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Posts posted by ZoMBiE MaSSaCrE

  1. I liked Die Rise but the spawn system has destroyed it. I find it funny how on the boss round my friend and I sit there bored with nothing to kill while my other bro has 15 of those creatures chasing him somewhere else. Seriously?

    Then with the zombies, 80% of them spawn on the roof area. If you're anywhere else, let's say by the first box spawn room, or the buddha room, you will get about 1 or 2 zombies every other minute. Maybe 5 of them if you're lucky!

    Now we have the problem with the broken elevator shaft that leads to the AN-94 will sometimes kill you instantly no matter what state of health you are in.

    See here- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfgWFIxVj3s

    And the slide of death

    See here- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du-laN2z2NU

    Great map ruined by simple things. Come on Treyarch..

  2. As the title says, it won't stay Open. After I shutdown my PC and I turn it on after work, my game is on Strict. So I reset my modem through the online settings and it's back on Open. I have to do this literally every night if my PC goes off. What is causing this or how do I keep it Open?

    I'm on Wired connection with these ports applied: 36081, 3074, 3075, 3478 for UDP and 80, 81, 443, 3074, 5223 for TCP. These are the only ports what will make my NAT Open. I've tried everything from port forward and from other players but that always keeps me Strict or Moderate. Treyarch provided me with the ports above.

    So is there any way to keep my NAT Open?

  3. I die only because of lag or the map glitches like on Die Rise.

    I have died of boredom though but I'd have to be at high round for that.

    So with no lag or glitches you would still be going on your first game of zombies? impressive :roll:

    My first game? My first game I would die because I don't know the map very well.

    With no lag or glitches trust me I am an invincible player when I play my best. :)

    But I make mistakes too, usually when I try to save someone.

    Edit: Sorry I didn't mean to sound arrogant. It just seems lately the only things I die from are the lag or map glitches. I die and make mistakes too. But if you're good, why hide it? Show everyone the zombie slayer you are. That's why you guys put your rounds your proud of in your signature right? Haha

    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/83 ... 0001e.jpg/

  4. Guess we all have different experiences because I always get the triangle one. lol What may be rare to one may not be rare to another. But a new question is, why the hell are they flipped upside on Town? I got the unicorn and it was so lame upside down I had to trade the gun. I prefer the red dot over most of them though, except that blue circle one. That one is bad ass. I got a pic of it, I'll post it later when I'm home.

  5. So I lost my perma quick revive on Die Rise after I failed to revive someone properly because I was pushed away. I went on TranZit and found some fairly new players. I got my perks/guns and power on while they remained at the Diner. Anyway they starting dying and I took advantage of it. I wouldn't shoot any zombies and I let them go down on their own. I trapped one guy once when he wasn't looking. I was even shooting the ground around the zombies to make it look I was helping them. Then the electro guy spawned and it just kept zapping and killing them. So I just kept reviving until I got my perma quick revive back. LOL

  6. Sliquifer makes high rounds too easy XD After only about 2-3 hours I was already on 50 and just killed myself.

    Right, so even though there are another 7 hours to go post patch, it's too easy?

    People who say it's too easy, are those that have never tried it.

    Oh I've tried it. Siliquifer plus the crawler/boss rounds makes the rounds fly by.

  7. That's all everyone uses and is destroying the fun factor for me. I'm assault rifle guy and I can't spray from the hip and take out guys 50 ft away from me. They should buff up the ARs or nerf the accuracy on the SMGs. I know it won't happen but it's just my opinion of the game. OP guns....OP guns....


    After Host Migration, it reconnects the other players except for the new host. Please add it to the list because this is ruining many games out there and very serious one.


    Another PC problem (not sure for consoles) is in the menu when choosing Die Rise

    map. After you select it and click Esc or whatever it will sometimes crash.

    I'd mention the PC leaderboard crash but that is already added.

    I know more minor in game gltches but these are the most important.

    I WISH ROUNDS WOULD STILL COUNT WHEN THESE RAGE QUITING BITCHES LEAVE THE GAME. I don't know if this a glitch or was intended but I hate it.

  9. I see, cool. You know where I could get the whole story line to Zombies from the beginning to now? Is it on call of duty wiki? I'd like to know who Maxis is and his relationship with Richtofen, what happened to other characters, 115, and all that stuff. :)

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