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Posts posted by Weasel

  1. Alright I know you will mock me because I don't know who this "Benn Downing" is but who is he and why is he so bad? I mean I know he is PTG and I am not that fond of PTG but what is it that makes you all hate him, I am really curious :P

    Also Stop Mocking, I completely  agree with you on how the team works their asses off and do not get recognition, I hope they get the praise they deserve :)

  2. I'm sure alot of you hate the Tranzit 4 but they was never really terrible, I mean sure I hated Misty and hoped she died in Buried but there is so much to explain about their past and what they would do after the EE.

    For me I think if we had one amazing map with them I would like them more, but if they just died in Buried that kinda seems like a waste for Treyarch implementing new characters. Personally I loved the group (apart from Misty) and they could do so much more.

    BTW, Don't know if there already is a topic on this because I could not find any :P 

  3. I trust this is just a grand metaphor for how Samantha's mind is handling omnipotence. Her lexicon is well beyond her years as shown in Moon, but she's just a little girl. Her mind is just interpreting it as just a big game, since it's what she's familiar with.

    However, Season 3 has been a disappointment in my opinion. I'll save my full explanation for another time, but storyline wise it was bad. I can understand that they wanted to start with something new in the form of the TranZit crew, but looking over the quotes for the maps makes me sad. There's SO MUCH questions laid out, but very few are answered. What was The Flesh? Why did Stu eat flesh? How can he hear Richtofen in Buried, but not the other voices? What kind of organization was Broken Arrow? How did Russ get fired, and (maybe) how was Marlton involved with it? How and why was Marlton in the Nuketown shelter? What happened to the 04 in Moon? The story at this point is a complete mess, and I doubt it'll magically be fixed in Black Ops 3's core map.

    I totally think this too I did not enjoy this season either because I liked the N4 they grew on me and don't get me wrong I like the O4 as much as the next guy but they had their game full maps while The N4 had 3! and why? because people were bitching over them not appearing for 5 maps come on this was ridiculous! :x

  4. Oh and yeah, that's cool. She has a HD video-camera in the end. I didn't know that existed back in 1917.

    I think since we never saw the Dempsey toy, the cam was Tank's POV. but still :lol: you made me laugh!

    What I think really happened was the game is from Samantha's perspective and Edward is a child in her mind because of his childish personality and what she thinks is a game is affecting the real world and this all takes place in argartha. btw this is not the whole theory as the person who came up with this theory deleted it after the chat but that's along the lines. full credit goes to killertauntaun.

    but it could always be another reality where it was all a game! :evil:

  5. I actually really like that theory, Future Richtofen going into his past self (somehow) maybe to change something?

    My guess is Richtofen got bored with his army and decide he wants a new toy so in order to do so he has to get rid of his old toy. only joking I highly doubt this will happen.

  6. I am not saying the theory is wrong, but it doesn't make sense (at least to me). The silhouette really doesn't mean anything at this point, seeing as how they even took it out in the Buried comic page. How does it relate to the eyes, however?

    THANK YOU! I am glad I am not the only one who noticed the rip was gone! :P

  7. A: No one has said this map takes place in 1917, that's all speculation with the letters.. They say they "return to when the characters first met"...

    B: MOTD takes place in hell... The've been there sense 1933, it's entirely possible their "cycle" is in a seperate time bubble where nothing ever ages... Meaning the GGB would never be compleated, and they've been sitting there fighting zombies for nearly 100 years now.... Never succeeding in breaking the cycle, until one day, four perk machines appeared where there wasn't noramaly: Juggernog, speedcola, double tap, and deadshot. Using their newfound drinks, the four were actually able to compleate the cycle 3 times without being "killed"... And having their memory's eraced (except the Weasle: He never had his mind eraced) and thus they could end the cycle: The Weasle who wasn't a Fallower of the sins:

    Billy: Thou shall not murder

    Sal: Thou shal not commit adultury

    Finn: Thou shal not lie

    Was able to escape the eyes of lucifer and thus, should he escape his wrong-doings in his freinds, would mean he would pass on into heaven... If not, the cycle is in tact and he is killed and forced to repeat the process....

    The cutscene in the begining is not the real Alcatraz either, it's purgatory, a place where god would deside the fate of the Weasle, should he serve his sentence and wait patiently, he would Assend... However if he were to be fooled by his freinds and lie and murder... He would instantly be sent to a zombie-filled hell... The cutscene is why Weasle is in hell...

    Dude i apologize man. You are rite, i saw the trailer again and there is no date mentioned. As for the B part you blew my mind. I SHIT YOU NOT, i never thought about it that way or knew that the three characters represent the three sins.

