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Posts posted by PHD

  1. So we finally get FEAR TEDDS, if the bus driver was officially called TEDD then this would have made some sense considering we're dealing with potentially multiple robots in origins. Although a thousand foot robot is slightly more intimidating than a robot bus driver who's a bit of an asshole.

    Infact since Green Run, has the message been that robots are the ones to fear(EMP's shutting down 'zombies' etc.)

    Although the bus driver will always be called Nigel to me

    oh my god are we really still discussing this?

    Fear Ruva fear tedds fear anus fear pizza

    this is all so stupid and it is very very obvious that the dlc and map names have no further meaning whatsoever

    So had it been Fear teddy, that would have just been a coincidence?

  2. So we finally get FEAR TEDDS, if the bus driver was officially called TEDD then this would have made some sense considering we're dealing with potentially multiple robots in origins. Although a thousand foot robot is slightly more intimidating than a robot bus driver who's a bit of an asshole.

    Infact since Green Run, has the message been that robots are the ones to fear(EMP's shutting down 'zombies' etc.)

    Although the bus driver will always be called Nigel to me

  3. Well, with that technicality, you might as well ask how Richtofen and co. get into a dilapidated theater despite no doors being opened.

    Mm yes, but that was back in the day when the storyline wasn't so obvious and we were not shown various introductory cutscenes so it doesn't really cross your mind. Just something about that bus don't sit right with me, and anytime it's up to no good I notice it :)

  4. Nice pics :)

    One thing I don't understand from that cutscenes though is how they say they met in the town..the bus then pulls up and the doors open, yet when we start on TranZit the bus comes from behind the depot which appears to be the first time we see it???

  5. When Maxis says the 'the blah blah blah are no longer disrupting my communications via electrical devices' this to me is a big nod to how he controls the zombies...but 3 questions;

    1. If Maxi's communicates with the zombies through these electric collars, then who put these collars on the zombies..Or were they already placed on them by doctors/scientists and maxis has taken advantage of this...or do we have someone on Earth effectively helping maxis out(aside the N4)?

    2. Correct me if I'm wrong but not all zombies in Tranzit have these collars, so why when you throw an emp does it shut them all down? Could this suggest Maxis total control?

    3. When 'we' hear maxis in Tranzit, unlike when Richtofen talks to just Stu..we hear electrical static/interference at the start/end of the speech...(and ladies and gentlemen I've just realised how we hear him... The bus station tannoy, the computers in power, and did I imagine it or over by the tower there is a mystery 'horn' within the cornfield) silly me :lol: okay make that 2 questions :roll:

    I'm starting to think that it's been staring us in the face that Richtofen doesn't have control over the zombies as we think he does...the simple question of 'why would he send zombies after people he needs to help him' & 'why would he give us help in the form of max ammos etc' crops up again...and maybe when we think of Richtofen wanting power, we think of power over the zombies..at a later date that maybe the intention but for the minute I think Richtofen's idea of power is the ability to make the N4 'begin anew' to help in his fight against Maxi's control over the zombies and nothing to do with his own control over the zombies....yet.

    Edit: Jesus, I didn't notice how much I ramble on til I read that back..sorry guys :lol:

  6. Being the annoying 4th guy in the party telling everyone I was staying on multiplayer because zombies was for little kids, got dragged into a kino game and judging that I remember being excited For ascension I guess I got hooked pretty quick..I can still remember the days of hiding in the corner of the mp40 room doors from the dogs hahaha

  7. Edit: in fact Treyarch fcuk your crappy new 'revolutionary' turned modes which, am I right in thinking no one gives a shit about? And add an updated BO1 map with each new DLC, would deffo get me more exited than 'hehehe this turned thing is quite funny *game ends*...yeah don't think I'll bother playing that again'

    Please try to not use this kind of language, friend or at least censor it.

    On topic: While it sounds appealing to have some classic maps on BO2 I would be against it.

    BO2 is too different compared to the original BO.

    Then again it wouldn't hurt to offer something like it but they would charge a ridicolous amount of money for it.

