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Posts posted by TheMadHatter

  1. Very interesting suggestion. It would make sense for Maxis to try to exit the ether, but the question is, what will happen once he does? It seems that Maxis may be evil, though not as evil as Richthofen, and he may try to screw us over. I do hope though that we learn who that other voice with Richthofen, the voice we can't understand, is.

  2. The normal, beautiful, house could have closets full of doll clothes, maybe the players could wear these, and even a cat peering through the window as part of the map's background. What I thought would be a cool map would be a 1970's disco themed map. I can see it now Richthofen with a 'fro, Nikolai in bell bottoms and platform shoes, Dempsey with his shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, and Takeo in one of those mini-dresses and high heeled boots :shock: . The zombies could be uncool 40 somethings tryin' to kill our jives. The mystery box could be a random record selecting jukebox, with the "records" being the guns. Of course it would be set in a disco, and the Bop Gun would have to be a wonder weapon. I doubt Treyarch would make it, but this would be such a fun and silly map.

  3. Given that the first experiments with 115 took place at Shi No Numa by the Japanese, there may be a small chance that Takeo was involved with, or had experience with Shi No Numa. This may come in handy in the future. The problem is, we don't know much about Tak other than he was a member of a Japanese noble family, is an Imperial fanatic, and is well educated. Also, according to the Call of Duty Wiki, "Takeo has a strong relationship with Samantha Maxis." In the future, this could prove useful if Takeo needs Sam's help.

  4. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Nikolai_Belinski if you read the bio of Nikolai from WaW map pack 2, presented here at the call of duty wiki, it appears that Nikolai became an alcoholic only after he was sent to the front lines. So his violence is not a result of alcoholism. Also, during the Stalin's reign as leader of the USSR, he would execute anyone who even slightly opposed him politically. For Nikolai to threaten him so much that Stalin has to send him to the front lines, he must have been crazy, otherwise Nikolai would have been to afraid to threaten Stalin.
  5. Also, mockingme, Nikolai killed multiple wives, murdered his way up through the ranks of the Russian army, and was sent to the front lines on Stalin's orders because Stalin was afraid of Nikolai, he was that violent. In my book, that makes Nikolai crazy.

  6. Of all the original characters, Takeo seem to be the most likely to play an important role in the rest of the story. Tank is not the brightest and Nikolai is crazy, so without the directions from Richthofen, they can't really do anything. Takeo, on the other hand, struck me as being smart enough to be able to track down and defeat Richthofen. As for Sam, she has spent a large part of her life trapped in the pyramid controlling zombies, so I doubt that she would be up to taking down Richthofen. Thus, it seems that Takeo is the most likely of the original crew to play a major part in the future of zombies. :ugeek:

  7. The original crew could hear Gersch from the ether and could hear Maxis, and they had been exposed to 115 by Richthofen as part of his experiments. Now we know Samuel possibly ate human flesh or zombie flesh, something zombies do because of their exposure to 115. Thus, my theory is that Samuel can hear Richthofen because of exposure to 115.

  8. The way I see it, because the transmissions from the TVs in Nuketown Zombies are identical to the quotes that Richthofen says while you are doing the Easter egg on Moon, Nuketown takes place at the same time as moon. The change from Samantha zombies to Richthofen zombies would be the time when Richthofen swaps bodies with Samantha and takes control of the zombies.

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