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Posts posted by STOTTINMAD

  1. With the recent release of MW3, then the chances are, black ops will like all other cods before it, become a distant memory. But zombies as always live on, and the question I ask is what would you like to see in the next zombie game, personally I want a more interactive storyline, a rpg style survival game. Now before you all start complaining this would ruin the experience, I think it would inject a little of that spark zombies needed, for me once we got to the moon I lost the enjoyment of the storyline, the realism of it got me hooked, with Verruckt, Shi No Numa and Der Riese in my opinion being more believable, and if it had been just area 51 then I may have enjoyed it more. Don't get wrong, I enjoyed the Moon, but not as much as Der Riese or Shi No Numa. Also a map without the PaP would be have been a nice twist but anyway Im going to get to my point...

    A rpg would allow us to be anywhere on earth, and if its after the 115 missiles left Earth a wasteland then thats even better. Imagine being able to make your own character, and having your own weaponry, obviously ammo would be scarce and you folllow the storyline anyway you liked, helping or hindering richtofen. But imagine the level design, it would be brilliant.

    I did enjoy the round aspects of Cod Zombies but it can become too repetitive, the A.I in some cases need to be enhanced to shake things up a little. You can keep most of other aspects of zombies, but one more thing you should at some point be able construct your own weapon (possibly), I on the official board saw some brilliant weapon designs that could be used.

    And thats my suggestion, I rambled a bit I admit but its what I think could happen if Treyarch put their minds to it... its their choice though, and I cant gurantee any of you will agree, but its just an idea. Develop, destroy its in your hands now.

  2. There is one thing which I only noticed a while back and it is a little paradoxical. If someone had said this I apologize i been away for a while. Anyway Call of the Dead is in the future and from the looks of it the Moon is set in the past possibly. So they blow up the Earth effectively stunting our future in the process. Call of the Dead never happened temporally. Of course the whole thing is a paradox with people and scientist jumping through time at their will and even so we still dont understand all the motivations. Richtofen's is clear and obvious but the others all hide a secret. If the story continues then it may become a stand alone game or go back in time. anything is possible.

  3. The moon is first map really to pose a challenge since im so used getting juggernog really easy. My highest is 14, and im pretty sure it rise soon once I worked out away to get higher. The main problem I have is people who try to look awesome at the start and inevitably fail because they don't want to teleport.

  4. It is true that Richtofen dies in the Iphone tutorial, its probably on youtube somewhere. There us the possibility with Dna replication that Clarke's Dna could have been used to clone as I posted before but noone noticed. It would not be a perfect clone but it would show some aspects of clarke.

    Hasn't anyone seen the loading screen for ascension, the last image to me looks like a zombie time travel. if the team can do it. What's to stop a far more sentient zombie from doing i. The thief seems to be stuck in a temporal loop of sorts. Unless he's being programmed from somewhere else.

    there is the possibility although unlikely that his body was recovered from kowloon. Although it is unlikely

  5. It is true that Richtofen dies in the Iphone tutorial, its probably on youtube somewhere. There us the possibility with Dna replication that Clarke's Dna could have been used to clone as I posted before but noone noticed. It would not be a perfect clone but it would show some aspects of clarke.

    Hasn't anyone seen the loading screen for ascension, the last image to me looks like a zombie time travel. if the team can do it. What's to stop a far more sentient zombie from doing i. The thief seems to be stuck in a temporal loop of sorts. Unless he's being programmed from somewhere else.

  6. true, it is somewhat unusual that they are resistant to it. The gang surely can't be entirely immune, but I know what you mean, they may have discovered a resistant strain of medicine to stop the spread.

  7. It could be a clone of clarke not perfect, no clone is, but sentient enough to know their may sources of weakness. Human weapons. It would explain why it takes them, to remove the possible threat of course, you keep getting weapons it keeps coming. The zombies aren't stupid that much we know maybe they are the hidden piece in Sam's game, something she herself is unaware of. The smarter they get, the more they break away from her mental pull. Ultimately the thief could if it were a clone, an example zombie advancement in the mind, relying on more than flesh to satifsy it. It has an objective. To stop us killing the weaker zombies.

  8. True, but the numbers revealing eygpt reminded me of thread i read made by alpha snake i think about something the terminal on black ops. I can't remember in all honesty it something to do with Cairo

    Anyway I was online and as i spawned as castro at the start I turned around to look at the podium, brown wooden thing (Name fails me) and on it was paper resembling the ones you see dotted about Der Riese, and cheque of sorts. I never had a chance to see what that note said, so i'm going to go back on later today.

  9. I wouldn't mind if they removed perks in certain maps, because it would make it challenging, remove Juggernog and it becomes harder, and even remove the pack a punch since it probably wouldn't have been built everywhere. You may hate me for this, but Treyarch need to make changes like zombie speed, these things are super human their speed should be unmatched. There could even be a map where ammo is scarce and there is no powerups. The maps themselves should be more complex, and narrow and stuff.

  10. I was on World at War, as I don't have the maps on Black ops, and chances are this easter egg is on both. Like in ascension there are faces, however, in Der Riese if you look up to the right of the moon you can see a faded image of small child. Quite easyto make out too

    Also if turn the SFX way down you can hear a guitar play and then stop. I heard this near the power.

  11. This so far what I found relating the numbers seen in five on the consoles

    4703, 4703rd Defence wing (part of the American air force) – It was however inactivated on 7th April 1952

    7th April 1952 – Also the date from what I’ve seen of meeting between Molotov and Stalin.

    0700, (found nothing)

    5309, typed it in to Google and found a link leading to Egyptian history -http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5309.htm

    4774, A interesting link relating to genes and as I’m no science nerd, someone who is will understand this – NFIA ‘Homo Sapiens’ Nuclear factor http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entre ... &term=4774

    adenovirus DNA replication – Typed ‘adenovirus DNA replication and Element 115’ a lot of interesting links appeared. I’m only scanning with develop this more

    - http://pathmicro.med.sc.edu/mhunt/dna1.htm

    4088, Similar to what I discovered above - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/4088

    4408, I found some information concerning asteroid its from Wikipedia, and may not be reliable - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4408_Zlat%C3%A1_Koruna (discovered in 1988)

    5306, - Another Wikipedia link this time about an asteroid belt - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5306_Fangfen (discovered 1980)

    4808, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entre ... &term=4808 – yet more information gene sequence and nuclear factors.

    0008, (found nothing)

    0306, I found a website leading to a book all about the art of deception.

    5355, More information relating to human gene sequences http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entre ... &term=5355


    Found nothing

    This all may be nothing, but the numbers relating to gene sequences may help us understand how the zombie's infect others using a virus mixed with it.

  12. Thanks, the printer thing with the setence on it is righto the elevator, sorry I have a habit of mixing up my directions. I tried using a Sniper but it became too blurry, if you have good eyes and can read small text then please post what it says or give video evidence or an image.

    The numbers may or may not be coordinates. Also G-15 may also relate to Tanks. I will look into HMS loyal it may infact be the boat in Call of the Dead.

    HMS Loyal historically was destroyed by a mine.

    Also the image on the side of double tap is similar to a one I seen in Kino on double tap. Probably reused textures but its something worth looking at.

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