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Posts posted by Kar98DG

  1. This theory actually makes a lot of sense, good find :)

    For quite sometime, I believed that the majority of the loading screens really have nothing to do with the actual storyline. But after seeing this I'm going to do a double take on the loading screens.

    The idear of the MPD being inside the temple that was uprooted by the tornado and sent into space until it landed on the Moon, then sometime later the Nazis (Groph, Schuster, etc.) discover it and destroy the pyramid, leaving only the MPD is very plausible.

    Keep up the research and maybe you'll find out more secrets in the loading screens :shock: because 3Arch has made the loading screens and various things in the Zombie Universe, mysterious.

  2. Whaddup guys,

    So a few days before CoDz went down, there were quite a few interesting (and pretty revealing) tweets from David Vonderhaar, the lead game designer for BO2, and Jimmy Zielinski, a lead designer for Zombies, about upcoming DLC. (Ermahgerd those last names.) They weren't those typical cryptic ones they usually give out, either. They were straight up giving out info about it. Here's the main ones that should be looked at:

    1. Jimmy and his Brother (maybe.)

    First off, I really don't know if this guy is really Jimmy's brother or if it's just a joke or something, but that's unimportant. Jimmy's reply made me do a double take. Austin asked if we were going back to the Moon, and Jimmy pretty much said "No. We're going by the Moon." I'm assuming this isn't a troll to say "The Earth is by the Moon. Therefore, we went by the Moon." So, I'm thinking this is a huge clue that we're leaving Earth for the next DLC. Maybe we shall be on a space shuttle. We are in the future now. Or maybe a meteor, like Mocking Me's old idea. Or perhaps Mars. It'd be cool to see if they drop any hints about Shangri La while we're there. One thing seems pretty clear with this tweet, though. We are leaving our planet once again.

    2. David V and the Community

    (continues on bottom tweet.)

    For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter, he basically quoted everything other people were saying after he tweeted this. So, David's pretty much saying that he wants the O4 back, but it's not been authorized to kill the N4 off. That most likely means that he proposed the idea to the Zombies team. To show the community's support, he retweeted other people to say that we also want the O4 back. Also, he directly stated that we shall choose the fate of the N4. I don't know if he means that the community's opinion shall decide the outcome of the story, or perhaps we will actually make an in-game choice that will decide their fate. I like #2 a lot, but I doubt we'd see this in the next DLC.

    Info on the next DLC is coming late, and we should expect to hear something soon. Maybe next week, considering we had E3 going on this week, and perhaps some questions will be answered. But with new DLC, 3arc has a tendency to make more questions instead of answering others. Also, we are being faced with a choice. Would you rather see the N4 in upcoming DLC, or have the O4 back? (Poll is up ^there^)

    bagel_, out.

    BTW (not sure if anyone has seen this or not, but) on the selection screen where we see the Earth and we get to choose the various maps (Green Run, Nuketown, Die Rise, Alcatraz Island, etc.), when the Earth shakes, theres a huge asteroid that passes by. Also has anyone noticed that the smaller asteroids that make up the Earth's ring looks 2D/comic bookish? Like they aren't rendering in 3D like the Earth is. I have a theory that I had since Die Rise, that the selection screen is actually a comic book page. I theorized that when DLC 4 comes out will see the selection screen become a comic book page and it will show us a cinematic cutscene. I also believe we'll see the campaign team again, creating DLC 4.

  3. Are they free? Well no, at the end of the EE theres one more radio that brings Brock and Gary full circle ;)

    Brock: "Now entering the antichamber. I see some sort of altar and there is a rock suspended above it. This is just wonderful, an inscription: Rich-tof-en. Richtofen. Gary, take an etching."

    *Etching can be heard as Brock continues*

    Brock: "Rock above the altar seems to be suspended in thin air! I am going to remove it now!"

    *Teleporting noise is heard*

    Gary: "We've been in this jungle for days and haven't seen any sign of this hidden temple."

    Brock: "We cannot give up; it has to be here."

    Gary: "I can't shake this feeling like we're going in circles."

    Brock: "We should head to higher ground and take a look."

