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Posts posted by CRU_NINJA_575

  1. I use grenades :( .

    Kill a zombie, it drops an insta kill, horde em up, insta kills blinking throw that nade, wipe a horde.

    Not to mention in solo i use claymores a lot. Easy way to end an entire round without using a weapon, at least for the first 16-20.

    So PAPing nades would be welcomed from me.

    Yeah insta kill works lol It's great if you are playing with a few people you know. It would be much better if the zombie count was higher, but it's good for 20 kills per person, per insta kill.

    And I take offense to that not thinking of nades on 25. My best solo game was 39 with grenades only ( Warmachine counts right lol).

    I use grenades :( .

    Kill a zombie, it drops an insta kill, horde em up, insta kills blinking throw that nade, wipe a horde.

    Not to mention in solo i use claymores a lot. Easy way to end an entire round without using a weapon, at least for the first 16-20.

    So PAPing nades would be welcomed from me.

    Yeah insta kill works lol It's great if you are playing with a few people you know. It would be much better if the zombie count was higher, but it's good for 20 kills per person, per insta kill.

    And I take offense to that not thinking of nades on 25. My best solo game was 39 with grenades only ( Warmachine counts right lol). Bruh than you got skills haha

  2. The story is definetly not over any to suggest that I truly worry about. The origins ending was a beginning in a way. Treyarch realized how bad they ruined the new 4 story and just ended there's in buried. The origins ending gave us what we wanted but most people took it the wrong way. They found a way to bring it back to the o4 story while keeping every possibly open for the next game. The cutscene was trying to hint that there is many more to come

  3. I use grenades :( .

    Kill a zombie, it drops an insta kill, horde em up, insta kills blinking throw that nade, wipe a horde.

    Not to mention in solo i use claymores a lot. Easy way to end an entire round without using a weapon, at least for the first 16-20.

    So PAPing nades would be welcomed from me.

    Yeah insta kill works lol
  4. Well... Lots of people use grenades: 


    Emps, Monkeys, air-strikes, hell's redeemer (considered a grenade kill so...), gersh, QED....

    Did I ever say special grenades? No. I said grenades. Don't tell me that when you're setting up and getting points that you use grenades. Don't tell me on round 25 you still even think about grenades.
  5. 1. This is honestly sounds pretty useless and we are not playing paintball

    2. The exact same thing as the sliquifier...

    3. Are we capturing animals for the zoo? The answer is no and if this is used like I am picturing in my head it would be really OP.

    4. A pretty good idea I would like it to be a new type of grenade or something

    Sorry if I sound too harsh I'm a little critical with Buildables...

  6. The topic of Buildables is a very touchy subject. Many many people don't like them because of the fact that they can be too OP, worthless, or just too tedious to get. I will tell you how they can vastly improve if they return in the next zombie installment.

    Step 1:The Formula-Mob of the Dead and Origins did great with the formula but how would it work with maps like Buried you ask? I will tell you how. Each Buildable is in the select menu with the name but only one square below it. When you have no parts for the Buildables the square shows a dull picture of the Buildable. When you find a part for let's say the zombie shield, you pick it up and when picked up, you go to the select menu and that square with the picture is a third lit up and says 33% on it(25% with Buildables with 4 parts and so on). You find the last two parts and then the square is completely lit up and says 100%. You go to a work bench, build it, and now it has a check mark on the square. This way your parts can still stack but not flood your select screen.

    Step 2: No tediousness- don't make the parts too spread out (besides for Buildables like the staves that are really OP). One of the biggest turn offs on Buildables is when it takes 5 minutes to run around the map to build a Buildable. A lot of players don't build them because it takes extra time. If your parts stack and are close by many more people will build them

