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Posts posted by ConvictioNDR

  1. I enjoy gun game in custom zombies. I just wish they wouldn't make all of the guns so over powered in it. I don't know why Treyarch hasn't put it in zombies already, but they definitely should. I guess it's kind of in Turned, but not many people really play that.

    I've played it on Der Riese with the normal zombie mode weapons and it was a ton of fun. Also sharpshooter. Makes it interesting never knowing what gun you are going to get. It could either really help you, or really hurt you.

  2. Whiteout spot that is somewhat useful in search and rescue/destroy as I believe a bomb site is in this area.

    Get on top of this rail, being careful not to go off the other side and fall in the water to your death.



    Sprint forward onto the wood rail just behind the crates



    Lean around the crates for a good sight line for protecting the bomb site.


  3. There is potential with the kinect, but you have to recognize that the game is also being made on PC and PS4, so anything big like the voice codes to activate certain parts of the maps would most likely not be implemented since with COD they just make the xbox version and then port it to the other systems. Unfortunately that makes the quality of the game garbage on PC. They could work it into it, but I doubt they would actually take the time and money. I don't know if you've ever noticed how lazy and cheap they are when it comes to making COD. There is still models from COD2 in Ghosts. I've actually seen the same few models in every COD game since COD2. If you go to the top of the bar in green run you will see a matress. That mattress is one of the models that is in every COD game. I was actually just looking through the ghosts models last night and I was noticing a lot of COD4 models. When playing BO2, I've actually noticed a lot of models and textures from World at War being used still. Any way they can cheapen the production of the game, they will. It's a sad fact and it's really causing COD to die out. I know I won't be purchasing anything COD related in the future that doesn't have zombies. Even that might not be enough to get me to buy it. I'd have to play it first to see how the gameplay is.

    I actually just Tweeted this because I like making fun of COD https://twitter.com/ConvictioNDR/status/447206966230671360

  4. I camp the top of the bar in Town to at least round 20. No point in running before then. Same with farm in the opening at the top of the house.

    Die Rise it's pretty easy to camp on the roof. PDW area isn't bad either for early rounds if you drop there without opening the escelator. Also the area you buy the an94.

    MOTD you can get to decent rounds sitting at the bottom of the spiral stairs and when you get backed up there you go to the gate by jug. They don't spawn in the bottom section of the spiral stairs if I remember correctly. Even room to run brutus around in there.

  5. Welcome, dude.

    Left for Dead fan, I see.

    I prefer Ellis, but Nick is fun too.

    "Today was not a good day to wear a white suit."

    Enjoy your stay, man.

    Well my name happens to be Nick lol

  6. Hello everyone. I'm sure there is a few of you on this site that know me.

    My zombie experience? I started playing zombies on world at war when it first came out. The good old days before training and getting to round 30 was a major accomplishment. Just kind of kept playing from then to current day. Now I play both Xbox and PC zombies and sometimes I stream to Twitch. Highest round is 70 solo on Ascension. Wasn't really planning on going that high, it just kind of happened that way. I do get bored playing now as zombies is pretty repetitive, but I do enjoy creating my own custom maps. I find it fun to learn how zombies actually work and I like watching people play and enjoy my maps. My current work in progress if anyone is interested: http://www.zombiemodding.com/index.php?topic=14830

    Nice looking site. I'll lurk around. I like IPB over other forum software. Probably just because I'm so used to it with my past experience as admin on some sites over the past few years. Nothing that's still around anymore unfortunately. I kind of miss it. I found working on sites a fun little hobby I guess you could say to do in my free time. But who really cares about that. I'm gonna go play Titanfall now..

  7. I know its not the same but explain why is it Bo2 when I kill a huge train the game lags almost like its about to crash?

    Your framerate dropping when you shoot a train is caused by the blood fx and also the zombie models changing to rag dolls when they die so that they will fall to the ground. Nothing really you can do about it. It's because the old gpu's and small amount or ram in the 360 and PS3 can't really handle it. PC, depending on your gpu, you might drop a little; but nothing really noticeable on high end cards.

    The only reason cod isn't more gory than a bit of blood squirting out when you shoot a limb off or knife is because it would be too graphically intense for the old hardware.

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