    *Trampling though the forest is heard.*

    Brock: "The heat and humidity is just excruciating. According to the locals, the temple should be in this mountain range, just up this river. Gary, do you hear that? A waterfall, we must be close! Hand me the binoculars! There is a structure up ahead. If this is truly a gateway to Argatha, my work will finally be validated!"

    They're unfortunately stuck in a time loop (weird that Die Rise and MotD have a similar thing going on with loops, just released that)

  4. what if its not a moon at all blocking the sun?


    in this link (hear me out), a satellites particular orbit around Earth eclipsed the Sun. ok let me phrase that better, it was using the Earth to eclipse the Sun.

    "For three weeks near midnight Las Cruces time our orbit has the Earth pass between SDO and the sun," SDO scientists wrote in a statement. "These eclipses can last up to 72 minutes in the middle of an eclipse season."

    ok so lets just say with ALL the out of the ordinary stuff that happens within the wonderful world of Cod Zombies, whos to say Earth isnt eclipsing the Sun at that point? but again i just pulled this outta then air :roll:

    Okay, I must admit, you got me there. :D

    Now that you've shown me some evidence that, possibly the Earth was doing the eclipsing, then okay you win this round :lol:


    I realized that we've gotten off topic of the original topic. But this argument of WHERE Shangri-La was a good one. :D

  5. Shangri-La WAS moved from MARS, if not then can anyone give a solid explaination for the loading screen? why a vortex of some sort seems to be sucking up the temples and what not? and look at the Valley Shangri-La is in on the loading screen, red mountains/walls? come on lol

    Ahh, but you're forgetting the thing that people seem to forget when they say that Shangri-La was moved from Mars. Mars Moon(s).

    You are stating that Shangri-La WAS ONCE on Mars, no? Well look at the Loading Screen and look at the Solar Eclipse occurring in the background. Both of Mars' moons (Phobos and Deimos) are not big enough to even fill up the sun during a Solar Eclipse.

    So tell me how can Mars' two moons, not the right size to cover the Sun during a Solar Eclipse, be covering the Sun completely in the loading screen? :roll:

  6. People really don't like regarding the fact that Nuketown/Moon happened directly prior to Green Run, huh? You can look at both sides and agree that it may be set in the 60's because of the Multiplayer map, but then you could also say that it took place in the future because of Green Run and Moon happening in the future as well.

    Personally, I'm an advocate of the present/future setting but I too have to keep my mind open to every possibility. We know that the dropped bomb cleared out the existing American/Soviet forces there, but do we exactly know from what definite time the radiation scientists come in? All we know is that it happened after the bomb wrecked havoc on Nuketown, but before the Moon missiles were launched.

    The mushroom cloud would not have lingered for more than a day (even though it should be visible for up to around an hour according to nuclear physics). It just doesn't add up how a mushroom cloud can stay up long enough for the radiation scientists to come in after the forces were obliterated and still withstand as we see the CIA/CDC come in. That would mean Green Run had to take place within that set time, and then teleport (thanks to Richtofen) through time and into Great Leap Forward.

    ^ This. is. beautiful.

    Although I did say "I personally believe it occurs during the 60's" that's only because of things that are in game that show it occurred during that time period.

    Now, I am willing to hear other theories that it occurred in a future time period. This thread's point was for me to hear what your believes are.

    As much as I am an advocate on it occurring in the 60's, there are, indeed, things in-game show that its in the future.


    Does anyone remember Nuketown's level description?

    Mass-energy equivalence, secret tests, crash-landing perks. Survive in the iconic Nuketown, where the past and the future come together.

    As previous people have stated here on the thread, theres a time and/or space rift going on.

  7. for those who continue to think that shangri-la takes place on mars...

    we go to the moon and need PED's to survive outside and there is low gravity.

    the same damn thing would need to be true if shangri la was on mars. this makes absolutely no sense, and the only evidence toward this is that there is a slightly reddish colored brown mountain in the far distance. just plain nonsense.

    we would need space suits to survive outside on mars and the gravity would need to be about 50% of earths or so

    Thank you, you are (I think) the only one, on this thread who helped disprove the Mars theory.

    Yes, and that shows you are not aware of the theory that Shangri-La WAS on Mars. Not is. Was. In the past. Moved by the mighty, mysterious, and alien civilization of the Vril-Ya. It is now on Earth.

