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About Norlo1229

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  1. No yeah, I got where u were coming from. I just never found a definite answer yet, probably cuz one don't exist at this point and maybe there was something I missed. Thanks for answering. Ill do a better job to make sure stuff goes where t belongs. Thanks, Nick
  2. Word. I have a good grasp on the story up until bo2. Mostly anyways. I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for in that link all I see is stuff about transit map. No real lore. I am serious about my theory though. Im on my phone and typing a nightmare so im not onna draw it put. I appreciate the gesture and whatnot but at the same time I have to ask if your gonna go through the trouble to reply and give links, why couldn't u just answer my questions?
  3. Herro, New to the forum, had a quick q: Richthofen controls the zombies. He needs the new crew to do stuff for him. Why are zombies still after them? Is maxis in the aether as well? And they fight for control o zombies? Oh and I don't know if his has been mentioned or is plausible but I think that the new crew is the "failed" teleporter experiments from maxis's new diary. They could have all been teleported to different time periods, and had thier memory like the old crew did. I know people seem to think that it's jut filler for newbs but I feel like there's more to it. Thanks Nick
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