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Posts posted by TheNathanNS

  1. Anyone else think that the O4 won't be as funny as they were?

    Think about it.

    Nikolai's vodka ramblings were due to Richtofen's tests. Since this appears to be set before Richtofen's tests, I'm worried Nikolai won't mention his vodka. Or wives.

    This is the last time I'm going to post this post.

    Everytime I hit "Submit" someone else has already posted. :P

  2. Thank you for the assistamce Nathan, and thanks to you too MonkeyBomb. Its good to see a friendly forum ppl are usually a bit rude on these things.

    One thing I've noticed with forums is, the bigger the community, the ruder and unfriendlier the members are and the smaller it is, the friendlier and more supportive the members are.

  3. Hi Jimmy *waves

    Its pretty cool I must say, all this time I thought it a little pathetic that this website was made, and maintained waaaay better than the activision site.

    Because this forum isn't filled with "DLC 4 LEAK! OFFICIAL!!!!" or "leaderboard suck fix it now treyarch" :P

  4. @nathan, dat zombie head.

    Feel free to reuse the pic as the next "DLC 4 official leak" video... as a surprise at the end. 8-)

    Good news!

    TL;DR: The link claims to have some DLC models too which may be classed as piracy. So I ain't risking it.

    Very nice Nathan!

    Unless you're planning to use the models for something that can get you money, you won't have to worry about any piracy-related issus.

    Yeah, but every forum I've been on has a different view on what piracy is.

    Plus CoDZ seem to be affiliated with Treyarch, who I'm sure do not want to see their DLC models up for free downloading.

    On the other hand, however, I've seen various Call of Duty models being ported to completely different games, such as GTA, Garry's Mod and Left 4 Dead. For free.

    So I guess they balance themselves out? I dunno.

  5. Good news!

    I found Black Ops models, in a .3ds format, with all textures.

    From the campaign, multiplayer and zombies!

    Bad news!

    They're only characters. Not props/weapons. Also from BO1.

    I'm not sure if I should link, because the uploader has claimed to have some DLC models too, but I'm not sure if the DLC models work as their "models" are just .fbx and their textures are just simple pictures of the character. So I'm not too sure if they will import correctly.

    All the models OUTSIDE the "DLC 2/3/4" folder work perfectly fine with normal textures and a .3ds format.

    TL;DR: The link claims to have some DLC models too which may be classed as piracy. So I ain't risking it.

    Anyway, here's some pics from the archive: All are 1920x1080

    George Romero: http://uploadffs.nl/images/2013/08/05/6LNhU.png

    Zombie head: http://uploadffs.nl/images/2013/08/05/VlTf.png

    Hellhound: http://uploadffs.nl/images/2013/08/05/vKayb.png

    Samantha: http://uploadffs.nl/images/2013/08/05/JC2Ah.png

  6. I never tried.

    Some guy posted it on the COD forums with the title "DLC 4 Rebirth was real after all..."

    But there was one fake, which I didn't make, but took part in was before MOTD came out.

    On the COD Forums, someone claimed to be playing MOTD and shown a picture of themselves holding their 360 controller with a fake MOTD loading screen on their TV.

    He also posted the RAW .JPG file.

    So I downloaded it and put it on my USB and viewed it on my TV through Xbox's picture viewer. I then took a pic and posted "Hey! I'm playing MOTD too!! >_

    I also took another one where I had mu thumb up. lol

    Anyway, some YouTuber took my pic and put it in his video and got the fact wrong saying I made it.... ._.

    The picture appears around the 0:10 mark. XD

    If you want to see the fake and my picture go here:


    For mobile users: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86VlzSxVfrc

    Still made me laugh though.

    I even subbed to the guy for making my day. :D

    I'll re-take that pic of anyone doubts I'm telling the truth.

  7. You only hear the sounds in the map with the Jumping Jacks. That's more than just a coincidence.

    You don't hear them while killing regular zombies. You hear them no matter what. Whether there's zombies or no. Whether you're standing or running. Whether you're drinking or shooting. You hear the sounds. What's the constant? You hear them only when you're around Die Rise, only when you're in the place that has the Jumping Jacks.

    And you're bending those quote much too far. He says those when fighting zombies. Regular, groaning zombies.

    And file names are rarely reliable. Tesla did not invent the DG-2.

    Umm... Perhaps your Revolution is slightly corrupted.

    I always hear the groans, as Samuel, on non-Jumping Jack rounds.

    Usually when I kill a zombie.

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