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Posts posted by Zombiesblood3

  1. I usually never play with ransoms because of this. I. Stopped playing zombies with ransoms since moon. I always play private matches with my friends,

  2. It still crashes it? Oh, and I found that ice takes a while to freeze them, and wind stuns them, that's why I rock the fire.

  3. I agree that the excavators are annoying. I lie,the zap guns though. I don't like if one of your friends throws a grenade in the lobby or a room. With oxygen you have to have suits on. I don't like that. Nice post!

  4. Now don't get me wrong, I like all the staffs. But what are your favorite?

    I personally like fire.

    (Fun fact: if you shoot the fire or lightning staff at the ground at the zombies feet, it does more damage the. Direct hitting them, much like the ray gun)

    So tell me, what's your favorite staff and why?

    The order of the pictures are my favorites in order and the reasons

    3 fireballs do good damage at ground. High ammo

    Wonderwaffle. High ammo. My friend always wants it so that's why it's second -_-

    I like the staffs blizzard but zombies take a while to freeze and can still hit you

    Thundergun. Does most damage but stuns on high rounds. Very low ammo

  5. You have to run the generators in this order.

    1. Generator 5

    2. Church downstairs by the torch with the number 5 above it

    3. Upstairs church by the holy water

    4. Near jug on the side where the robots right foot steps

    5. Inside generator 1 downstairs

    6. Tank station

    7. Behind excavation where you go to the church.

    If they don't light up listen if they make a noise.

  6. This is a guide on how to upgrade the lighting staff.

    Step 1: First build the lightning staff and go into the crazy place. You will see a grid with purple notes on it. You must shoot the notes in the correct order to advance. With the picture below you must shoot the notes, 6,1,3,3,5,7,4,6,2. You should the. Get a audio cue.

    Step 2: you must go around the map turning sparking generators until they stop sparking.

    You must turn them in a certain order. . the. You must go to the back of excavation where you go to the church and turn the dial you see there.

    3rd step:You must then go down to excavation and line the 4 rotators to be purple. The. You shoot the orb at the bottom that's purple.

    4th step: You them must go down into the crazy place and place your staff on the purple Stool. The. You must get kills by your staff. You will see in the top left that that staffs will be flashing letting you know you staff is ready for pickup.

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