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Posts posted by charries96

  1. I've never seen that video nor that exploded Earth from area 51 either.. This poses some interesting questions. How do you story guys explain this? Is area 51 in fact on the moon and not on Earth? Whats there before the moon Easter egg is done? Is it clearly the Earth?

    I believe that Area 51 was dislodged from the Earth when the missiles hit, causing it to float in space.

    Good Point, I believe its either A) An Alternate Dimension B) The Grand Father Paradox C) What you Said

    EDIT: & Treyarch wouldn't have just left that big a** Earth in the Background for NO Reason, C'MON MAN!!!

    It's a skybox error, chillax :) both area 51 and the moon use the same skybox.

    [To mods: Sorry to revive an old thread, just some midnight reading.]

  2. Right now it's 23:41PM in the UK, I can't sleep and I just remembered meaning to post this. Lazyness is kicking in so sorry if this has been posted before.

    Recently I downloaded master's tool to extract audio from sabl/sabs files and to my surprise I managed to get some audio that I recognised, I booted up Black Ops 1 and went on the classic maps (I can't remember where my W@W is) and what I noticed is that there are some audio files for Takeo using melee attacks in one of the files.

    Tomorrow when I get home from School I will upload them and I'll provide the hex offsets for them so you can check them out yourself.

    I believe these were in the general zombie audio files, which means if they were then they're used in multiple other files (just a general speculation.)

    I'm wondering, did Treyarch get sloppy with this or is this an accidental discovery of future DLC? (sorry if that question breaks the no DLC leak rule.)

  3. So the sound we hear at 15 is the sound of us not being able to retain perma jug after a down, not necessarily meaning it just vanishes. Therefore pointless for me during pub matches that usually only last until 30, but beneficial to solo where you can justify the 2+ downs getting perma jug where you'll get a lot more kills. Thus, keeping your k/d at a reasonable level.

    Maybe it's not perma jug we are losing? At round 15 i've often lost steel barricades and carpenter pro randomly. I can't think what else it is because I rarely use perma-jug but I always hear the sound.

  4. why would i lie about this? im a new channel im not gonna start spreading stupid rumors. Iv seen too many channels fall and are just view whoring by posting half ass vids or lies or misnaming titles. And I have posted 2 vids of being hit 4+times after hearing the jug go off. i feal offended when you say you don't trust me.

    At no point did we say we didn't trust you, you implied that yourself. As a community we just test things out before giving definitive answers on things.

  5. I don't believe that the TranZit EE is over, I'm very curious what's inside of the bloody trains because I noticed that the signs are upside down on it. Another thing I've noticed is when you buy the B23R you get the "Clear Debris" sound, this makes me think the B23R is key, just like the SVU-AS and the Ballistic Knife in Die Rise.

  6. I saw your post. However, a good scientist gets someone to confirm his results.

    What are you talking about?

    What do you mean what is he talking about? He's talking about getting supporting evidence rather than the word from one person. It's easier to see if there are anomalies in the game.

  7. So I'm getting a little perturbed.

    i am currently on Rd. 23 - have gone through 25k points spamming the box, and have yet to even SEE a wonderweapon in the cycle.

    i have not seen nor gotten a ray gun, thundergun, monkeys....NADA.

    i also do not see the Law, crossbow, ballistic knife, and maybe a few other weapons ive noticed missing from the box.

    i have no idea how im gonna make it further, it gets SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO laggy when there are alot of zombie out, it is VERY hard to get an automatic weapon going, imho - and im starting to get so frustrated with it!

    They are definitely there.

  8. Sir, I hate you. For now I want to re-visit TranZit and get mythbusting.

    I'm pretty sure we haven't unearthed everything from TranZit, it all seemed to be over way too fast compared to other major EE's.

  9. Actually I think there is some implementation of PhD here after all. I randomly went into a TranZit game the other day, naded 2 zombies with one nade and took a lot of damage from it, then I got a green flash and I couldn't work out what it was, next time I ran over my semtex and it exploded I took no damage at all. I also tested with M&S and it seemed to have the same effect, I'll try to upload it from my fileshare soon.

  10. i have noticed a few people asking why is it not staying built so i thought i would tell you what i know.

