughout zombies. Starting with Naacht-right through to Outbreak. I myself do prefer the run and gun style proposed in Mob of the Dead, but I don't believe it would be the same without cherry, acid gat, shield, etc. But I also liked the open feel that maps like shi no numa brought. The swamp was a direct influence on why I enjoyed origins so much. Origins by design was nostalgic. The mud reminded me of the swamp from Shi No Numa, and the laboratory/industrial 20th century feel gave me an atmospheric vibe reminiscent of Ascension. They added new features, some of which overwhelmed the lack of difficulty in the map, but the staves added a mystical/imaginary impossibility like that of Sega, or SNES games used to bring to me. 

    I believe the intensity, length, and interaction in the storyline development has been deemed vital by consensus in the community. So therefore, the question I'm posing to the community is what has everyone's favourite style of gameplay inhibited by map design been? and what factors in the environment of the map allowed for this style of gameplay?

  2. Not to bring this debate off topic




    Boost Slam (or some upgraded boost slam) seem to be a perk in Exo-Zombies We have all noticed the Fast Hands perk icon. This one seems to be different. To me it definitely looks like a movement animation of something slamming into the ground. It seems a bit like an Exo-PHD Flopper.



  3. I don't think the comparison of zombies to exo-zombies is subconscious. I believe it lies in the name. They are both zombies. With Treyarch being the only COD zombies preceding this one, its a reasonable comparison. 

    To assume it's going to be exactly like Treyarch zombies would be crazy, but to assume similarities isn't uncalled for. All fps games have similarities. If it can capture my attention enough to lower my GPA then SledgeHammer has done their job correctly.

  4. You've basically described a trayarch game. There likely won't be doors, just an open map with objectives to complete and instead of exo-suits, we get zombies.  There will likely be a weapon's terminal, maybe an exo-suit terminal, as well as weapons off the ground. 


    I feel like there is a lot more to Treyarch zombies than just those attributes. I believe the only thing I have hoped for that was exclusive to Treyarch zombies is the barriers. Most of the items can be attributed to both zombies and extinction, also various other point based shooter games. 


    Half of it can be assumed already though, can't it? Like a storyline (cutscene), point system (round/challenge based upgrade points), and the guns for purchase (gun terminal). My other points were hopes, expectations, and tweaks to the survival mode to make exo-zombies it's own game mode.

    I'm sorry, but all these years of Treyarch zombies may have contorted my mind into believing in only one kind of zombies game mode.

  5. The talk of teleportation and time travel, in the Teleporters thread, started me thinking about COTD. The vril generator, or golden rod, is used to transport the O4 through time. 

    Does anybody think that maybe Richtofen still has access to the vril generator? If he does, he could be using it to transport the O4 through time over and over because he keeps creating drastic changes in the timeline each time. The chapters of the story in Moon, and BO2 could be just different periods in between time travel. 

    One detail that I know cannot be found, and therefore makes the theory incomplete, is that whether or not the person holding the vril generator retains some or all of his memory  post-time travel.

    I believe this could be the case based on the comments of the O4. Nikolai, Takeo, and Dempsey are always clueless at the start of the rounds; whereas, Richtofen clearly demonstrates some knowledge of what is going on. Could it be because he is in control of the time travelling?

    If so, what is his REAL hidden agenda? Also, why did the team become younger in the past two leaps? (Origins, and it's cutscene.) Does the answer to this have something to do with Richtofen escaping the Aether?


    If this theory were true, then zombies would not be just the imagination of little children and the wild science-fiction storyline that has been shown since Shi No Numa and Der Riese would be true, and could continue.

    Who knows, maybe the next game will have Maxis, child Richtofen, and two others from group 935 as the playable characters. The end scene in Origins leads me to think that maybe Richtofen was not originally a scientist but a friend of Samantha's and was under Maxis' care at the time of the outbreak, and Samantha's death. There are a lot of gaps, but in my opinion, at least this theory shows some hope that the story lines could still be connected. If the next maps were set in the period directly after Samantha's death then we could expect a full circle zombies timeline. 

    I am clearly hoping that Treyarch has a complete story that makes sense while staying interesting and that they haven't just been creating zombies 'on the fly'. 


    I hope this isn't too far out in left field, but I thought it could be a potential reason for the end of Origins that was a little bit more interesting than a storyline set in a child's imagination.


  6. My hopes are for a round scheme more similar to zombies from Treyarch, where it doesn't reset with 'harder' enemies after round 25.

    I am also hoping for a storyline, seeing how they decided to invest a little time into one so far. They could have just put the zombies mode at round 25 in Riot instead of choosing the whole cinematic theme. 

    A point system should be implemented. I kind of like the round based points instead of hit based points. It's refreshing. Kill based points would work as well. 

    Preferably, the guns would be for purchase in the same way as either Treyarch zombies, or typical Exo-Survival. I definitely do not enjoy picking them up off the ground for free.

    I am also hoping for larger maps than Riot. I think with fast zombies like these ones, A large map like Tranzit would be especially fun. Especially if the vertical factor of AW maps was still implemented. 

    I expect locked doors, or unlock-able sections of the map. Having the whole map available at the start of the match is kind of boring. It keeps it exciting to be able to unlock and upgrade as the enemies become harder.

    I also feel like there may be barriers, as in Treyarch zombies. The way that maps such as Detroit are set up, with doorways half blocked off, and windows that are reminiscent of Treyarch zombies leads me to expect a cosmetically redone version of AW maps with maybe some extra areas.


    I mostly feel like I am just going to enjoy a zombies type shooter with new maps and a new story to keep me entertained until Treyarch releases what everyone is waiting for.  :animated-zombie:  :animated-zombie:  :rolleyes::animated-zombie:  :animated-zombie: 

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