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Posts posted by atebyazombie

  1. In waw and bo1 Nikolai refers to the many wives hes had and killed in the past. Do you guys think this all happened in the same dimension or could it possibly be him somehow having knowledge of his other selves? After all the no4 seems to know of things that they shouldn't so Maby the o4 also new things they shouldn't of and we just didn't realize at the time. Plz share your thoughts below


  2. On 12/1/2015 at 6:07 PM, PortlyLlama80 said:

    I've seen what looks like a pair of wrapped up pants in the box, but I haven't been able to get it.

    That's strange considering the fact that the box is free and can be hit infinitely. I haven't seen these wrapped up pants but I'll give nightmares another play thru 

  3. On 11/22/2015, 1:16:38, Stop Mocking Me0 said:

    I think it's just a symbol of world being ripped from reality. 

    Could be. But how cool would it be if weasel did something at der reise before the no4 shows up? He might understand more of what's going on. He might of even stopped at SOE for something. He escaped in 1930s after all. He might of met young Richthofen during his 2 years of travels. Richthofen even says he's seen a lot of historys aand futures. Weasel might of told Richthofen about the summoning cube

  4. 23 hours ago, AsG xTiMiDx said:

    I don't think they added them into this. Nightmares is a different universe than Zombies. Notice there are zombies with green eyes, which suggests this.

    Yes but there also yellow and blue eyes if I'm remembering correctly. And I figured it might be like the bo1 And bo2 campaigns.

  5. 12 hours ago, Ragdo11706 said:

    Look straight up in the air. It's the buildable plane "Icarus" from MoTD. 


    3 hours ago, Spider3000 said:

    It also seems to be on the roof of the building that holds Teleporter C in The Giant.

    Is this confirmed to be the same plane? If so then I wonder what weazel was doing  in der reise? Wonder what weasel's been up to sense he broke his cycle and escaped Alcatraz island? Do any of you think he has anything to do wit SOE? Let's hear the theorys guys.

  6. I just finished the nightmares story and I never found any wonder weapons in box or as special drops. Has anyone found any or know of a easter egg to get one. It might work like the wonder weapon eggs in bo1 and bo2 campaigns.

  7. when origins easter egg is completed the game ends so theres no possable chance that theres more steps to complete. i agree that its very disapointing that we dont get a reward for completeing this gruling egg but it is what it is. the egg is done and theres no more to it. and the vials is just a reference the campaign team thru in there cuz they made MoTD and origins

  8. I think Richtofen's persona is modeled directly after Eddie's.

    That's why Richtofen knows so much about everything.

    I also believe that Maxis - in their game - is actually Sam, but I'll get more detail on that later.

    Origins is the latest game they played. Even though it's the first map in chronological order, does not mean it's the first game they played together. You can see toys of the previous maps (like the bus/N4 figures/Shang sundial stone) around the room pushed aside to the walls. Indicating that they've played those maps before and Origins is their latest game.

    i agree that origins is not the first game they played cuz it shows sam and eddies name on the leg of the bed with tally marks showing there score indicating that they have played befor.

  9. eddie says that he never got his turn. maby all the maps this far has been sams imagination( even the maps that richfofen is in control could be sams imagination). maby the future of zombies will be eddies imagination. the pap and perks and power ups could just be there cuz thats how sam wanted to play. eddies says that shes doing it wrong and girls dont no enuf about zombies. when eddie gets his turn there might be a differant concept to the perks, pap, and power ups.his idea on how this "game" should be played will prob be more realistic. cuz he thinks boys no more about zombies

  10. the trailor says its the begining and the ending for the zombies storyline. i dont think that the rest of the maps take place after this. eddie says the he never got his turn but that doesnt mean that hes never had a turn at all. it just means he didnt get a turn that day. it shows sams and eddies name on the leg of the bed showing tally marks, witch would mean there keeping score of there game. if eddie never had a turn at all then he would probably not have any tally marks.i believe that all the maps sence waw have just been there game.

  11. if thats how u see things then how can u say the girl is samantha maxis? it never says her last name in the cut seen eather. it also never mentions her fathers name in that cut seen. according to your logic they have to mention both first and last name in order to know who they really are. for u to say that the girl is samantha maxis but the boy is not richtofen just seems ignorant. it never sais her fathers name in that cut seen at all so how can u say its maxis? i strongly believe that the boy is richtofen. theres enuf evidence for me anywase. even if he is alot younger than maxis in this cut seen does not mean hes not the real richtofen, after all its all there imagination so he could of just pretended he was maxis asistant.

  12. wats up guys. iv been browsing this forum sence bo1. im a huge fan of this site and of the zombies storyline. im realy big on making theories and putting together the pieces of the zombies back story. now that i finally made an account i will be posting some theories of mine and look forward to becoming a part of this amazing community.

  13. wats up guys. iv been browsing this forum sence bo1. im a huge fan of this site and of the zombies storyline. im realy big on making theories and putting together the pieces of the zombies back story. now that i finally made an account i will be posting some theories of mine and look forward to becoming a part of this amazing community.

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