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Posts posted by Stupid_Treyarch

  1. Origins is in the past. Obviously. So wouldn't the mexican mentioned in CoTD still be alive? Well from what I saw no mexican. So I think we can safely say that Origins happens post radios in CoTD right?

  2. By looking at the trailer it seems to me that the giant robots may have the same effect on the easter egg as did the excavators had in Moon. As in we probably have to wait for them to step on a certain part of the map like we had to wait for the excavators to well excavate. Any thoughts?

  3. I think Maxis made it. It seems to run off of ethereal energy not unlike the ghost. Maxis was the only one who was every studying ethereal energy. Thus, he seems a likely candidate. Also note that the ethereal energy has strange effects upon time. For example, when you use the Paralyzer, it slows the zombies down. Also when it makes you "fly" it actually stops your acceleration or momentum; it keeps your speed fixed. If you were going up, you keep going up. If you were in the arc of your jump, you just kinda hang there. If you were going down, you keep going down.

    Yea but's that a little sketchy altogether because that can be chalked up as a "glitch".

  4. During the time of Shi No Numa Dempsey's daughter was 5. Now unless Richtofen plucked her out of the past (which I Doubt) she'd be well over a hundred years old when BO2 zombies happened and also there is a quote by Misty detailing her father's death saying she witnessed his face get chewed off by a zombie.

  5. In-game, it pushes the players back to the point in which the Time Bomb is dispatched.

    Theoretically, we know it has the potential to move towards the future (Side Mission step ala Infinite Mode) or go back to a pre-positioned time. How it works just exactly, is up in the air. You can do things in the future and detonate the bomb to see that what you've done in that future has changed in the past. We are rewriting history little by little. It's almost as if there is a time bubble around the entire map - if not, area - that could only be affected by this time shift. Could it be using ethereal energy so fluctuate the time flow in that manner?

    Like Alcatraz almost? Also I read up on it and it seems Maxis was teleported sometime after Rictofen betrayed him to this victorian town and that he is the one who created both the time bomb and the paralyzer. Now I was thinking maybe somehow he got his hands on some 115 and maybe just maybe tested his new mechanism on this victorian town which then made it be where it is now.

  6. A time destroyer wouldn't really make since due to the fact tat not all things you do are forgotten for example I believe doors are not un-bought. But apparently Maxis was teleported there after the events of Der Riese and that's where he made both the time bomb and paralyzer (Just a theory of course.

  7. As we all should know the time bomb is a device that sends us back in time. Now, so far we have seen time teleportation but not in such a controlled matter. For example, the jump from Der Riese to Kino was actually a malfunction in of itself due to too much 115 input (DG-2 shocking the teleporter). Then they were thrown randomly through time somehow landing in Kino. Now to my questions. How did whoever you believe to have made the time bomb make it? What does it run on? 115? Or some different technology? And how is it so controlled?

  8. Thousands of years ago, the MPD (Moon Pyramid Device) was created to house a certain entity, also known as the Devil, was cast away in there by the Aryans as he was a fallen angel and this was punishment, his own prison with the key locked away. Anywhere who enters can be swapped out in place of another's soul, but the Devil doesn't have this luxury. This prison he's in is Aether, or Hell, his very own underworld.

    Then how did he enter Richtofen?

  9. At first I wondered why "The Editor" but now I understand your the person Al tried sending his comic book ideas too... You are also the one who rejected them. Which in turn made Al turn to crime so you say this never ending loop is occurring and we need to fix it but why would you want to fix something you supposedly created? Has it gotten so out of control that even you "The Dark Entity" or "The Editor" can no longer contain it? So much for all-powerful huh? And just because you have an insider dosen't make you better because like it or not we here figure out the same things you do without the help of some insider.

  10. Richtofen could start fighting himself... because we know when he went into the MPD someone or something entered his soul so we could see in the next DLC is the fight for RIchtofen as in the easter egg ends with us either choosing the "Bad" Richtofen or the "Good" RIchtofen. That is of course if you did Richtofen's side.

  11. It seems after getting all the perks via the easter egg you'll never lose them when you go down. While true there is still what I believe to be a glitch with mule kick. If you go down you'll actually lose your third gun. Has anyone else experienced this?

  12. The first time you hit the levers, it'll more than likely be wrong. However, if you hit, say, the red lever 1st, and it sparks, it means that the red lever is definitely the first one. The same goes for, say, the green lever. If you hit it 3rd and it sparks, it is the third lever. The rest of the colors will be trial and error. There is no other currently found way :|

    Seems kinda un-treyarchy in my opinion :lol:

  13. I thought RIchtofen's goal was to somehow expunge the vril-ya that was in his soul and heal the earth.

    Well, this is where I get what I said from:

    "You will be the hero that has saved all of the Earth... FOR ME TO PLAY WITH!"

    Richtofen says that in Green Run, when he believes Maxis is attempting to dethrone him and save the Earth.

    Couldn't that be the vril-ya talking?

  14. Welcome Call of Duty: Black Ops 2: Zombies enthusiasts,

    Recently, Me, Spence_ZILLA, and two of my friends, who wish to remain unnamed, while waiting for a fourth friend to do the newest easter egg, thought about the future map packs.

    We have found, through research, that the distance between The Great Leap Foward to Resolution 1295 and the distance between Green Run to Resolution 1295 are eerily similar and create create a triangle. When the triangle is reflected onto the northern hemisphere, to crete a diamond, the point ends up near the North pole, this leads us to believe this will be part of the final map pack. We then found the exact center of of said diamond and found that it ends up near London, England, close to Big Ben and the London Eye. This lead us to believe that there will be second zombies map in the final map pack, that will conclude the zombie apocalypse or this end of the story. Other evidence to suggest this is that all the Characters appear to be american, and that if we take the name of a new Buried achievement "When the revolution comes," the names of the Black Ops 2 map packs, and F-E-A-R, the first letter of the names of each Black Ops 1 map packs. During the American Revolution who did the Americans FEAR most, the British.

    If we come up with anything else i will add that to this post, leave your comments and further speculations on this topic.

    Message me on Xbox or PM me here,

    Spence ZILLA

    I personally agree and like the triangle and diamond theory but I also believe that F-E-A-R is just a coincidental acronym because I have yet to see any developer comment on it. (Correct me if I'm wrong).

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