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Posts posted by Why1sTheRumGone

  1. It's already confirmed there will be a cinematic.

    But with the O4 in it?

    The cinematic in the teaser shows a man being crushed by a robot... I doubt he lived through that!

    Well I'd just like to point out that nobody survived in the MotD cutscene. ;)

    Technically there was no one LIVING in the MOTD clip! :twisted:

    but there was someone living in the die rise cutscene ;)

    epic last dlc map,.. we'll get an intro :D

    edit: wow took a couple goes to get 3 quote limit right, had to delete and resubmit in the end :oops: :lol:

    edit2: and yet theres 4 quotes up there :? im still learning :lol:

  2. EDIT: Beat me to posting.

    Although there's the picture for people wanting to be lazy and not click the links :roll:

    lol, I beat you both to posting, ;) but didn't make it a topic :(:D lol good job mate,


    too many coincedences now, this, the nikolai quote, blood vials, newspaper clip,..

    and I mean moon and ntz, ascension and five, nacht and transit(not sure bout this one)

    edit: motd and origins are connected, but how?

  3. doesn't sam say, "there are worse things in here than you richtofen". so there must be something in the mpd before she gets herself in, how old is the mpd? older then the zombies? when did these worse things get in? how much influence did they have over the zombies? so many questions,..

    perhaps the eye colour has something to do with the controllers intentions or emotions? red devil pure evil, yellow sam neutral messed up feelings? blue richtofen um,.. playfull, mischievious,? richtofen does seem to be the only one having fun! lol. haven't seen maxis take control yet but orange mix of yellow neutral messed up feelings and red evil, find my daughter kill everyone,..

    so these new zombies, if influenced by whatever is in the mpd BEFORE sam arrives, could have neutral intentions-emotions, the glowing eye colour could just suggest that there is in fact some form of influence or controller of some sort, I mean the eyes are glowing when there dead, something has to make the eyes glow,..

    so new announcer maybe? and more questions, hopefully this final dlc brings a lot of answers,..

  4. possible with 2 but much easier with 3 or 4, jus make sure the teleporters are open and everyone throw 1st at feet jump through teleporter and throw second, u only need 4 emp to work, this way ur letting 8 of them go with a far better chance of timing right,..

    as for 2 people, a friend and i were having trouble with timing due to lag between our mics we suspect, we always count down and after checking theatre were a bit off, so compensated, i counted down and simply threw emp about half to a second after my count, voila,..

  5. I have an idea for you,..

    play a game of buried, go to the court house and in the back room is the hidden switch box thing, lol

    if you play solo the top left should be blue or red depending who you've for transit, top middle also blue or red, anyways theres 3 lightglobes on top transit, die rise, buried, if the navcard has been inserted correctly at some stage the corresponding light should be lit up,..

    u might have it done, which is why nothing happens, so just to be sure ;)

  6. the Samantha thing is interesting, but surely as all characters can hear maxis, wouldn't she know? maybe he doesn't know? come to think of it has maxis introduced himself? at all? maybe neither of them know? or has stuhlinger told the others his 'voice' mentions maxis? richtofen- "or maxis will kill you all". or has sthulinger figured out that maxis has a name for 'the german''voice'? maxis- "richtofen will stop at nothing".


    hmm,.. Samantha and nikolai connection possible you say, :idea: MOTD,.. samanthas lullaby "nikolai, nikolai, nikolai, why do I keep hearing that name?"

    anything is possible this is what it is,.. treyarch zombies :o

    It's because putting promotional artwork of girls sells.

    and this,..

    also, numbers on the zombies face, possible campaign-zombies connection?

