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Everything posted by MaxCool858

  1. Okay so everytime I play online with my friends ,(usually 2-4 player), we always start off good and everything runs smoothly until, we reach high rounds. At like round 18+ I just get timed out. WHY!? This usually just happens on die rise, but whenever we play something else, i also get timed out at high rounds. Ive never had this problem before. Please what can I do to stop this, Why does this happen? Please answer as soon as possible, I cant enjoy zombies with my friends anymore. ( Also, this only happens in zombies and in all of the maps, we have tried switching hosts,but i still get timed out, im never the host because im scared ill time out and the match will end, We usually just play custom games , so that i can rejoin.) PLease answer as soon as possible! Thanks! :|
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