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Posts posted by BestOfAllTime32

  1. Except for Jugg, I could see it happening. But just to point in out, doubling explosives damage is incredibly OP. Claymores are already horde killers for the first 28-30 rounds. Double their power, and we have round 40 claymores.

    Final problem (for me) is the DT2 upgrade. A DSR for example, is a OSK weapon into the 50's, with a third shot, it might be a legitimate WW level weapon.

    I really like your idea for Cherry though. Never thought of it that way.

  2. Last gen game sales are way down. People talk about the 160 million people who have ps360's, but that's illogical. At least 28 million of those owners have moved to next gen, and by the end on the year, it should be 50 million easy. Then you have another group who own the consoles and also own a pc, and a group like myself, and probably millions of early 360 owners who contributed 2, 3 or even 4 of those consoles personally.

    It's illogical to continue making games for the ps360 gen at this point. We are 3 years out (almost to the day) when COD 2015 lands since the gen launched.

  3. A resolution bump, while it would be noticeable, isn't exactly a zombies game changer imo. Resolution would help with stuff that is at a distance.

    Texture quality, and the filter they use will be the big graphical improvements. Hopefully they improve when you zoom in, if you guys ever noticed, it looks like the rest of your screen has vasaline on it.

    As for the textures, is that a hardwood floor or a carpet? God only knows.

  4. Not being able to train the zombies isn't a problem, it's the problem. It breaks the rules of zombies, which means it is not zombies, and ny extension utterly worthless.

    That's a bit over-dramatic, don't you think? We can't base everything off of one trailer. Besides, even if training isn't in, so what? Now we won't bore our minds out by running around in circles for hours on end? God forbid. Over dramatic to you maybe. I can't wait to find out how it plays. I don't remember it ever being shown in 3arc zombies trailers people training either, so there's still some hope.

    If not then the game mode is dead. It will be another extinction, with a zombies face lift.

  5. At the moment they have earlier DLCs which is a shame for play station players

    It's only a bother for the first one. After that it is the same amount of time.

    Actually it might even be a good thing in the event there was ever a crippling bug. Let the beta testers have at it, and let 3arc know what's wrong.

    Thats a good point, I have never seen anyone have a positive view on it.Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have the maps at the same time. If I was an EE hunter it would be detrimental for sure, but if there were ever a serious bug that needed time to fix, that exclusivity wouldn't mean much.

    Edit: Just for clarity, I don't mean a glitch like a shield glitch, but I mean something like what has been happening with Assassins Creed Unity.

    If it takes 2 weeks to fix, or a month, or hell some games can take months to fix. Even Halo MCC is still a work in progress, and i'm still waiting for PS plus Driveclub...

    3arc, imo is a much better studio than 343, or Evo, but still many glitches have found their way into Zombies.

  6. Haha that's the spirit! So no shot eh? Too bad, zombies more than multi would benefit far more. A little lag in multi isn't that big of a deal in my experience, in zombies it ruins the game.

    You never know,we could wake up tomorrow with pigs flying and dedicated servers. We can dream! With MS offering Azure servers to devs, especially a game like COD, it might happen. MS needs to have something going for XB1 compared to PS4. That would get me to switch in a heartbeat.

  7. Oh yes, 6v6 Grief would be very fun. I also think 3arch should just make matchmaking in general better, like when in Grief you have three players on each team, it should start a game.

    Yeah a ready up option with at least 4 people would be so much better.

    I am praying for dedicated zombie servers. P2p for grief mode especially is terrible. But the game as is sets oUT to (seemingly) find the worst host possiblE
  8. But 8 player survival changes zombies in a big way. It makes looking for people to play on public match harder, if you want to get a full group its harder. It isnt classic zombies, if there was a separate mode with 8 players thats alright but they wouldnt change zombies in that way.

    Unless you get a dead lobby, or low player count map, finding people is never very hard. Deciding whether to play with them or not can be. But that's a personal preference.

    Even most of the time grief takes under 2 minutes to fill up with 100 people playing.

    Besides if it's like it is now, you could start a game with anywhere from 2-7 people, and not even need an 8th.


    I am still not very fond of 8 player being a thing, unless its not the main mode. Imo as long as the maps weren't designed around the idea, it could provide a good challenge.

    That said, there are obvious problems, like getting a good team together, the zombie count would have to be way higher too.

    It won't happen, but it could be fun. 6v6 grief doesn't seem out of the realm of reality though.

  9. But 8 player survival changes zombies in a big way. It makes looking for people to play on public match harder, if you want to get a full group its harder. It isnt classic zombies, if there was a separate mode with 8 players thats alright but they wouldnt change zombies in that way.

    Unless you get a dead lobby, or low player count map, finding people is never very hard. Deciding whether to play with them or not can be. But that's a personal preference.

    Even most of the time grief takes under 2 minutes to fill up with 100 people playing.

    Besides if it's like it is now, you could start a game with anywhere from 2-7 people, and not even need an 8th.

