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Posts posted by TheNathanNS

  1. What I guess is with the power that Richtofen obtains [if you've done his EE's] gives him ultimate power.

    He no longer needs a body if he doesn't want one.

    So 1.) is yes. Samantha's body is just floating up and down... on the Moon.... No soul inhabiting her body.

    I guess her body has to stay there otherwise someone else could hop in and become the leader. Just a guess.

    2.) Samuel ate zombie flesh and Samuel's still alive. All Richtofen can do with him, considering Samuel is alive, is talk to him and "share bodies and senses" with him. Nothing more.

    But we may find out the answer to this with DLC 4....

  2. What about Samuel?

    His Die Rise quote "Sure.. you want me to keep the others alive... why though?" could be taken in 2 different ways.

    Either he's hearing some voice in his head, which most of the zombie community believe and is very possible, or it could be him breaking the 4th wall by asking us [the player] why we want him to keep the others alive.

  3. "We were there at the beginning." "...and we’ll be there at the end!"

    Anyone else think this means the Campaign team are working on DLC 4 and the story will end in BO2's DLC 4?

    Think about it.

    We were there at the beginning." They made Nacht der Untoten, the beginning of the zombies mode, more than likely they mean Der Riese.

    "...and we’ll be there at the end!" They'll end the zombies mode where it began. [i presume this means Der Riese as well.]

    But still.... if this is set during the 1900's who will are characters be? It can't be the N4 as none of them were even born. Unless it takes place during the 1990's but even then Misty and Marlton would be very young children.

    Possibly could be the O4, but I think it depends "when" it occurs, if it occurs during 1900 - 1910 then it won't be the O4 as Tank would be very young or not even born.

    DLC 4 is going to be very interesting.

    Anyone else got a gut feeling we'll see Dr. Maxis in human form for the very first time?

  4. Welcome to CODZ.

    As you probably already know, this place is better than the Official COD forums, friendlier members and friendlier staff.

    You also probably already know, but some big COD Zombie YouTuber's reside here. Examples include LiamFTWinter and NiikThatGamingShow.

    I look forward to hearing some of your zombie theories. Make them interesting. ;)

    You haven't been here long, but you've qualified for the "Introduction" medal.

  5. ^Welcome to CODZ.

    First new member I've seen who hasn't posted Kitchens. :P 8-)

    On the subject of Pack-A-Punch

    You can PAP the Monkey Bomb by chucking it into the PAP machine.

    You can PAP the knife/Bowie Knife

    On MOTD the Acid Gat can be used on all weapons.

    On Grief you can take your opponents PAP'd guns if you grab them before they do.

  6. Actually you can go back to the spawn level. I don't know how you'd get LSAT ammo without the Max Ammo though...

    I find some hoaxes to be interesting. Don't ask why I just do.

    Here's one from FIVE.

    In FIVE you can see Alex Mason tied to the chair on the second floor/basement. [i cannot remember which one]

    At first I believed it was true as on BO1 if you chose Zombies, you'd see a Zombie banging on the window of the room Mason was in.

  7. It's possible to get back to spawn using the Paralyzer.

    Actually, I think this is possible. I'm sure someone here could explain how. I think you have to float up to the broken walkway over the slide after you land after jumping into the fountain.

    Oh yeah you can. :/ I can't believe I forgot!

  8. Heard some more today and read some on YouTube comments.

    It's possible to kill Leroy.

    It's possible to Pack-A-Punch the Sliquifier.

    If your on the losing team in Cell Block Grief, there is a higher chance of Brutus ignoring your team.

    If you shoot all the hanging bodies on MOTD, a 3rd player can get the Blundergat.

    In Die Rise, if you use lag switch while the elevator is going up, you can get to the top of the roof.

    Leroy will attack you if you shoot him a certain amount of times.

    After completing all EE's, you get to play as Richtofen. [50% true, if you did all Rich's EE's and are Samuel]

    It's possible to get back to spawn using the Paralyzer.

    The more points you have, the more ghosts will come for you.

  9. No it isn't.

    In my own opinion, Mob of the Dead is the best map in Black Ops 2.

    1st, I liked the way in MOTD the game started off [if you had 4 players] with the M4 talking about what's happening. Or the character mourning the others if your on solo and when you arrived on the Golden Gate Bridge. In Buried the characters don't communicate as much. Plus I hate the way the N4 have the same repetitive quotes every single game. [That's more than a hole in the ground, that's the rift.]

    Leroy's moaning annoys me too.

    2nd I think Buried is easier than MOTD. I have no idea why but I've managed to last longer on Buried than I have on MOTD. Probably because on Buried you can be all set up by the end of Round 1.

    3rd, I think the story is a lot better on MOTD. The twist in the EE made it so much better. Plus not to mention the EE on MOTD didn't involve some stupid & useless Sharpshooter step.

    4th, Brutus is a lot harder to kill than the ghosts. When MOTD first came out, we all died on Round 3 because we didn't know how to kill him. On Buried all we did was lose 1000 points.... and not get downed.

    Buried is an OK map but I think it gets boring quicker than MOTD.

  10. Sadly, I cannot find a decent resolution picture of Buried's loading screen.

    When the PC version comes out, someone will probably take a 1600x1200 then we can look even more in-depth.

  11. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Der Riese to be honest.

    It wouldn't be the first time Treyarch have shipped out old maps....

    Black Ops 1:

    Cliffside [WAW, First Strike]

    All WAW Zombie Maps

    Black Ops 2

    Nuketown 2025

    Firing Range


  12. I find it nonsense as FEAR is the first letter of the Black Ops DLC packs (not necessarily even zombie related) and then the last letter of the Black Ops 2 Zombies Storyline Gamemodes so far happens to spell TEDD. However you have to accept that T, E, and D are very common ending letters. Just in that last sentence it went "r, u, e, o, t, t, d, e, y, n, g, s," You see 2 "e"s and 2 "t"s and a "d". It could very well be a coincidence.

    Exactly. Flammen, it's not silly. It's just stupid. This isn't a theory. It's just apophenia. Why would you encourage them Electric?

    Look at this, when I take the first letters of the four original Power-Ups, I get:

    M-ax Ammo



    D-ouble Points

    Therefore, the next map will have a brain Power-Up.

    Also, Albert Arlington's initials are AA. This means that he invented the AA battery.



    I remember someone saying the N4's first letters of their names spell MARS.

    Plus FEAR TEDDY has one flaw.



    Plus I've noticed something myself.

    The N4 and O4. A secret anagram.





    SRTT: Saints Row The Third

    DLC 4 will feature Samuel, Russman, Takeo and Tank in Steelport. 8-)

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