    Step 3: Useful- one of the biggest struggles Treyarch has had with Buildables are how to make them balanced. Not OP, not worthless, but useful. You should want to have Buildables like the turbine for your benefit, not be forced to use them just to progress in the map. Here's an example of how I think the turbine should be: It should be your own portable power generator. The Buildable that will get you your perks when ever you want them and not break when after a minute of leaving the area because a freaking zombie can break it! It doesn't break. Opens doors for free but there is still an alternate way too go by spending points (like in the starting room of tranzit, bring that idea farther!). It should definitely not be used for PAP but should be an easier way of doing that. There could also be other special benefits like the turret and electric trap could be stronger with the turbine but not incapable of working without it, that's way too tedious! Now off the subject of the turbine..... Some Buildables I considered worthless (turret, electric trap) because they weren't capable of working without the turbine which ruined the point of them. Others I considered OP (trample steam, head chopper, subsurface resonator) because you really didn't have to even shoot your gun the whole game! A big portion of the OPness is Burieds layout because it completely made the Buildables OP when on a map like Origins they wouldn't be as OP. My fix to this is problem is that in co op you can't have 2 Buildables in a certain radius to each other so 4 people can't have 16 Buildables in the same hallway. In solo is pretty much the same thing you can only pretty much have 1 Buildable at a time because the others will be somewhere else. Also make us choose like in Die Rise the trample wasn't OP at all because you mostly use it to get to the roof and zombies come from all directions so you can't stay in a corner with it. Two Buildables in particular I consider perfectly even. Useful, not OP, not worthless, and these are the Zombie Shield and The Maxis Drone. The Shield guards your back for 20 hits. Not the sides, not the front, the back. Not OP at all. It can be used as a minor distraction to zombies, and is a powerful melee weapon to zombies but doesn't reward points evening it out. The Maxis Drone is quadrator drone or something like that and I honestly wanted this idea for a long time and Treyarch delivered. It kills zombies but not always the ones that are trapping you so it evens out. It revives your teammates which is a great help and encourages teamwork. Another great use to it is it can get you a free PAPED MGO8 which is awesome. Now you're probably wondering what about the staves? Well here you go... The staves were OP in the ultimate form but not really in the normal form balancing out the time to get it. But when you ultimate them they are really OP but it completely balances out for the time to uprgrade them evening out once again

    Step 4: Make smaller thought out Buildables- infinity ward showed us with extinction that Buildables don't need the most thought in the world they just need to be useful. The pipe bomb is useful even though it is just a stronger grenade.Things like simple Buildable attachments or small weapons. We don't need some crazy thought out ideas to have fun Buildables

    Now that is all the steps I can remember right now so for this last part I will explain my own Buildable ideas

    The Oven- this is basically I really strong flamethrower with a really wide radius and slow heat up time. It looks the m60 from BO1 but makes a wildfire

    Soul Trap/ case- This is set down anywhere and when a zombie passes by, absorbs it's soul into the case killing the zombie. When completely full of souls it can turn your ammo blue and is a little weaker then PAP ammo

    Ammo maker- sort of like vulture aid but it really slowly gives you extra bullets

    Robot K9- a Buildable guard dog that goes away after a couple of minutes like the Maxis Drone to recharge

    Musical Death- plays music that causes zombies to grab their heads and then their heads explode (30 second recharge and 15 second use)

    Chainsaw- simple. Build it, enjoy!

    Chainsaw on lawn mower- same as above but attached to a lawn mower that you mow the zombies off your lawn with

    Ray gun turret- attached to Buildable turret (30 second recharge)

    Buildable teleporters- u can have two and place them around the map and they work like on all other maps but you choose where you put them

    Spring boots- double tap a or x and jump over zombies (3 uses a minute)

    The saver-you can absorb one power up,perk, and gun at a time. You hold x or square on a power up, gun from box or wall, perk machine if you don't want it now and pull out the device and hold x or square to pull out the perk, power up, or gun from box or wall

    Motion death- looks like the motion sensor but when zombies pass by sends a wide radius energy pulse killing all zombies (45 second recharge)

    115 jammer- has 3 uses and lasts from 30 seconds. Makes all zombies in a wide radius freak out and run back to the barriers they came from

    Clone creater- looks like a predator drone missile case when you pull it out and it creates a copy of you for 30 seconds to fight and distract zombies (5 minute recharge)

    Murder machine- a giant spiked claw that when you use the trigger swipes and crushes zombies (slow semi automatic but can be upgraded to have a faster rate and hit 3 zombies at once)

    Comment all your ideas on Buildables that you can think of

  7. Don't have an exact gun but I would like to see a gun that uses gunpowder

    The only gunpowder gun i could think of that would be pretty cool in zombies is a musket. The only thing that would be bad for having this gun is reload time.


