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Posts posted by ragawaga

  1. The bridge is incredibly easy to hold off, probablies the best place so far.

    3 players at the back (opposite the electric chairs) and one person runs a tight but incredibly easy circle in the middle, works with any number of players, only downside is their is no powerups which is a killer for ammo

    I've heard others mention the no powerup thing as well. However, the Brutus's do drop powerups on the bridge. I got a few from them last night there. I don't know about the other zombies.

    If I'm not mistaken, only the first Brutus that spawns in right after you arrive will give you a drop. After that I don't think you get any at all. However, it works a lot like No Man's Land.... as you're there killing zombies, your odds of getting a drop increase dramatically but it's not possible to actually get a drop there after the first one. What this means is that when you shock yourself back to the prison, the first zombie you kill will almost always give you a drop. Last night we were doing the EE and all three times we went to the bridge we spent at least one round there.... and all three times the first zombie we killed when we got back gave us a Max Ammo.

    Speaking of drops... how long did it take everyone to notice that there are no carpenters in this map? :P

    Wow i didnt even realise there was no carpenter.. shows how much i dont use windows in this map

  2. The spiral staircase is the BEST co-op camping spot I've found... as long as you don't open the door at the bottom. The lowest zombie spawn is on the third "section" up, so you have tons of room to fall back... and Brutus always seems to spawn at the very bottom, so you can throw down a bunch of claymores behind you to take him out (or at least weaken him) and not even have to worry about the zombies setting them off. We camped there with just 2 players until round 21 (which is when we completed "Pop Goes The Weasel" and ended the game), but we never had a problem there at all and I'm sure you could go much further there with claymores and decent weapons... and with 3 or 4 people? Easy mode. I used to use the area on the other side of Jugg, but this spot is even better because you have much more room to fall back.

    The only drawback is that you need to open that door to get the rope in Solo, so it's only really good for co-op. In co-op you just split up and have one person go from the other side to get the rope.


    So the door where you zap the numbers is closed?

  3. There is nothing worse when you have a good thing going and a player gets downed/dies ,only to quit like a little baby because he lost his perks or weapons, despite the teams good strategy and attempts to revive him and in some cases despite the money to get set up next round.

    For this I think there should be a lengthy timeout or even a day ban, thats how much i hate it.

    For players who genuinely need to go out or do something important in their house/whatever there should be a ban report for every game where someone left, for example a player tells the team he needs to go, when he prematurely leaves after the match the other players can say if he left unlawfully.

    Please vote and or tell me your ideas. Thanks.

  4. I personally quite like the Steam Room on solo, as it's fairly easy to dodge zombies coming at you. Plus, if you have Hell's Retriever you can predict something coming and just charge it up ready when approaching a corner, and if there's nothing there you turn it around and use it on your horde- simple!

    I also hate the spiralling staircase down... You wouldn't believe the luck I get there. Speaking of luck, me and my brother were playing split-screen down at the docks and on wave 8 we were trapped there. We had gotten Hell's Retriever but had practically concentrated solely on that so didn't have Jug yet. To make matters worse, Brutus had spawned in. I didn't know that the Retriever kills him in one (as we found out later) and got myself trapped near the guard tower trap yet somehow (and this still shocks me), even though I had been hit by Brutus and lost most my health, I was able to avoid the zombies that had chased me and Brutus and still got to my brother in time to revive him (out of Afterlife's). EPIC!

    Anyway bit off topic sorry. I also am not a massive fan of the roof- I find it too easy to get caught up there, same with the cafeteria really but the cafeteria is a little easier in my opinion.

    Steam Room for me by the sounds of it!

    Im gonna have to try the steam room out! Also i feel really guilty and just laugh when i get amazing bits of luck, just like that :p

  5. The Warden's office is great for a full party. One on speed cola window, one on middle window, and two watching door/front window. In the later rounds run the fan trap as much as possible.

    It's actually really easy up till 28-30.

    I hate getting caught out in the cell block area, too many really narrow pathways. If you commit to the little walkway by electric cherry at the wrong time, it's pretty much game over.

    Aye, i agree with you there, any of them slim walkways get crowded and you better start praying.

    Also does anyone else feel this map is a bit too easy? I think it may be because the map is so big that all the zombies spread out. I mean im not the best zombies player by any means and round 10-15 on other maps is normally when i start to struggle. However on this map ive been to 15-19 about 4 times (played about 9 times)

  6. I like the box room under the infirmary, the roof, the dock is a kind of a good spot but not for higher rounds, and I think the shower room is a not that bad of a spot. so overall there is quite a few places to kite but people WANTEDa map that brought back the feel of verruckt and i feel this map brings back many a nostalgia factor for me. :D:D:D

    I agree with that nostalgia factor, this map has just brung so much to the tablr that the fans were yearning for

  7. Everytime i sit down to play a spot of zombies, it always goes like this for me, and it pisses me off so bad;

    After waiting for about 10 minutes maybe even more i finally get into a lobby, by this time im impatient/fed up. To add to my anger i always get these types of players matched up with me;

    The guy who leaves after one down

    The guy who is incredibly selfish

    The guy who thinks he is amazing and goes off by himself

    The guy who is aged 5-10

    The guy who literally has no common sense or understanding of how zombies works

    These people never have mics plugged in aswell.

    Does anyone else feel my pain? :(

  8. But then how do you die? If a mini- nuke just keeps going off around you each time your 1 hit away... You could only die if you let the zombies hit you, and then let the zombie behind them hit you easily.... I like the rest of it though.... Although I think it would be better to put it in the new perk thread...

    I imagine when the nuke goes off it kills zombies all around you, but has a recharge timer, and the perk maybe could go inactive for that time limit

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