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Posts posted by Pizzaboy5799

  1. Well spoken InfestLithium!

    TheThiny, it would be extremely unlikely that an Easter Egg has been hidden away in a zombies map for over 4 years - since the release of Black Ops I -, as most Easter Eggs are solved within the first week of release by budding zombie slayers!

    However, it would be cool if they could hide one away for such a long time... =)

  2. Greetings Thiny!

    Time to have a crack at each of the stuff left to solve:

    1. The green lights turn on in the teleporter to signal that enough kinetic energy has been transformed from chemical potential energy manifested inside the Element 115 power supply - or the 115 power source could undergo a rapid chain reaction of nuclear fission that is supposedly controlled in the confines of the teleporter.

    2. Possibly just copied and pasted from the Black Ops campaign and multiplayer!

    3. Never heard this one before, but I believe that the programmers just wanted to scare off players from throwing monkey bombs out of bounds - which could effectively disrupt the coding of the zombie entities.

    4. A true secret, possibly a minor Easter Egg that is just for show!

    5. Rocket? I dont understand?

    B.T.W. BOI contains the base map of Kino Der Toten, unlike BOII!

    Awaiting your thoughts!


  3. I absolutely hate it when teammates leave the game after being downed once - happens most often on Origins - and everything falls to pieces. This was extremely heartbreaking on Tranzit and Die Rise, as when a player was downed with a piece of a build able, noone knew where he bled out or where the missing part is. This was seemingly patched in Buried, Mob Of The Dead and Origins with "Leroy's" Candy Ability and adding each piece to a joint development immediately after pick-up.


    Still, if you start a game of Zombies as a team, you will finish a game of Zombies as a team.

  4. Okay, so we have so far been able to obtain The Black BoxOz's Keycard, and Bill's Keycard. Whenever a player picks up a keycard, the number on their badge - starting at 00 - increases by one, which is their security level. So, this may lead to the Easter Egg being obtainable solo, as I have witnessed different players obtaining different keycards.


    Over and out!

  5. As the name implies, this is similar to the charged up effects of the Ultimate Lightning staffs (especially the Ice Staff). When achieved from the Mystery Box, the player will receive 2 grenades, which each take approximately 3 seconds to use:


    Activation Animation:


    1. The appearance of the device faintly resembles the Air-Strike Grenades from Origins with a blue-shifted colour scheme.

    2. The player's available arm (with the other holding the device at eye level) turns the old-fashioned pocket watch visible on the front of the device to 20 seconds (the duration of the tactical grenade).

    3. He then drops it down to the ground, where it drills half-way into the ground surface, before emitting a spheric blue pulse equipped with an appropriate sound effect.

    4. Assembling an electric barrier around the player - which is spherical and can hold up to 4 people - while the clock counts down to 0 seconds and disables the shield, self-destructing in the process.


    The shield acts as an electric barrier and Insta-Kills zombies on impact. When the shield has 5 seconds remaining, it will flash red to indicate to the player that his protection will soon cut out.


    What do you think? Should the player be able to hold the device and run head-on into zombies - acting like an Insta-Kill?


    Love to hear feedback!


    I thought Kino DID have an EE, though...

    The film reel thing? Granted, there was NO reward, but it was a fun LITTLE thing to do lol

    Good job overall tho


    All maps have Easter Eggs, just not long quests like in Ascension which is what I think he means.




    Exactly. I classify Musical Easter Eggs and additional segmented Easter Eggs that do not take a substantial amount of time to complete - and can be done practically every game - as a new breed of Easter Eggs (Enjoyment Eggs)!



  7. Just realised something interesting... (A secret for years?)


    If you Melee Attack just before you are hit with the Meat in Grief - or hit the player with the Meat - you immediately gain the Meat and text appears on the top of the screen saying:


    Your Gamertag has stolen the meat! (Or something of that nature...)


    Did you guys know? Came as a shock to me.



  8. Edited Der Reise difficulty to 7 / 10! (Sorry for the confusion!)


    The fearsome level is basically the horrific atmosphere of the map mixed with the initial feelings of playing it for the first few times. Were you genuinely scared with the overall ambiance of the map - such as the colour scheme and sound effects incorporated in Mob Of The Dead - or could you manage without a doubt to regain your composure after a few minutes of playing?


    Thanks for the support!



  9. Now, for the BOI Maps! [Part 1]



    Kino Der Toten:


    Difficulty -             3 / 10

    "Fearsome" Feel -  4 / 10


    Innovative Elements -

    Nova Crawler Textures, Musical Easter Egg, Thunder Gun.


