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Posts posted by godofwarNG

  1. I'm almost always host so say I go down and don't get picked up, ill end the game, but not right on the spot. I'll let the idiot who's still alive train for 10 minutes and then when he thinks he's a hero, guess what, "migrating hosts" :) I also love to steal kills then teabag the loser who's kills Ive swiped.

  2. Looking through this thread I have better stats than some, well, most of you. The thing is I don't play every day, more like every other day and 5 games on days I do play. What's the key to leveling up? Do you have to play x amount of games in a row? It sucks when I'm sitting in a lobby and people back out because I'm only a skull with 1 mark. The funny part is I always end up with the most kills, literally every time I play. I play nuketown almost exclusively if that matters.

  3. How long have you played without juggernogg? I was playing with 3 garbage randoms and they all went down on round 15. (No speed cola either) I usually just look for PaP unless the people I'm playing with are trash then ill grab jug.

  4. I'm sick of people thinking theyre good because they can run around in a circle for 10 mins and use any pap heavy machine gun and take out 500 zombies. Make them come at you from different angles, not in damn single file line. The zombies need.to be able to strategize atleast somewhat. Also drop tombstone, seriously, I just don't get the point of being rewarded with your shit back AFTER you die. This is supposed to be a survival game, not a slasher!

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