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Posts posted by DavidHoman

  1. I did watch the whole thing. And admittedly, I don't know what to make of it. Suggesting that it'll continue with Eddies turn, which would be the N4, seems a bit rubbish now that we know none of it is real. And I think that their games were about to come true, is extremely far fetched and doesn't make any sense tbh.

    Eddie being Richofens son baffles me the most. That's just desperate thinking to be honest

    And I'm not meaning to say everyone is. I personally would love to see it continue, and I pray daily for them to surmise me, but they solved all plot holes and all stuff like that with the ending we have. So it all makes sense

  2. It's winding me up that people are trying to claw on to any last hope. It's been fully explained what's happening. How did the crew get to ascension? Maybe because the two kids have changed settings.

    Eddie isn't holdin a Richtofen doll. He's holding a doll that he has characterised as himself

    Everything is just a game. None of it happened. It's all their imagination

  3. I love this!

    I've always thought the idea was based around just their attitude, but with detail it makes sense!

    However, why doesn't she use his surname? (I had more questions whilst reading but I've forgot them now.)

    Love it though :)

  4. Nice finds. I too thought that the moon in the cutscenes was purposely done.

    I feel that the orbs after being charged become a moon. I'm yet to do them all or see them all done, so I can't say what happens afterwards.

  5. Buying the WAW maps a 3rd time? No....

    Trayarch taking the time to re-create black ops maps? No....

    The final dlc coming with a new zombies story mode, a few grief and turned maps along side four brand new locations for small survival maps like nuketown? YES!

    That's not the point he was making. He wasnt rendering to the last map pack and bringing the old maps. He means an update for BO and taking the new stuff there.

    It's a nice idea, and I wish it would happen, but I highly doubt it.

  6. Just been looking around the saloon and found that the piano next to the stairs makes a noise when holding X. When looking at different keys, it plays different tunes as well.

    Could this perhaps be an Easter egg step, or just a little Easter egg?

    Couldn't see this already posted. So apologies if it has.

  7. I think it's important to note that 'The Rift' is used as a proper noun for something.

    Could potentially mean:

    - The place is known as 'The Rift'. And the place needs fixing?

    - There's a physical item there known as 'The Rift', and it needs fixing?

    - Or it's a direct quote, and they know that whatever 'The Rift' is, it's where they're going.

    Seems as if Russman will be the player to be this time around. Interesting cut scene indeed.

  8. If it means anything, I'm more towards "Day time's over to me." This reflects the state of Tranzit. The fog and ash and lava etc creates a consistant darkness, symbolising night time. Could very well be the day for all we know, and it more than likely is considering we can see the sun in theatre mode. But as stated, the fog makes it seem dark.

  9. 5. Shi No Numa

    Not a map that I specifically hate. It's actually a map that I rather like. But then again, I like all of them. The lack of PaP makes the replay factor very low. It's also annoying from recent experience to play with randoms - as most maps are.

    4. Die Rise

    Another fun map, but still one of the ones that I dislike. Too much waiting around for my liking. Things become repetitive in the sense of running through the same buildings to get to the roof to hold off.


    It's a fun sounding map in theory, but since finally getting my Blops disk working again and getting to replay it, I realised why I hated it in the first place. The gravity can be a pain, the corridors, the lack of places to go, it all annoys me.

    2. Shangri La

    This was a map that I loathed when it first came out. The whole jungle setting, the features in the map, the fact that I NEEDED 4 players to do the EE all annoyed me. As of late, I began playing it solo and was sort of getting in to it. But over all, its not that great.



    Probably could have guessed this as it's everybody's. The new characters suddenly given to us without any introductions, the fog, the bus, the Denizens, the EE, lack of wall guns in town... the list could go on forever


    (Image has been scaled 2x, with sharpen filter, and adjusted level to help bring out the details)

    My main guess is that it may be Mictlantecuhtli.

    I think it's the same thing you see on Mob of the Dead's loading screen. I am probably wrong but you know what Treyarch are like.

    Albeit they are similar, I think the one on MotD is just to show the afterlife feature. I cant see what they would be implying by having an afterlife image on Nuketown. However, food for thought and shouldn't be completely dismissed.

  11. Hi everyone, My name's David, from Liverpool, England. 17 years of age.

    Been playing zombies from WaW, instantly falling in love with it, and the story when it began to take off. I could tell you the story from memory, every single detail. That's how much I've read it and studied it.

    I've followed the website for a while now, only recently making an account to share my opinions, and I am constantly checking the pages to find any more information and finds.

    Anyway, nice to meet you all.

  12. I'd love all of the old maps to be available through the store. I can't play; Five, Ascention or Moon on my Blops 1, because the disk is scratched. I loved having all of the maps in one location back then, and i'd love to again. Maybe implement it in to the story line of them repeating a cycle for instance, and thus restarting the whole scheme.

  13. I liked the last tip. But I don't agree with using all of your lives straight away. There's been times when I've been knocked down on early rounds due to not paying attention. So a life has kept me in the game.

    Something to add that I personally find good:

    In solo, with three lives, keep the last zombie going, then go into the after life, using your third, do anything such as turning on a perk or whatnot, then revive yourself and kill the zombie. You'll instantly get that life back due to the next round starting, and it's better than being stuck on three (due to not having four) and not having done anything

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