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A11 L1V3S L0ST

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Posts posted by A11 L1V3S L0ST

  1. To be honest, I've made it over 30 only a few times, and that's because of the people I played with. Solo, my games are commonly over by 10, im happy if I hit double digits and im proud when I get close to twenty, even though I've made it to higher rounds. I really don't have a strategy for any map excerpts die rise and that's just buy the pdw hit power build sliquifier. I would love a solid strategy like I've got for Kino der toten.

    Point of all that is high round is different for everybody. Point isbto have fun.

  2. So I've heard the idea of a Paris map being thrown around the forum for a long time now and I decided to do my own research. How could Paris, in this case the Eiffel tower, fit into zombies. Well I'm here to present my findings.

    Secret Project: Eiffel Cannon:


    This is for sure my favorite theory. It's the idea that the Eiffel tower could be used in an experimental space program. A French space technology enterprise, helped by chosen NASA and ESA specialists, discovered that the tower could be used as an advanced space travel device. The structure would be used as the skeleton for the device, with the other necessary technology added later on. Eiffel cannon isn't a rocket ship. It uses state-of-the-art worm hole technology to shoot the crew to any planet or moon in sight. It claims that the worm hole technology isn't being used due to the risk of uncontrolled wormhole, which could lead to disaster. It is planned that this technology is being tested on...(wait for it...) Moon! :D

    I don't know about you but I LOVE this theory! :)

    I love this find. I think the first one should've been found earlier, due to the fact that it pertains to both the moon and the moon loading code, and the seconds one sees to stick with the tower theory quite well, the tower of babble, is defiantly a tower, and the golden gate bridge in mob of the dead seems to act like a tower when you go to use the electric chair. I have yet to find a tower in die rise though I think there is one im just over looking. Though I would be more surprised if we actually got the map in Paris. I've seen some very good break downs on here go off because people failed to look at every angle, so I fear that may happen here, but still, I love the finds and hope you keep up the good work asylum needs more work because I feel, it is where we will truly understand zombies from.

    Now for the second, and in my opinion, less likely theory: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread442296/pg1

    This conspiracy theorizes that the Eiffel tower could be being used to send out signals to collect peoples thoughts or to communicate with other life forms in space. If that sounds interesting then you may want to read more, but I'd like to discuss how we could change that for zombies.

    What if the Eiffel Tower sends out signals that can control the zombies. Maybe Richthofen wants the N4 to get there, maybe it has the ability to mend the possible rift that was formed. Maybe the two other towers in Tranzit and Die rise are activated to power up the Eiffel Tower. These are just my theories

    It's hard to say what could happen here. If Treyarch decides to create a story around these conspiracy's. Just think of the different possibilities.

    Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts! :D

  3. I think that the story goes how we've seen it so far. Maybe not mob of the dead but the rest seem to go in order. We start in Nacht der un toten and go to verruckt and ship no numa which as stated by trearch happened along with world at war and ending at der reise, the first map where time is actually messed up. Our use of the teleporters in that map sling us through time to Kino der toten, as explained in the intro.

    From there we play five and ask ourselves why we are at the pentagon, and why they get their first battle with zombies even though its after world war two, we soon find that the original four are in Russia and contact them. They then jump through time, to call of the dead, where zombies have come back once more. I think that happens because it is the third time they have jumped into an alternate reality. I believe this because the zombies in black ops goes along with the campaigns timeline so, either when they go to Kino it is still there time line just in the future or they have gone over into the black ops time line and brought the zombies, explaining why it is their first encounter with zombies in five. I also think when they go to call of the dead, they jump again and go into our timeline explaining why they are there even after the earth has been destroyed. From there they go to shangralai which im not so sure about weather it is back in their timeline still ours because we have the rod or if it has its own little place outside of space and time because it is heaven after all, maybe it's in its own timeline, im don't really know this one.

    From there they go back to the cold war time line and travel to the moon, this I believe is the time line where the new four are alive, the same time line because they said black ops 2 zombies will not coincide with the black ops 2 campaign time line. This where nuketown zombies green run and the great leap forward occur, because this is the time line where richtofen is in control and the world is shattered. The question is where in this does mob of the dead happen, same time ? Different time line? Whole new place where richtofen has no control and Samantha never came to power?

    I feel that this is how the storyline goes, with only minimal problems,.

    Thank you for reading, would love feedback, I am on my phone and have yet to complete almost all of the major easter eggs so all of this may be wrong, but I feel like I have a solid understanding..

  4. here is shortcut to mystery box JWPA1QkEVyw

    here is shortcut to the roof 7VCFOKgdDQw

    I like both your videos especially getting to the roof for 1500 points, and while your mystery box one is helpful, it is easier in my opinion to buy the first door to where the m14 is then turn left instead of right and follow the hall to the end where it drops down behind a door and into the room with the teddy bear, from there you go down the stairs to the chinese buffetike room but keep going straight instead of turning right at the bottom of the stairs. There is a walkway with a single window on one side and a drop on the other. It leads behind the counter to a slope that you slide down over the gap and to the mystery box.

