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Posts posted by ArchaicFlunky13

  1. yup def has something to do with double points!!!! I got another double points at the end of t[*]he next round grabbed it and new round started only got three kills cuz they were spawing soon as double points wore off I heard the lose a perk laugh sound double points def ca

    n activate a persistant perk im positve

  2. by the way I found a quick way to make two portals,at once in trazit after powers on make a,portal by the light then attracted a second denzie jump in the portal just as hes about to land on you (after u here his shriek)...and when you come out the portal the 2nd denzie follows and jumps off yoyr head and digs a second portal its great for quick ecapes and for places more of a pain to grab a denzie....try it out no bullshit lol....ArchainFlunky13..xbox.. later

  3. just got a new perma perk on buried its not phd flopper perma I already have that I got it after I grabbed a double points and started clappin mad zombies soon as it wore off I saw the mist a few feet ahead of me no bullshit maybe you have to kill certain number of zombies with double points to get double tap perma/persistant it seems logical try it out and let me know...xbox tag ArchaicFlunky13

  4. respect bro my highest round on leadeboards is 48 but im trying to break it right now trying to get a max ammom from brutis by spinning the box over and over to get him to appear but hes not coming out think treyarch got wise to that trick in late rounds. I still got ammo but wanted to fill up hate getting to near my high score and running out but I went like ten rounds without firing a shot to conserve just tomahawking and trapping....hit me up on xbox if your ever up late night and wanna play I only play solo cuz most people dont know the map inside an out I play this map like 8 hrs a day lol its all I play lol....get at bro and once again your the master (in my sho nuff voice)

  5. respect bro my highest round on leadeboards is 48 but im trying to break it right now trying to get a max ammom from brutis by spinning the box over and over to get him to appear but hes not coming out think treyarch got wise to that trick in late rounds. I still got ammo but wanted to fill up hate getting to near my high score and running out but I went like ten rounds without firing a shot to conserve just tomahawking and trapping....hit me up on xbox if your ever up late night and wanna play I only play solo cuz most people dont know the map inside an out I play this map like 8 hrs a day lol its all I play lol....get at bro and once again your the master (in my sho nuff voice)

  6. the scraps of paper laying around are weasels comic strip the editor ripped up "icarus from mars" when put together thake a pic of a super hero rescusing a woman theres also I weird light orb in the sky on the bridge its orange and if you look at it in thearter mode it almost looks like a guy parachuting beside it dont understand why its there

  7. whats up bro been following your thread and been trying to crack this I noticed something thought you would find interesting I noticed a few manaquins have there pant leg hiked up....like if they were riding a bike????....add me we can try some stuff out ...my name on here is my gamertag get at me homie

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