    It would be a single shot

    Ammo- 4/25

    When shot the gunpowder catches on fire and the zombie catches on fire. The reloading time is 20 seconds. When shot to reload you would have to take the rod clean the gun, grab the gunpowder, put gunpowder in it, and pull the cocking mechanism back.

    Pack-a-punched it is called the Mousketeer Ammo change- 6/30

    Pack-a-punched attatchments- Bayonet, iron sights, silencer, and i dont know any others it would have. Woah woah woah... 20 seconds in between one shot? Definitely not, that's way too slow and that is a certain death or loss of patience. Maybe 5 seconds at most but this is a video game not real life. There needs to be some unrealisticness to the game or it doesn't work. As for the catching on fire that would be pretty cool

  8. -I'm sorry but it's CALL OF DUTY Zombies. The health bar should have been there back in Nacht but since it wasn't we have to live by the way zombies is. The health bar could be really cool but I don't see it happening and it would be too much of a copy of other games (extinction,left for dead). I like the way COD Zombies has it's own unique ways.

    -Many many people have brought this idea up (myself included) and yes it should happen and I like those ideas!

    -I sorta can go with this idea it could be cool for maybe one specific map but I think what everybody wants is just pro perks but good idea!

  9. I honestly probably wouldn't use it. It's too risky, and gambling in a zombie apocalypse? That seems to change the zombie feel to me. That's why a lot of people didn't like Buried because the feel to it was a joke to people that loved the WAW maps. I would like to see different ultilities but I just don't see it happening sorry

    I'm not sure where you are coming from but der riese and buried are my favorite maps... Both of them are near perfect in my opinion (Get rid of the giant on buried)

    And i would gamble! Chance at free stuff? Why not? Zombies was born from a gamble... Think about it, without the mystery box zombies probobly wouldnt be what it is today. What is the mystery box? A big ass gamble.

    I never said they weren't good maps lol they are some of my two favorite maps. But they are so different it doesn't even seem like the same game mode. Der riese was a true zombie apocalypse, creepy map. It was built on progressive difficulty and the struggle to survive while on buried you have everything on round 1, no progression, really a giant that eats candy and pets crawlers! Not exactly what I consider creepy. Also on buried it's like you are a charity. You get points for everything, you have a giant that can easily build a bunch of extremely OP Buildables for FREE. Now back to the slot machine, it automatically gives you what you get but with the mystery box you don't have to take the gun...

  10. I actually think a custom mystery box would be a fantastic idea! Only for custom games so it won't effect leaderboards so why not? The custom character would be cool and of course only for grief etc. I don't want to be doing storyline Easter eggs with Billy Nobody but grief would be cool since at this point we are stuck with no names that don't say anything! On one of my last threads I wanted zombies to modify the idea of the armory but put in zombies, so we could have things like different starting weapons, extra perk slots, more points with shotguns, and just about any small upgrade you think about.

  11. I honestly probably wouldn't use it. It's too risky, and gambling in a zombie apocalypse? That seems to change the zombie feel to me. That's why a lot of people didn't like Buried because the feel to it was a joke to people that loved the WAW maps. I would like to see different ultilities but I just don't see it happening sorry

  12. only one word is needed to answer your question....


    THANK YOU. This is ridiculous! Would you rather have more dlc for lower gen old game? Or have an awesome game next year with perfect quality and awesome gameplay! Your choice. If Treyarch spends time on other dlcs then the extra year they've been given to perfect the new game would be pretty useless

    Well, to be honest. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting a DLC 5. However if you actually believe that there's a chance for a DLC 5 then that's just ridiculous. I would love a DLC 5! But like you said it won't HAPPEN

  13. only one word is needed to answer your question....