    And I actually enjoy the turned mode by the way. :P

    Sorry, I'll remember in future :mrgreen:

    It's just that while Treyarch decided to make the 'area' of green run big, we didn't really have much to play in..and while I do enjoy Tranzit, it's such an effort to play. At least in BO1 you could say 'bored of kino, shall we go on five?' And vice versa, plus those maps were nice and fresh (: I know you could argue that we also had nuketown zombies(well for us season passers in December) but that map was just too small, plus jug on round 15+ FU haha

    And I don't mind the new maps at all, however having only started playing zombies on black ops 1 I'd be interested to know that if before first strike came out people found themselves going on WAW what with only having five and kino to play. I dream of the day when zombies takes priority over MP maps, 4 zombies maps and one multiplayer map? Yes please :D

  8. I'm sure there are reasons around it(greed) but I'd love if Treyarch could put all previous, and paid-for DLC maps from black ops into black ops 2. Flicking between Die Rise and anything on Green run is becoming tedious now and I'm finding myself scrambling around the room trying to find my dusty black ops 1 case to play some ascension instead, I would just love if you could simply click on something in the BO2 menu and have access to all the BO maps :( But I suppose that'd be a tenner less profit when the last DLC 'classic maps' drops. :roll:

    Edit: in fact Treyarch fcuk your crappy new 'revolutionary' turned modes which, am I right in thinking no one gives a shit about? And add an updated BO1 map with each new DLC, would deffo get me more exited than 'hehehe this turned thing is quite funny *game ends*...yeah don't think I'll bother playing that again'

  9. A friend and myself were dreading the first DLC as we thought that they would literally expand the tranZit route to include new areas, one of them being hospital/asylum & school. All because of what the zombies are wearing, wouldn't say no to an expansion AS WELL as another whole new map/area. Yeah yeah dreaming I know :lol:

  10. Oh, I didn't realise it said that..I heard motel somewhere and have called it that ever since :lol:

    I think I've also heard, I think it was Misty make a comment about light when she walked into the bar, maybe wrong though. I don't see why they'd put 'that' amount of light in an unaccessible building for no reason, silly Treyarch.

  11. Does anyone know what the blue light flickering in that building is? While looking at it earlier, I can't believe I've not noticed it before..to the people that have free cammed and looked inside I'm probably gonna seem like a right lemon now but could it be a teleporter(style of no mans land/area 51?) and what with the whole 'moon' references going on, plus the many hints at the bar playing a significant part in all this.

    That area also seems suspiciously 'accessible' in that there's no need for a barrier/fence to be there, what with the road seriously protruding out of the ground.

    Also, picture town survival with the 3 of the crossroads unaccessible;

    Laundromat - Jugg

    Jugg - Bank

    Bank - BAR,

    As well as closing off the bar side door and boom, you've got a pretty neat 'no mans land'

    Maybe, we are gonna go back to Green run & teleport to moon to meet up with the O4 at some point...of course that light could just be a TV or a fish tank on the fritz and I've just wasted my time writing that :mrgreen:

  12. What would be interesting is to see what vehicle is on the next DLC poster, if it has anything that could be useful on die rise(not sure what would be though lol) then maybe the helicopter on the revolution poster is meant for Green run

  13. So...do you hope that when more/all of the maps are released, we can go back to GR & something will have been added/changed & we'll be faced with more steps? Will you, like me be disappointed if nothing is added after the constant speculation of many things including; clocks, second bus route etc.

    To me this feels like it could go the same way as ascension did, the hope/obsession of there being more to do after that Easter egg is on par with the obsession people are..well, were showing for TOB. And as we've learnt from ascension, Treyarch loves to watch us scramble around like total knobs clutching at every possible straw that could maybe lead on to the next step, and ultimately not changing/adding anything...yeah yeah I know if they'd already planned the story they couldn't add more in just to please us, but come onnnnn make us happy :( Oh yeah and both maps also yielded a shitty reward at the end of each Easter egg!

    So yeah do you think Tranzit is over? or will be faced with new things in the future, and in what way? :)

  14. I too have heard the man in the juggernog room, not the baby though so will have to check that out later.

    Regarding Verrukt, the one that instantly comes to mind is in the room to the right that you open, and I think it's a vent(?) That you stand near and you hear this bastard crying.

  15. Like your theories & you're ideas that Gersch is most definately a significant figure in all this...although I'm confused on the shangri la part..are you saying that 'we' are currently playing on mars whilst on the map or that it got teleported to mars once the O4 have moved on. The former begging the question that surely no life could survive on mars?

    I wonder if the Gersch devices we get are smaller versions/prototypes of a bigger Gersch device, which can have the ability to suck up 'places'

    nuketown loading screen...big, final version of the Gersch device perhaps? Possibly trying to 'clean up/last resort' after the O4 &/or CDC/CIA have been there and have consequently failed in killing all the zombies in the area.

    Non thought-out , shot in the dark 3 o clock in the morning theories, I love em :lol: bed time I think

  16. After reading down every reply and the theories increasing in logic each time, my hope of his involvement has decreased to almost nothing :| but going back to what colour could purple represent, when you throw a Gersch(sp?) device there's a hell of a lot of purple lol, and the fact that this guy seems to have had a big involvement in this but hasn't really been focused on...at all, seems to me like he's due to get involved again soon, and hopefully he does too as I bloody love me them devices :D

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