  10. I don't think they will change zombies from 4 players to 8, its just not how zombies was meant to be. 4 new characters are definitely going to happen in my eyes, but the O4 have to make more of a return. I found it nice having the break of the O4, it made Origins all the more exciting,but having to wait again won't work.

    Well zombies wasn't meant to be a pvp style either, and grief turned out all right.

    I know a lot of people would say oh having 8 people would make it too easy, but imo depending on the map it would be harder.

    Imagine trying to have 8 people running a train on smaller maps, let alone one of the BO2 survival maps.

    Even a big map like Tranzit with unique training locations would be hard for 8 people.

    Camping could prove more effective, as would strategies like the bridge on MOTD, but the common strategy of training would suffer greatly.

  11. Here's kind of a weird idea i just had.  what if there were weapon classes.  So let's say you can carry 3 guns from the start, but only one gun of each class.  So you can carry one heavy weapon, like a WW a LMG, death machine, etc.  a middle class like a AR shot gun or SMG, and then a pistol/ballistic knife/ray gun   


    idk just a thought that would allow more weapons to be used and become relevant

    What happens to Mule kick?
  12. By the end of BO2, the EE became less of a side quest, and more of a necessity. Try and play any game with randoms, and see if you're not doing at least part of the EE. COTD had it right imo, in terms of the EE. A one time thing that gave you an advantage going forward, but once you did it one time that was it.

    The worst thing that can keep happening is tying weapons to the EE. It's not enjoyable every single game having to spend an hour getting the staffs set up.

    KISS, keep it simple stupid seems pretty appropriate for zombies. Let people that want to do the EE do it, and let others kill zombies with no impedance to their progress.

    Until BO2, I had never done an EE, I couldn't care less about the storyline in all honesty.

  13. I would really hope it wouldn't be something that entirely difficult. Im with mocking in that I think something akin to the staff upgrades might be appropriate. I think one main problem with zombies in BO2 is that it became far too tedious. Buried spending 40 minutes just getting things set up on round 1. Mob of the Dead having to literally complete a side quest just to PaP. Don't get me started on Tranzit. I think it would be just fine if it were a little easier and faster to accomplish things, but have it still be difficult in the end game.

    @clay bird, I kind of agree with you. Nothing was overly hard, just took a really long time. I just feel that if there was ever going to be a second tier PAP, it would need to be difficult to achieve, or it would be easy, and for all purposes useless.

    If it's hard to get, it can be a legitimate upgrade from the already upgraded weapons. Taking the Lamentation to an upgraded RPD level ammo/clip, and keep the same quick reloading clip, movement speed. Obviously a power increase.

    Where as if it's easy to get, then it should reflect the amount of effort put into it. If it takes 10 minutes and little effort to get, it should only increase the power.

    Also a second PAP brings in an interesting dilemma for 3arc to maintain wonder weapon balance. As it is now, with the exception of a few WW's, the WW's have been pretty great for the first 40 rounds, and then they start to lose their effectiveness.

    But with a second PAP, nobody is going to waste the time to use the second PAP on their WW if it doesn't add a significant amount of damage, say taking it from 40 to 50 osk. But if they make an ice staff level WW again, then second PAPing that, might just make it last literally forever.

    I want to feel powerful, but not overpowered. I don't want to be under powered either, it's an interesting balance, one that I self impose depending on the map.

    Edit: @mocking, the only problem with that is, it would take an extraordinary amount of extra time to PAP. Team of 4, I go to PAP, nobody else can PAP until I have my weapon, or the time limit runs out (assuming it's a randomly generated location the weapon shows up in). I pick up my first weapon, total trip, let's say 2 minutes per person, per weapon, total of 16 minutes for the entire team to PAP. Compared to the maybe 5 minutes it would take under the other systems.

  14. The thunder gun eventually just made zombies get blown out of the way to clear a path. The scavenger just started making crawlers. At least the staffs, save Lightning, killed well into higher rounds. Fire was great, but incredibly lagy, ice didn't really lag as bad in my experience, but wind did.

    I don't know what the cause is/was, I just know it was incredibly jarring. On insta kills, a grenade throw would make everyone in the game lag, as would an executioner's full clip.

    I just hope that gets put to an end. All the other stuff is minor.

  15. I just hope they improve the late game of Zombies.


    After you've PAP'd your guns and enter high rounds it's pretty much: train in this exact spot until you either quit the game because of boredom or accidentally mess up your train because of carelessness thanks to boredom. Whichever comes first. It doesn't really help that nearly all weapons become practically useless after you pass a certain round.

    I think a good solution to this would be upgradeable perks only available after you reach a certain round. They could be either extremely expensive, so you'd have to earn more points for each one, or require a challenge. I'd like this instead of perma perks. At the high rounds, points become useless. 50k to upgrade a perk may seem extreme, but when you have 200k just sitting there doing nothing, it isn't a big deal imo. Just no Jugg upgrades. A one second boost to reload speed, a wider radius on cherry/dolphin dive, half the time revives. No need to shoot 3 bullets, or take 6 hits, or carry 4 weapons.
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