    Easter Egg - N/A


    Description - The first zombies map I have ever played, brings back memories of training at the theatre and being "flash banged" after killing crawlers. A well balanced map that features BOI weaponry and textures to ease into the storyline of Black Ops Zombies (without the hassle of a large Easter Egg).





    Difficulty -             9 / 10

    "Fearsome" Feel -  7 / 10


    Innovative Elements -

    Unique Rechargeable Teleportation Devices, Elevator Systems, Pentagon Thief Texture, Initial Dynamic Glass On Barricades, Winter's Howl.


    Easter Egg - N/A


    Description - One of the hardest maps in Zombie history, with tight corners, virtually untrainable areas and fast paced action! Phew, what a rush!





    Difficulty -             6 / 10

    "Fearsome" Feel -  8 / 10


    Innovative Elements -

    Russian Zombie Textures, Monkey Textures, Black-And-White Screen Before Power Turned On, Free Perk Bottle Opportunity In Boss Round Matryoshka DollsGersch Devices, Stamin-UpPHD Flopper.


    Easter Egg - 4 - Players Required, No Achievement, In-Game Reward = 90 Second Death Machine, Easy Difficulty.


    Description - I hate those monkeys! But the return of the Thundergun was what did it for me...

  10. I always wondered why the VR-11 and Winter's Howl weren't swapped in order of which came about first.


    VR-11 - Turns zombies into CIA-Skin humans (Suits the map FIVE).

    Winter's Howl - Freezes/slows zombies (Suits the map CALL OF THE DEAD).


    Hm...  ;)

  11. Time for another game-mode idea!





    Technical Settings:


    Grief Style Play Approved


    4 - 8 Players Necessary (Not just 8 like Grief on BOII where it is practically impossible to obtain a full match nowadays...)


    Playable On Story-Line Maps - (Kino Der Toten, Moon, Tranzit, Origins, e.t.c)


    Play As Side-Characters - (CIA, CDC, e.t.c)


    Counts Towards Statistics And Ranking System


    Ending Can Be Triggered On Last Player Standing At End Of Round




    Inspired by Chaos mode in MW3 and Exctinction, become the sole survivor against the endless waves of zombies. They're stronger, faster and even tactically enhanced, could you survive... Sudden Death?


    New Achievements:


    Clutch Master (20G) - In Sudden-Death, become the final survivor and end the round.

    One Of Us (5G) - In Sudden-Death, merge with your mortal enemy.

    Now I'm Mad (40G) - In Sudden-Death, come back to the realm of the living and win the game.

    Who's A Good Boy? (10G) - In Sudden-Death, lure another player to their demise with a Monkey Bomb.

    Invincible (5G) - In Sudden-Death, take 10 hits from the zombies and survive.

    What Goes Up... (5G) - In Sudden-Death, be killed by a fellow player.

    ...Must Come Down (10G) - In Sudden-Death, take out a member of the competition.

    It Burns! (5G) - In Sudden-Death​, experience a thermonuclear blast.

    Nice Disguise (25G) - In Sudden-Death, take out a player with Zombie-Blood.




    All players start in the spawn area of the map chosen. with a 10:00 truce timer ticking down at the top of the screen and a flak-jacket like appearance on screen for each player (green around the edges). During this time, none of the players can hurt or injure each other, with the rounds progressing as usual. Also, zombies can not deal sufficient damage to harm players, with only the "hit indicator" appearing on screen and no damage dealt. Perks such as Quick-ReviveJuggernogTombstone and Who's Who will be replaced by other perks such as Electric CherryDeadshot Daquiri, PHD Flopper and Stamin-Up.


    After the truce is over, players can dynamically cause other players to incur minor effects of flash bangs or concussion grenades when shooting, knifing or throwing explosive devices at other players. A sound similar to the Panzer Soldat alarm and Brutus entering the map merge together with a flashing red text reading "SUDDEN-DEATH!" replacing the timer, which flashes momentarily throughout the match.


    When a player is hit by a zombie, they spawn back as an undead, with the same speed as a normal player if they were carrying a Heavy Weapon or a rocket launcher. They then spawn in a random barricade that is accessible by the human players, and must rapidly tap the action button - (X) on the Xbox controller - to break down the barricades. They deal the same amount of damage as a normal zombie, and contain an identical amount of health. They are also affected by Insta-Kills, Nukes and other power-ups. If a human player utilises Zombie-Blood, he will be viewed as an individual zombie to the playable zombie character.


    The playable zombies characters constantly respawn as zombies until the round ends (they are not included in the normal zombies count) in which they can then respawn as a human player. If one human player alone survives a round, he is declared the victor of the game.


    What do you think about this idea? Please leave a comment below!


    Have a spectacular day!   :D

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