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Posts posted by Zombiesblood3

  1. I have a few ideas I'd like to see in future zombies:

    Hardline soda: When bought, you can see the box outline anywhere on the map and the gives the player the option when a weapon is rolled to tap X and reroll for 450. Costs 3000

    Spy eye wine: Get a minimap in the top right of screen. This allows you to see the Zombies locations, zombie counter, and players locations. Costs: 4000

    Hercules Cola: When bought, player makes a punching animation. This upgraded the knife to a punch, similar to that if Origins. This punch will summon lightning through zombies. One hit until round 20. Costs 9000

    Burly Brew: This perk will allow the player to pick up crawlers, and hold them. The crawlers won't die out and will be in the players arms. To make a crawler, hold X next to a full sized zombie. The player will the. Take the knife, and cut the legs off the zombie. The player then can hold X to pick the crawler up. You can also hold 2 buildable parts. If all 4 players have this perk, you can. Go to the box, tap x all together, and you can move the box to a desired location, similar to Leroy. Costs: 2500

    Candoiler cola. This perk will allow you to throw 3 grenades at once instead of one. When you push the grenade button you will loose a a grenade and throw 3. Costs 1500

    Cooled up iced tea: this perk will allow traps and guns to overheat slower and cool down faster. Also able to run though traps without taking damage. Cost 2000

    More perks? Just ask!

    Update #1

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