    You must build this on Normal if you have built it and join a game were someone has not you will have to build it again.

    You also MUST have the TranZit NavCard table built, I've built the table at least 8 times on Die Rise to discover at my dismay that people in my party didn't even know TranZit had a NavCard table.. :facepalm:

  11. Maybe the "might be powered by HAARP" note was talking about the avagadro? If you watch in theater mode he's shot into the atmosphere upon release from the generator. This kind of adds to the theory about power being HAARP because it also, is shooting things into the air to modify weather.

  12. I had this same issue helping my friends build it, we went back to TranZit and built the NavCard table and voila! Next Die Rise game we built it and it stuck, hope this helps everyone :)

    (everyone in the party has to build TranZit one for it to stick, i found this out after rebuilding the die rise navcard table 7 times)

  13. I was playing a game of Nuketown zombies and these two Richtofen quotes played. I recorded them both and included a transcript. Anyway, I didnt really understand what he said but I tried to work them out. And sorry if I posted this in the wrong section, I could find a Nuketown Zombies bit. Thanks! What do you think?


    Other people have also been confused by these in the past, if you've ever played moon and tried to complete the easter egg then this is towards the end I believe. I think it's just after the excavator breaches tunnel 6 and the characters stumble upon the Vril sphere.

  14. In Tranzit there are several vehicles scattered around the map.

    Many of them have the same license plate "C 72 29". Doing a search for this reveals that the license plate is a synonym for the Bell Laps UH-1 Iroquois Helicopter!W

    What a coincidence? Even better is that the UH-1

    The Bell UH-1 Iroquois (unofficially Huey) is a military helicopter powered by a single, turboshaft engine, with a two-bladed main rotor and tail rotor. The helicopter was developed by Bell Helicopter to meet the United States Army's requirement for a medical evacuation and utility helicopter in 1952, and first flew on 20 October 1956. Ordered into production in March 1960, the UH-1 was the first turbine-powered helicopter to enter production for the United States military, and more than 16,000 have been produced worldwide.[1]


    For more information check out the wiki on this helicopter. I thought this was a pretty cool little Easter Egg.

    A rotor! Just like the turbine that is so prominant in Tranzit. I'll edit this post later when I find the information I posted on another license plate and how it is also related to "rotor".

    Another user said they saw these three plates. I have no verified them myself, however I suspect they are real based upon what I find, the last one is interesting and relates to the "rotor" like on the helicopter.

    PM12-2359 = PM is from 12 noon until 1159 at night, or rather 2359 meaning we are using military time.

    Am0000-1159 = AM from midnight until 1159 AM.

    If tranzit was NOT a clock then why the hell did someone put the license plates are times corresponding to AM/PM and the exact numbers they represent? If it was random it would be more like 3arch.

    This is the most damming proof I have seen that Tranzit is actually a giant clock.


    L7229 = The model number of a part corresponding to a "rotor/generator". A rotor is a lot like a turbine, and that turbine generates power.

    The three cars are telling you that you need to use the Turbine to change the time!


    from: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=26236&p=278965#p278965

    I'm a bit late to post this but oh well, I've been meaning to for a while, what happens if we leave our turbines in the generator room while it's turning on?

  15. i know someone has prolly already said this but the not saying might be powering HAARP that is shi no numa might give us a bigger clue to tranzit.... my specualtion is that the power station we turn on might actually be powering HAARP. the reason i am saying this is because one of marlton's quotes (i duno if this counts as backing up my sotry but here goes)

    i think he says: "thats no natural weather pattern"

    and what is HAARP being acused of? attemping to change the weather using the ionisphere or something (at school right now so i cant bother myself with posting video things). the government has had success before at attemping to change the weather and my example is what you call (seeding clouds) and they have had success with this since the cold war....look it up the (ho chi mihn trail) i seen it on conspiracy theory with jesse ventura :twisted:

    anyways thats all i got for now i will try to back up my theories and speculations with more info when i get the time. that is all for now sorry about all the bad grammar i hope this gets viewed!


    Just a random add to your lil theory but if I remember correctly then China had an issue with a blizzard or something due to this. Maybe China has something to do with HAARP as well?

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