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Posts posted by bambam5211

  1. Hey guys im new to the forums but for a few days now me and a friend have been fooling around with the easter egg theories on nuketown zombies. First off i would like to say that all the population countdown thing on the nuketown sign does is control the big clock that hangs above the crater that has the numbers 3,2,1 and 0 on it. Every 33 kills, the clocks hand moves from 3-2 or 2-1 or 1-0 or 0-3 depending where it is already. The fact that the nuketown population countdown has 99 on it every 100 kills is not related to the perks dropping from the sky as in solo before i had all 4 perks in round 9. So why would the population countdown go to 99 then if it had no meaning? well it does. My friend pointed out that on all the teaser images for nuketown zombies of the nuketown sign have the populations counter at 1. Also we all know that Marlton from TranZiT is in the bunker. He could possibly be the only survivor. Maybe there is some correlation there between having the countdown population timer on the nuketown sign at one and the big clock above the crater at one. Also we think the logos at the bottom of the sign are steps to a easter egg. Sure they were in previous maps like the original nuketown and nuketown 2025 but that doesn't mean they couldn't give them a meaning in the zombies mode. The first logo matches the reticle of the HAMR after upgrading it for a second time. The 2nd logo im not sure. The third logo matches the logo on the countdown timers if you go to the side of the sign that is cracked open and look at them. The 4th logo is a nuke possibly meaning when the first 3 logos are completed (you have a HAMR that you upgraded twice, not sure about the 2nd logo, and the third logo is to have the population counter at a certain number, we think 1 because of the loading screen) then you possibly have to get a nuke from behind the yellow house in the power up shed thing where the powerups change. Then possibly the fallout shelter would open, and the easter egg would be complete. We are about to test this theory and see how it works out and to see if we can match up the 2nd logo to something important. check out my friends youtube channel at youtube.com/everythingpiff for updates of what we are trying. Be sure to post your responses to this theory and to post your own ideas and if you think we are on the right track. Just realized that that is alot of typing and reading so im going to link my friends videos below, but still read above if yu would like as he may have missed some things.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIghrAAh ... dg&index=1



    It is impossible to enter the fallout shelter because if you no-clip under the map there is nothing in the fallout shelter but empty space. Sorry man

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