    I remembered that Tac had a thread about the Mars theory and either he was the first to find it out or second (behind Telixion)


    Some might ask why and how it was moved to Mars, and my answer to that is simple. I think it was moved because the Vril-ya sensed that Earth was going to be shot at with nukes, and they needed to save their precious land as Shangri-La is a place that means very much to the Vril-ya.

    I have nothing more to say.

  8. This is a biased poll. You just told everyone how to vote. Everyone, vote for the '60's because "most" people do. Bah. I would argue most people know it to be in the future.

    Okay first of all, I just want to see what others think Moon/Nuketown occurred. That's the point of this poll, to see what they believe in. I didn't say "vote for 60's" I said "I personally believe that it occurs during the 1960's" because that's my opinion.

    most people know it to be in the future.

    And there you go contradicting you're self on what you just said.

  9. Well, looks like we do indeed have our differences (I'm talking to MuderMachineX BTW)

    Again this is my first thread on the website and I rather not get a bad taste in my mouth (metaphorically) about this site.

    Thank you GRILLS :D , I just want to say that I see many theories here on the site and I'll state my opinion because I see holes in the theory (not to be rude, but just in general for theories I just so happen to scroll by) or I agree with the theory.

    BTW GRILLS, now that you read my theory, when do you think Shangri-La takes place, in your honest opinion?

  10. there are numerous references to Die Rise taking place past 2025



    And that's where you're wrong.

    If Die Rise where to be in 2025, I'm pretty sure it would've looked futuristic. 3Arch, as anyone should know by now, reuses texture files and other things just so that they don't have to create new ones.

    Also the SDC isn't the new government, its a East Asian Chinese-led strategic military alliance.


    Next time, try to get your info correct.

  11. It fits with the huge theory that Shangri La is on Mars

    The Mars theory doesn't really make sense for couple of reasons


    Heres my thread on why that doesn't make sense/when it could occur (the events of Shangri-La)

    But the spelling of Mars may or may not be intentional, after all, 3Arch did say that everything that put into the game is there for a reason ;)

    Heres a possibility that we may go to Mars for DLC4, because BOII's DLC is going in a pattern with BOI's DLC

    Up: Ascension, Die Rise.

    Big Name Actors: Call of the Dead, Mob of the Dead.

    Mythological: Shangri-La, Agartha

    (Don't ask me why I stated Agartha, this community will rage if I told them why)

    Outer space: Moon, (maybe) Mars

    So you may be right, IDK we're gonna have to wait until DLC4 gets released or teased.

  12. Shangri-La isnt in the correct spot, if you really look at the detail of the loading screen you see that it was transported to another place...or even planet as most speculate. :shock:

    Well, the Mars theory is something I don't really agree with, neither do I agree with Shangri-La being transported to another location. Reason why I say this for the second theory because for the most part, the loading screens (for the majority of the maps (this excludes Verruckt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Kino der Toten, Five, CotD, Green Run, Die Rise and MotD) really have nothing to do with the actual storyline.

    (EX. We've never figured out who are the astronauts on the Moon loading screen nor have we figured out where or how the pyramid was just floating around in space and then it lands on the surface of the Moon, yes it may be the pyramid from the Shangri-La loading screen, but thats a different story)

    The Mars theory is rather ridiculous because Mars has 2 satellites (moons) and neither are the right shape for it to cover the Sun during a Martian Solar Eclipse.

    This video shows that Phobos (bigger of the two moons) doesn't even cover the Sun.

    Now, as for GRILL's Shared Mountain theory, I don't agree with either. IMO, it doesn't really make any sense. In the radios of Shangri-La Brock states a line that helps disprove GRILLS theory.

    According to the locals, the temple should be in this mountain range, just up this river.

    The only river that's in Nevada is the Colorado River, but its nowhere near where Groom Lake and Area 51 are. Although there are mountains near Area 51, there's still no way that Shangri-La is just over those mountains.

    Its more believable that Shangri-La is indeed on Earth, in the Himalayas. But that is just my theory/believe for the location of Shangri-La. I mean, where else could it be?

