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About ShakableSwine

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  1. Realised I may not have posted my original thread on a wrong board here http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=29700 For those who don't view it, it was a small discussion on the possibilities of the Gersch Device comming back into play. Now that I'm really thinking about it though, the return of it seems highly unlikely. The basic fundamentals of the Gersch seems more likely since the colour of the Gersch in-use and when the group teleported from TranZit to Die Rise, it had a strong purple hue much like the Gersch. Maybe a a larger G-Device will be constructed/found, perhaps leading us back to the Moon or even travel back in time to stop Richtofen and Maxis from even starting Group 935. Just a theory though. Any thoughts on this?
  2. Also another quick note, that during the same cut-scene on Die Rise, when the group gets teleported from The USA to Die Rise it had a purple colour to itThanks to Youtube user KB PE for the connection, completely forgot about that.. To add what Flammenwerfer said, maybe not the G-Device in general, but possibly the basic fundamentals of teleportation(or even Time Travel itself?) will surface. Even more far-fetched theory, travelling to the Æther itself with the use of a larger, safer Gersch Device
  3. Didn't put too much thought into it, but at the end of Ascension Richtofen says something along the lines of " fascinating, a dimensional rift!" and in the cutscene for Die Rise when Samuel is talking to Richtofen he says "What? What do you mean mend the rift?" Nothing too serious but just a quick thought, could it be a possibility?
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