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Posts posted by captinslog

  1. The once open minded have become the end all to say all. What's left of this community does not impress me one bit they have taken the air out of the imagination bubble, as though this is a fact only forum now. Which is why I look from afar now for I am the one not impressed . You might as well make this sight only active for the 1 1/2 weeks after the DLC drops, after that shut it down cause only a few know it alls wander around telling you how wrong you are with their nice subtle quit trying so hard comments.

  2. ADD THAT SKELETON TO THE LIST ^^^ seeing as though the crystal skulls in MOTD are part of a side quests perhaps more important than the Plane EE , So this picture has spires , dragons , and skulls in it just like they are in Tranzit Spire and Die Rise Spire the Dragons too and now MOTD crystal skulls . Aaaaah the mystery wish I knew more :( Almost forgot ...The face in the sky ...IN THE SKY .....a Hidden Face in the sky ....staring you in your face smh .... :evil:

  3. Here you go its at this gate, that it is the loudest although I swear you can hear it now through the whole tunnel. Kinda reminds me of like a wind tunnel only in the earth rushing through it into the tunnel somewhere you know like a Hollow Earth would sound......duh duh duh duh :o:o:o

    This is coming from the bus depot on your right

  4. Not much really to say or speculate about guys , but for once Mr. JimmyZ has changed his cryptic twitter description and is pointing us in the direction of earths core .

    it takes us here - http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slab_(geology)#mw-mf-search

    it goes into little detail about the geology term

    Slab -In geology, a slab is the portion of a tectonic plate that is being subducted.[1]

    Slabs constitute an important part of the global plate tectonic system. They drive plate tectonics both by pulling along the lithosphere to which they are attached in a processes known as slab pull and by inciting currents in the mantle (slab suction).[2] They cause volcanism due to flux melting of the mantle wedge, and they affect the flow and thermal evolution of the Earth's mantle. Their motion can cause dynamic uplift and subsidence of the Earth's surface, forming shallow seaways[3] and potentially rearranging drainage patterns.[4]

    Slabs have been imaged down to the seismic discontinuities between the upper and lower mantle and to the core–mantle boundary. Slab subduction is the mechanism by which lithospheric material is mixed back into the Earth's mantle.

    I'm thinking it might in a way reference the event on the comic book page in the lower left box of die rise where the earth has been split in some way . Or could be their reference for a different type of gameplay of an underground map where the area is constantly shifting leaving you no time to run around and find stuff , you know their version of a timed zombie map . Thinking maybe we have to go through some Indiana jones type shit underground on our way to Agartha , hey dont knock me if you dont know but come on even the picture on his page now has frogs and mushrooms , psychedelics man open your mind and alter your perception hahahahaha :lol::lol: :shock:

  5. Can someone remind me again who invented the monkeys ? I was playing die rise, hit the box and got the monkeys, russ picks em up and he kinda gets an attitude and he's like "your mine now you little shit" he definately had a mad undertone. Who does russman think the monkey belong to ? Oh yeah and the monkey bombs eyes are RED duh duh duh duh :o :twisted:

  6. It is very good for a man to talk about what he does not understand; as long as he understands that he does not understand it. So dont pretend like you know russ has 0 prevelance YOU ARENT WRITING THE STORY so acknowledge this and move on , So called know it alls , nice perspective faction I think he will indeed turn out to be a minion of evil for someone . I could picture him with some red eyes =)

  7. This is just a theory but perhaps the ending audio cut of die rise is the "Death to purgatory" like alcatraz lock up, when you die you will be locked up inside another building on location in alcatraz . Maybe our N4 from die rise were locked away in alcatraz ? Just a thought to ponder the Die Rise game over audio .

  8. Hey Flammen nice thread man !! I wanted to ask if you noticed on the still frame picture of the Tommy/thompson, you think anyone can start a side investigation into the writing on the wall, a code perhaps maybe its a code to get to a treasure. If anything its worth a search for sure to match something . Demonic satanic Cults or secret orginizations of the 20's\30's probably pre-dated that even to the 1800's if it was put there by someone who's been alcatrez for awhile only the worst of the worst went there right ?

  9. very nice!! :twisted: of course this means we all wonder why the red eyes ??? another evil has come into power of the MPD ? I ask myself what time line could this be ? The dork who said nobody cares about the storyline must not be a TRUE Zombie fan. Let the games begin !!! where are all the best thinkers around here ?

  10. Good observation

    As the quote from Russman in Die Rise goes "Broken Arrow was a long time ago , back when you were still a baby faced brat" I was misty when he said this near me . Russman's knowledgable of the Broken Arrow events, the context of which the word was used suggest a nuclear weapon lost , but in the context of russman's statement an Event so it is hard to tell. Really we must acknowledge both seeing how little we know ;)

  11. Wow ! thats beautiful man .. Im finding alot of instances of 1 image actually being 2 like if you take that and turn it upside down it still resembles a dragon .. great post addition on the devil eggs too +1 to you sir !

  12. I've found more things but like i said the size of this does not help my intention of showing. If you must look at it on your own files and compare to see more detail .

    the 3 dots of blood above the dragon head remind me of the 3 dots on this dragons head which coincidentally looks like a teddy on his head also I have no clues to the meanings just observations for you all

  13. I'm truly sorry if you have to turn your head to see this, at least you know where to look and you can find it on your own files. Its just that there is so much more on this picture but large thumbnails dont do it justice. Undoubtedly a dragons face poking out from the corner NO DOUBT ! and the skeleton lookin face NO DOUBT ! only the open minded will accept this

  14. this thread started back at the end of december. Couple updates later a little glitch could'nt be fixed but they can patch other glitches why not a texture glitch? Is it the hardest of all glitches to patch or is it soooo not worth the effort and shall remain til the last dlc is out? Obviously not worth the time and effort.

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