    With what bagel_ said, its more likely that Brock and Gary bought a few month old Japanese radios, and died in Shangri La on July 22, 2009.

    Its not like "Oh since we're going on an expedition, we're going to buy 90's handheld radios and hope it still holds up." Like what MuderMachineX stated.

    No, it makes more sense that they buy handheld radios that were recently released into the market. Again its just my theory/believe, but it makes more sense when you think about.

  13. Post-Green Run and after 1996 in Province 22, China.

    Uhmm, I'm not sure if Tac every found this out, but Province 22 is Jilin

    The dark blue is Jilin, when you search 'Province 22', you'll find out that it's north of North Korea and its nowhere close to where Die Rise is really located.

    There's a flag in Great Leap Forward (located near the escalator by the buyable door in the spawn room)

    ^ Can't posted the picture by itself it rather too big.

    The flag shows the skyline of Shanghai.

    Shanghai is not part of any province, but rather its a Province-level municipality. Its called the Municipality of Shanghai.

    Just wanted to tell Tac about his so he can update his info about Great Leap Forward's location.

  14. You know what? That's your opinion on your theory and I can understand. So 3Arch might of messed up on the way while creating the radios, but its always a good thing when you start to ignore the little mistakes and see the big picture. The design is similar the Zoom H4n (if not spot-on) and its pretty close to what we have in real life.

    But the sleek, colored design of handheld radios I found to first be in use in the '90's, although they didn't become that popular until the 2000's

    One more thing, where are your sources? You never really did tell me your sources of this sleek, colored design of the handheld radios. I gave my sources and why I believed it what the year Brock and Gary arrived in Shangri-La. I even gave my sources about the radio model/company/release date.

    Like I said, the design is similar the Zoom H4n (if not spot-on) and its pretty close to what we have in real life.

  15. It is FOOLISH to say that a SOFTWARE company makes radios

    First of all, I never did say that ANDO makes radios now did I?

    It was just a theory of mine and the theorized timeline of Shangri-La is pretty darn close, if not spot on.

    Also, this thread isn't about ANDO, so I don't see why you're bringing up ANDO as if I confirmed that ANDO was the manufacturer of the radios. Besides, you only looked up 'ando' by itself, if only you would've added 'radios' to your search i.e. 'ando radios', you can see why I listed ANDO Media.

    One more thing, just because the color scheme of the radio in-game is different than its real-life counterpart, it doesn't mean that they're different. If anything, they're exactly the same design in appearance, just different color schemes, that's all.

  16. Oh yeah, thanks bagel_, I actually forgot about the eclipse that occurs in Shangri-La. So with what you said that Shangri-La occurring on July 22nd, 2009, it makes more sense. Assuming that the time the O4 arrive, it would be around 2011 (because of Shangri-La occurring shortly after CotD, which most likely takes place in 2011). So maybe we've finally figured out when Shangri-La occurs? Someone should contact Tac about this.

  17. I'm new to the Forums and if someone already created a similar thread, then oops :D

    So I've been wondering for a long time when Shangri-La, also known as Shambhala, takes place. The only thing that can tell us when Shangri-La occurred is the radios.

    ^ This is the radio that is in Shangri-La, it is called the Zoom H4n. Although most people in the community believe that the company that produced the radios is ANDO Media, but that is false, it is actually the Zoom Corporation.

    The Zoom Corporation was founded in 1983, in Japan. But this is just a side note.

    I decided to do some research on when the Zoom H4n was released and I found out it was released on April 1, 2009.


    This gives us the range of 2009-2011.


    This only gives us when GARY and BROCK arrived in Shangri-La. As for the O4, I believe when the O4 travel to Shangri-La they arrive in 2011. Reason why I say 2011 is because Shangri-La takes place after CotD (and that CotD most likely takes place in 2011, because if it a different year, I'm pretty sure there would've been a difference in their appearance/voice, I'm referring to the Celebrities BTW), after we complete the EE on CotD, we can hear an elephant before and after the O4 teleport out of CotD, hinting that the O4 will arrive in a jungle, i.e., Shangri-La.

    This is just my theory on when Shangri-La occurs. If anyone thinks different, then post a reply below and tell me your theory or if you agree with mine.

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