  7. someone please pull the vid off my channel and upload that shiznik please(im useless at that stuff :lol: )

    ok, so i played tranzit last night, ran the farm, had lamentation and sldghamr, and a lamentation with bout 100 rounds in the fridge backup,..

    ok so nothing out of the ordinary(well other than a turret i put down taking flight), running trains no downs yet, always aims for the head,.. well

    i papd my galil, but didnt use it till i got back to the farm, right so i wouldve done at least 10 rounds there i think, all with the same gun kept getting max ammo's, so i didnt run out of ammo not even once, came close but still same gun,..

    then round 22 hits right, and i have this great idea :idea: i'l swap my near full lamentation for the one in the fridge with 100 rounds(rough), and next max ammo will fill her up,..

    i start to train again and sure enough down to me last 11 bullets with the lamentation,

    line up a few more let loose, and run out of ammo,..

    so heres where it gets interesting,..

    the exact moment and i mean the EXACT MOMENT i let off the last bullet, the sound for losing a permaperk sounds, i saved the vid to my channel coz i cant upload, my GT is same as the one in here, so anyways my notable points,

    -used same gun for prob at least 10 rounds

    -no knuckles so no melee for me, used monkeys and nades randomly throughout

    -no instakill(didnt try for red one at all)

    -headshots still happenin not this\

    -checked 2 others still in game no pickups and also lose perk sound not audible to them, also they been riding bus couple rounds repairing, so not barriers

    -no downs not nog, none to revive not qr

    its something to do with ammo or gun for sure! i mean the EXACT MOMENT my ammo hits zero,..

    feel free to check it out my xboxGT is same as above,.. Why1sTheRumGone

    seriously someone figure this out, i know my permaperks and this aint one we know,..!!

  8. was working away for couple weeks with no xbox so i dont know if this been done yet, but ive found bits of paper with red writing on them, ok so i find 1, then a second caught my eye, so im all like there must be more! well

    ive found 8 pieces so far, i think i might have em all only took screenshots, but it appears they all must match up like a jigsaw puzzle, coz i can see 2 bits that go together! so the rest must fit! right?

    well i dont know how to post images yet, so there saved in my profile, till i figure it out or hopefully someone pieces this jigsaw puzzle together, ok so i give you all an idea where to find em,..

    [spoiler=]1. spawn area on ground(in library i think)

    2. in the afterlife area that opens the showers, on a pipe opposite the power switch

    3. wardens office on floor

    4. spiral tunnel with codes, on ground where they spawn closest to code machine

    5. computer room in corner where clamp part sometimes is

    6. docks on ground, near thommy i think

    7. on the roof on ground somewhere

    8. in one of the cells on back wall on the right running down corridor towards wardens office (need sniper to get a look at this one)

    one more thing everyone probably knows this but i share anyways,..

    i found sign regulation#666 outside wardens office! isnt that the devils number :evil: !?!

    if this has been solved please tell,..!

    edit: lol my spoiler thing didnt even work, :lol:

  9. We know the steps, we're following the guide that is at the top of the forum.

    So the turbines have to go down at the exact same time? That could be where we are going wrong.

    OK, let me simplify the steps here.

    1) Build Turbine, each player takes one.

    2) Turn on Power, wait for entire Maxis quote to finish

    3) Turn off Power (this can be done later, but must be done prior to EMPing avogadro)

    4) Acquire at least one EMP from mystery box.

    5) Set Turbines under Spire in opposite corners, wait for maxis quote that requests more power, "like the mobile kind or the living kind."

    6) Get Avogadro to spawn in the corn field (watch for the lightning just above, then change the round)

    7) Wait for him to be under the spire, or at least past the threshhold of the corn and EMP him, you should get another maxis quote

    8) Place one Turbine at the lamp post in Town (by the large lava pool before the bridge)

    9) Place the other Turbine at the lamp post by the Diner, both must be placed at the same time (best way to do it is split up, pull out the Turbine and then count down from 3 and when you say 1, each player hits the right trigger)

    Immediately, you should see the Achievement pop-up.

    it would seem you missed step 5,..

    you need 2 turbines under the tower before killing him, then place them at depot/diner/town doesnt matter,.. ;)

  10. You can aim up, gun or knife and kill them.

    With gk and perfect timing, you don't even have to look back.

    My friend died and was spectating me, he kept calling shenanigans, saying it can't be that easy.

    and yet it is that easy,.. with staminup aswell, half the time they cant even catch you, denizens sure are fun,..

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