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Posts posted by DaGinga25

  1. Well first off, its good to be back. I last visited this site back hen Origins was released. Now that the trailer has released i'm back in the zombie hype. After watching the trailer i'm worried about the monsters. I hoping that the smaller creatures work the same as dog rounds and the three-headed monster won't show up often.

  2. I really like this theory and in my opinion it is the only Easter egg I could think of. Going into the very active Der Riese and destroying the facility OR killing Maxis and all people that have relations with G935 therefore rewriting the zombie story line. This Easter egg I do think would require the game ending after the completion of the Easter egg.

    - On a side note I really hope that we find out all the mysteries in the zombies storyline.

  3. For me DLC comes out at 3:00 AM. I went to bed early last night and plan on pulling an all nighter tonight. I tried waking up at 3:00 AM for Die Rise but I eventually decided to pull an all nighter for both Die Rise and MotD (school was not fun that next day). I'm going to watch the movie Memento with Joe Pantoliano in it (same guy who voiced Al 'The Weasel' Arlington in MotD). That movie is 2 hours long then I'll might read or do something to pass the time. I all ready got at least 15,000 in the Bank. I got cold Mountain Dew ready then I'll play the DLC most of the day. I leave on Thursday for the mountains and I'm gone till Sunday so I gotta play a lot of Buried.

    The worst part of the whole thing is waiting for it to download. :D

  4. On the 1st of July we get game play from a popular youtuber of all the multiplayer maps and Buried. I will watched multiplayer but NONE of zombies. I liked to be surprised and try to figure out some stuff on my own.

  5. Many people have been theorizing that Buried will hold the final tower we have to activate before the final DLC. If this is the final tower will this also contain the final Navcard we can place in the Tranzit Navcard table? I'm not really sure but there isn't any doubt in my mind that there will be another kind of navcard in Buried. What will happen once we enter in all the navcards? Possibly new info to fill in gaps about the storyline on each map? I'm not too sure.

  6. I starting to get tired of all the people complaining about new maps. I don't care where a map is located or what new features are included I'm exited for Buried and the last DLC map no matter what it is. If you're disappointed with the new map don't play it!

    Overall I'm just trying to say is be grateful we get a new zombies map. :D

  7. Good Breakdown! When I first saw the trailer i was positive that it was Samantha but after looking at Samantha back at Moon and the girl in Buried they have some differences. I also didn't see anyone notice that this prisoner guy that we can use to help us is very tall. How'd he get to be like that? 115? I don't know.

  8. First off I get really excited for a new zombies map. Buried looks like to would be easy to get around similar to MotD. I glad Purgatory isn't coming back because that ruined my MotD experience. I'm surprised though it isn't in another continent. I was expecting this one to be somewhere other than North America. Hopefuly Treyarch is learning for the map. Can't wait till tuesday!

    Btw you said there were no maps in the U.S. before BO2 that is false because Five was in the U.S. Just thought I'd throw that in :D

  9. Interesting. I like the idea. I'm not to sure though about the Bo1 and Bo2 dlc maps being related but who knows!

    I thought of the beginning for this map. You would spawn in Antarctica (Where the entrance to Agartha is believed to be) zombies and hell hounds would start and continue to spawn in similar to No Man's Land except you would have to sprint towards a cave in a mountain where all players would have to hit a button (Or just one for solo) to open an ancient door that leads to Agartha. Then round one would begin. It would be also possible to have PaP there similar to No Man's Land.

    I also did some research and found this website about Agartha --> http://www.thenewearth.org/InnerEarth.html

  10. You talking about Alcatraz Prison Escape: Deathbed Confession(2012)? I read about it and it got many negative reviews. In my opinion a good movie about Alcatraz is Escape From Alcatraz (1979) with Clint Eastwood and which I believe is on Netflix. Now about the developers watching these movies to help them make the zombie maps I highly doubt it because they actually went to San Francisco and visited Alcatraz.

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