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Posts posted by Spartica4Real

  1. You guys make me feel bad sometimes.

    I guess I suck at zombies, you guys say a 3 year old can get to round 45, I can't. Thanks a lot. :lol: My highest round ever is 38 on Die Rise, so I'll just go cry now. :D

    Also, I absolutely hate Mob of the Dead. It's annoying, and Brutus is annoying as hell, I don't like to deal with all that stuff. I prefer simpler maps.

    Die Rise > TranZit > Buried > Nuketown > Mob

  2. So, now that the Xbone has it's policies reversed, will this change anyone's mind? Not mine, I've always gamed on Playstation, I prefer symmetrical sticks (though I preferred the 360 controller, just because of size, but I've seen some pics and the DS4 is almost the same size as the One controller), the DS4 seems much nicer, we all know Sony will have better exclusives. Seriously guys? I understand it's preference but you have to remember Sony's 3-4 best studios are working on new games that were'nt revealed there.

    Sony Santa Montica's new IP

    Guerilla games' new IP

    media Molecule's new IP

    And Naughty Dog Team 1's Uncharted 4/new IP

    And if you WANT to include it Naughty Dog Team 2's The Last of Us 2

    Also price is honestly a huge deal for me in this case. I will probably only have $550-600 to spend on this thing, and if I get the One it's $550 (10% tax here) so then I MIGHT not even have enough to get a game afterwards, PS4 will be $440 and I'll have enough left over to get 2 games. (BF4 and Watch Dogs)

    Just seems like the PS4 is the better console to me.

  3. Does anyone else hate these "bosses"? I'm sick and tired of them. George completely ruined CotD for me, Brutus ruined MotD for me, and I'm hoping this doesn't ruin Buried for me. Or else I'll end up playing Die Rise for 7-8months straight until DLC 4.

  4. I'm actually excited for the map, in all honesty. Just because it doesn't matter what's in the map, it's how you experience it and think about it. Because I get shunned all the time for saying the Die Rise is more fun the Mob Of The Dead for the sole reason of that I feel Mob is more linear in terms of strategy. Die Rise you have options. But that's me. All i'm saying is wait until you get a handle of the controller before you claim that it doesn't compare to Mob. P.S. There HAS to be a mention of the O4. 3arch wouldn't displease the fans THAT much.

    THANK YOU!!!!! Someone who finally thinks Die Rise is better than MotD, I get crap for that all the time too lol. I don't even like MotD, it has de-hyped me from zombies for now, don't like it one bit.

    Die Rise > Farm > TranZit > Town > Nuketown > Bus Depot > Mob of the Dead

    oooohhhhh jimmys tweet, i didnt see that til right now.

    im thinkin, how the EE has always had 2 sides...they may have actually put the fate of the N4 in our hands :o

    See, i was thinking this as well. Maybe whichever one gets chose the most will be the one they continue forward with? Like if more people kill the N4 they will end their storyline or something?

  5. Listen.

    Alright, when you first start up zombies now, the entry is "Al's Journal", right?

    Well, he talks about taking his revenge on "The Editor."

    Now, I'm sure you've seen the picture of The Weasel's drawing w/ the Editor's comments on it.

    Okay... The Weasel knew his art would never be published. He showed his drawings to Sal, Finn and Billy, but they didn't care. In a fit of rage during the night, Weasel was talking to himself. In his head, a voice started speaking. (Alcatraz is known for weird shit!) It's the Devil.

    The Weasel makes a deal with the devil. Whatever the Weasel draws becomes true because of this. About a month of not drawing, he decides to sketch a plan to escape the island.

    As the Warden states during "Pop Goes The Weasel", they didn't accomplish building the plane in time. However, the plane is still seen flying in the air. This is because The Weasel's deal.

    Because of the failure, Sal, Finn and Billy murder The Weasel. They get executed by electric chair.

    The Devil is not happy with Sal, Finn and Billy, because by murdering The Weasel, The Devil couldn't get his end of the deal (Not sure what it is...) and so he put the group in Purgatory, where Weasel's drawings became real, giving The Weasel the chance to change history and survive the attack.

    This explains why the group says things regarding Weasel's drawings. Even Weasel talks about it.

    When he eventually kills the group, The Devil brings Weasel out of Purgatory and back into the real world, where he continued his drawings.

    Later, these drawings became the comic books that we see as loading screens for maps.

    The whole thing is The Weasel's doing.


    ......... this is something my friend sent to me on another website. Interesting theories you two have here.

  6. Thanks guys, yeah it was very hard to do, always wanting to watch videos, but today when I played MotD for like 5 games straight, I loved the experience of discovering stuff myself. I wandered around the map looking for power a lot until I gave up and googled it and found out there was no "main power". :lol:

  7. Hello all, to those that remember me. Hello to those that don't.

    I've been gone from the forum about a month, but that's because I didn't want any MotD spoilers (ps3 player here), so I tried to avoid all CoD websites. With it coming up now, I am back.

  8. While I agree that this annoys the hell outta me, I think you're being a bit harsh. I mean seriously, getting banned for rage quitting?

    Treyarch should have just gotten the whole leaderboards things right the first time and then no one would care when the crappy players quit

    In my eyes a ban is the best deterrent!

    What if I have to go? What if I literally can't stay? I deserve a ban for that?

  9. Wow. That was awesome and I had an adrenaline rush. It's only exciting because I usually only play SnD so to go on a 30 killstreak is amazing for me. That was amazingly fun. Woo! It's a great feeling, though for some reason it doesn't feel better than my first MOAB on MW3 :l

    SCAR-H, Quickdraw, Fast Mag

    Combat Knife


    Black Hat x2

    Flak Jacket


    Dexterity, Engineer

    Perk 3 Greed

    Domination on Slums! I died right after I got to 30. I literally ran into 2 people and killed the first one and the 2nd one killed me, but I got it!

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