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Posts posted by tinasrob

  1. IDK exactly what to call this but anyways i was on die rise a couple months ago. I had 7000 for galvaknuckles so i went, bought em, and where it says what gun youre using it said either electric_tazer_knuckles or zombie_tazer_knuckles. Has this happened to anyone else? im guessing this is the file name for them?

  2. Idk what all the characters "4" are all called like O4 or whatever but the die rise 4 have to come back. they wouldnt leave us at that. But anyways we have 2 groups of people. i wonder what happens?

  3. I believe that there will be no tower in this one but save the 3rd tower for the last one and leave us at a huge cliffhanger. Such as one of the 04 in the last map say something really surprising but kinda bad in a way and leave us to theorize for the next game

  4. 1.New York, USA 2. Not much but i post alot 3. Daily 4. Yes 5. Kino thundergun stage strategy where u round em up n blast em 6. Chopper 7. WKZ and Way2g00 srry bout 2 in 1 line im on my ps3

  5. Thanks. @Wkz I live in new York.

    @poloman were friends already. @Shooter Way back in '07 my mom's.boyfriend made it. He's rob and my mom is Tina. I was 8 then. By the time I realised it I was a high level and did not wanna start all over again. As you can see I do have a 2nd account.

  6. Thanks. @Wkz I live in new York.

    @poloman were friends already. @Shooter Way back in '07 my mom's.boyfriend made it. He's rob and my mom is Tina. I was 8 then. By the time I realised it I was a high level and did not wanna start all over again. As you can see I do have a 2nd account.

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