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Everything posted by Ironbull

  1. Thanks for your reply! In my opinion it's as fast as the acid trap startegy but way safer. Try it, you will see! Silly question: Where do I have to ask for medals? :D
  2. Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about my strategy for Mob of the dead, which basically is very easy. I'm going to explain how to start, where to run and how you want to turn the Fan Trap on. So let's get started. The starting strategy 1. When you spawn in, you want to open the double-points door, wait until the zombies break in, grab the double points and kill 4 of the 6 zombies by shooting hem 6 times and then knife them. This will get you about 2000 points. 2. Open the door near the M14 and walk upstairs. Make sure, that the Warden's key is there (at the Acid Trap). If it isn't there, you really want to restart the game. Enter afterlife, shock the double-points cell, the key and the door to go downstairs. Grab the key and walk to the washing machine; open the door and enter afterlife again. Now you have to be really fast. Run upstairs again instead of shocking the washing machine straight away, and run your way back to where the first dog is. Jump to get up to electric cherry. Shock this and the gondola and run back fast. Now you want to shock the washing machine and revive yourself. It will be tight, but you should be able to do it. 3. Turn the machine on and wait for the zombies to spawn. Don't kill them straight away! Group them behind you and wait until the uniform is ready to pick it up. When its ready, go back upstairs and grab the second double points. Then kill the zombies. Try to knife as much as you can. When there are only 1 or 2 zombies left, hand up to the gondola and drive down. Enter afterlife once again and turn Juggernog on. You should have enough points to buy that and also to grab the Tommy Gun. 4. Feed the dogs, grab the missing plane parts and your perks. Try to get a Ray gun/Blundergat out of the box. This simple trick may help you, to get it really fast. Now you want to get your free blundegat (if you got one of the box, make sure to upgrade it to the Acid gat before grabbing the free one) by doing this: 5. Fly to the bridge and PaP your weapons. If you want to you can try to get the Hell's Redeemer (recommended). 6. Go to where Double tap is and camp there until round 20-30 (stop camping there, if you think you can't handle it anymore). The Fan Trap strategy (Kills two hordes per trap) Start in the Warden's office. Group the zombies up and run through the trap (turn it on while running through it). Walk your way up to electric cherry and fall down near the gondola to get back to the "Trap-street". Turn the trap on again. Now group the zombies up only a bit and crouch under it. This my need a bit of timing to do it before the traps turns off again. Do that as long as you want. This is my simple strategy for Mob of the Dead solo. I hope you find it helpful. If you have questions just ask me! Cheers!
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