    THANK YOU. This is ridiculous! Would you rather have more dlc for lower gen old game? Or have an awesome game next year with perfect quality and awesome gameplay! Your choice. If Treyarch spends time on other dlcs then the extra year they've been given to perfect the new game would be pretty useless
  14. We all know extinction stole a lot from zombies. Things like "schematics" which is just a BS way of saying Buildables, the special acid gun like the acid gat, the way to change that into different elements, search piles similar to dig sites, even the whole idea of surviving from a different species other than human I consider a copy. However, I am not here to tell you about what extinction copied, I'm going to tell you how zombies can "modify" some of extinctions ideas to make zombies even better!

    The Armory- zombies can use this idea but make it like the origins reward system where you can do various challenges like 3000 headshots or 30 grenade kills before a certain round to maybe get something like an extra perk slot, more points with explosives, or even start with a full auto M1911 that maybe has more ammo.

    Schematics- I liked how in extinction you could build the schematic anywhere. I think zombies could have a new equipment maybe in the box, found somewhere, or unlocked from challenges that is a portable building kit. The drawback is it builds 2x slower. On maps like MOTD when the parts are stacked you just simply put it together but on a map like tranzit you can build each and everyone when you press maybe down on the dpad and it slowly builds each part.

    Search piles- dig sites were great but I would like attachments in there too!

    Different AI- has been discussed on some previous thread but it could be great if zombies after maybe round 30 or so start to get smarter and maybe dodge bullets or flank you! It could add new difficulty and completely change the game

    Intel- I would love to see cutscenes in zombies after finding a radio or something. Activated in menu

    Different Ammo- I absolutely loved explosive ammo and armor piercing ammo. It made the game really diverse and zombies could use that idea and maybe allow you to have different ammo upgrades in the PAP, or have separate attachments that give you electricity ammo, or even have a whole new machine dedicated to the idea. In any way it could come I would love it!

    Teamwork Supported- Treyarch has tried to get the idea of teamwork across in zombies but it never seems to fully work in the way of true teamwork. I thought of a very unique set of Buildables, items, and gameplay features that would truly encourage teamwork

    -Perk, Ammo, and health Trophy Systems: (30 second use and recharge)these are Buildables that when set down create a wide circle where the perks that you have are active for everyone while in the circle. If you are a little confused here is an example: Timmy just went down and he is really mad. It is the middle of the round and he doesn't have the points nor the chance to get any perks. Johnny sets down one of these to help his friend and while Timmy is in the radius he has for say jugg, speed, DT, and EC temporarily. The second use of this equipment is that when all teammates (not counting user) are in the circle their ammo slowly refills like for an LSAT maybe 1 bullet per second and for RPG 1 rocket every 3 seconds. The last and final use is that everyone gets about 2 extra hits until dead and if dead slowly get revived if all teammates are in circle

    -Perks grenade version- u get special perk grenades that only need a filled perk bottle and yor grenades to build. If you throw maybe a Jugg grenade at somebody if it hits close to them they have jugg for about 20 seconds

    -Share with players: simply just give a teammate a weapon by holding X or square on them for a couple of seconds, give points, trade perks,share ammo, teammates can all open one door by splitting the cost evenly, and you get special rewards as mentioned above for working as a team

    Turning your enemies friendly- I have an idea that can use the idea of turning your enemies good but in zombies. This is a new tactical that can be a lifesaver like a monkey bomb. When thrown a green mist like vulture aid spreads horizontally so it is like a trap. When zombies come into contact of the mist they start fighting the other zombies until all are dead

    Will edit in future but this is all I have for now :D. Comment your ideas on this topic

  15. A cool idea but what the plain tomahawk come back to you? If not it seems pretty pointless, I would rather have semtexes.... And definitely not upgrade to the HR etc. that was made for MOTD and only MOTD. Some maps have their special features and I love the retriever! I just want to keep its justice in MOTD. For now I'm saying no on the tomahawk unless it's different from the retriever and gets a facelift

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