    Now lets see here, 2 blood viles belonging to Sal who committed adultery and Finn who lied, both in the hands of Richtofen who actually committed both the sins. But he also murdered , so there is the flaw in my theory , but that aside thanks for enlightening me with this dude. And i apologize for being rude and shooting you down like that.

    Sorry not trying to be mean or anything but when did Richtofen commit adultery? (I never looked at the bio in WAW)

  8. Well what about the moon rockets? that was a bomb but what about the brain?

    The meteor from SNN could have been the brain or the "nucleus" of the missile, without a brain you would not be able to do anything but with a brain you are able to be able to complete tasks and what was the missile's task. To explode and what else do bombs do? Explode. So Where there is a bomb there is also a brain.

  9. Yes, it probably is for show, also a wise man once said: "Some people think they can outsmart me, maybe, (sniff) maybe, But I have yet to find one that can outsmart bullet. Gabe logic."

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS IS WHY I LOVE THE FORUM!^^^^^^^^ :D

    I also love your avatar and sig, I like it when the yellow eyes are really bright(adds effect)


    Two questions gambit

    1. I didn't realize 1917 Richtofen had vials of blood from MotD crew? Where is this stated, in the origins trailer?

    2. Who is this editor you speak of? Is this a reference to the announcer for MotD?

    1. Yep when the camara pans up the bodies of the O4 Richtofen has two red vials, with Sals and Billy's( I think) blood in them. Of course it might not be blood and the numbers could be coincidence but...

    2. In Weasels diary in the zombie Message of the Day, Weasel mentions that the "Editor" doesn't like his comic books and scribbles nasty comments on them. A small amount of people the prize that the editor is the announcer in MoTD

    I think it was Finn's blood but I could be wrong.

  10. and with all the jumping around time things have changed im sure

    That is what makes alternate timelines.

    doesnt make this one an alternate one though. look, this is a prequel to the zombies story soo how can it be alternate?

    Origins:The beginning of something's existence or A person's social background or ancestry

    they told us were seeing how the O4 met, explain how the map would be in an alternate universe? cause thats all you kinda said with out explaining lol

    I highly agree with you there 115 but if this was (probably not)true worst case scenario the butterfly effect would take place. (I think its called butterfly effect anyway :? ) but other than that this is the Zombie timeline not another.

  11. You have giant massive robots running around and you're questioning the bi-planes... I like the way you think!

    TBH the bi-planes seem to only be there for decoration... Not for use.. But hay, maybe we can use them to board the zeppelin or the monstrosity... Easier to LAND a bi-plane then to land a blimp or giant robot....

    Perhaps the mechs-zombies in the big-daddy suits will drop from them!

    Also has anyone seen the connection that in Plants vs zombies the final boss was a giant robot?... Suspicious...

    Yes, that is no mere. Coincidence, look at it this way, same boss =Illuminati

    If you delve deeper into this mystery you come out with Plants vs Zombies, that is 3 words, HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!

    But yeah, they are probably judt for show, but they probably wouldn't be there unless they either are for something, or they are half blind and cannot see the chaos beneath them.

    Classic Gaben but I think they will just be firing at other German planes and none damage bullets at Der Riese and when the Egg is almost complete they will probably fire at the head killing it :P but yeah maybe for decor.


    This map is set during World War One. 1977, to be exact. Nazi Germany didn't exist until after its conclusion in 1933.

    I think you mean 1917 :) But I know what you meant.

  12. If prominent members like you are going to call him such an idiotic name, it's no wonder such a large percentage of players get his name wrong.

    And here's another fact: the Ray Gun in Buried is different from every other Ray Gun in every other level.

    While I normally call him Sloth, there hasn't been an official name given. I don't see anything wrong with Leroy. It's kind of a country name and he does look like he's from the country. And he does go charging into places like Leroy Jenkins.

    The developers specifically stated that while he has no official name, it is NOT that. And I honestly find it offensive to use such a name just because some big Youtube user told people to use it.

    I don't know if it helps but a youtuber by the name of jrizzo666 (he has some good theater talents) went into the files and the it said Sloth on the file. BTW: I subbed, you have really cool videos like the Zombie saga :)

  13. If you want to play the old maps, play the old games.

    Maybe we want to play them on the new engine, with the new weapons?

    Not to forget when trying to play BO1 you can barely find any good games and if you do the people will be Spanish and you will have no idea what they are trying to say or the people will just leave because they never got the ray gun.

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