    Im actually interested into how you go down to the power room and then to the mystery box, other than the strafe jump through the door and the slide down that I just mentioned I don't know another way into the room, which would be useful because I commonly by the pdw than build the sliguifier before riding an elevator to the roof.

  5. Remember in the EE song on Shi no numa (I think) the song is from the zombies point of view, they are waiting to die

    Your talking about "The One" I presume? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAGYDBcJke8

    Apparently David Vonderharr (Or however you spell his name) tweeted about "Deciding the new crew's fate" in a future DLC.

    This could mean various things.

    I'm trying to think of a plausible theory regarding this Tweet and the voices in Samuel's head, because it's too obvious that Samuel's voices are going to be a major part in Samuel's story.

    I heard that because in die rise stulinger said they'd kill him if they knew about the flesh and because in in Alcatraz they added the killing of the players into one of the achievements that in a future dlc the crew will be able to use this new design to kill stulinger or have stulinger kill them.

  6. Knifing has always been way smoother in Infinity Ward games as opposed to Trollarch.

    Yea, never had any trouble in zombies. Or campaign. Or the first black ops for that matter.

    And why does everyone call them trollarch?

  7. Read through and thought this was pretty interesting because I had never heard the so called 'voices' so I decided to play on die rise as stulinger and turn down everything except my voice volume. Originally I heard moans when I killed them, nothing id call definite. Dropped down the broken elevator bought the ak74u and started blowing their brains all over the walls, still hearing the same thing nothing definite.

    then I went into the room with the workbench for the sliquifier and started killing. Then I killed my seventeenth zombie (I checked instantly) and heard not a word, but almost 30 seconds of zombie speech that I failed to translate, but it was defiantly saying something. It was the only zombie in the room and while I couhear other zombies outside I knew the zombie I had just killed was talking, not just talking but an entire sentence or more. I am about to go see if it can happen again. Hope this helps..

    Edit: I just restarted and heard it again, hadn't killed a zombie or done anything else.. the words saying that we could hear him and should listen to him had yet yo speak. But I heard it same as before except it didn't last as long this time.

    Well I've yet to get any english but it does seem like they are saying something.

    the moans and groans as you kill zombies is what people are trying to figure out.

  8. Read through and thought this was pretty interesting because I had never heard the so called 'voices' so I decided to play on die rise as stulinger and turn down everything except my voice volume. Originally I heard moans when I killed them, nothing id call definite. Dropped down the broken elevator bought the ak74u and started blowing their brains all over the walls, still hearing the same thing nothing definite.

    then I went into the room with the workbench for the sliquifier and started killing. Then I killed my seventeenth zombie (I checked instantly) and heard not a word, but almost 30 seconds of zombie speech that I failed to translate, but it was defiantly saying something. It was the only zombie in the room and while I couhear other zombies outside I knew the zombie I had just killed was talking, not just talking but an entire sentence or more. I am about to go see if it can happen again. Hope this helps..

    Edit: I just restarted and heard it again, hadn't killed a zombie or done anything else.. the words saying that we could hear him and should listen to him had yet yo speak. But I heard it same as before except it didn't last as long this time.

    Edit edit: I keep hearing it without killing zombies but when im surrounded by them instead. And it has yet to be as long as the first time I heard it. Maybe it is not the voice you are talking about but it seems to be something, not sure what though.

    P.S. have yet to complete the easter eggs because I don't have gold so I can't get a party up to do it but I have the maps for black ops 2 not sure if that has something to do with it.

  9. The combat knife I have is almost gold. I just need to get the Ron camo and i'm all set. Also on the note my ballistic knife is almost gold too :D I'm on my way to diamond camo for specials hehe.


  10. Actually, I just got the updates and have a friend who would love to hear the knife was fixed. Though my favorite weapon in the multiplayer is the combat knife because it appears to lunge when I try to knife with it I seem to lunge at the enemy, not sure if they missed itwhen editing the knife or just to help out knifers but it really helps me.

  11. I like the feel of this map, as it does remind me of world at war. I think this is gonna be one hell o asf a map though. As for it being 2025, I doubt that. They originally said that black ops 2 zombies will not be sticking to the campaign, so I think the future weapons are just spawned from the box like the original black ops guns did in the world at war map expansion.

  12. I'm going to keep this short but, In many of Richtofen's quotes he states how he misses the O3, and always refers to them, but if he misses them so much, why doesn't he just go to moon and 'Talk' to them? If he's an entity he sure can go anywhere and know where everyone is, Samantha did it, right?

    This has been stated before and there have been diffrent approaches to stop the thought. It is possible that they are dead, and im not sure if anyone other than trayarch is gonna know any diffrent for a while.

    Some of the counter arguments have been that he isn't actually there with them even if he can watch he can't interact with them like he used too. Also, that somebody (im don't remember if it was Samantha or not so im not going to name anybody) could have been stopping him from seeing them, kind of like a blind spot.

    Possibly, because Samantha had previously been in the aether she knows how to use it in some way, and is making where richtofen can not see them, like a blind spot. That he just sees over, instead of a whole.

    I don't know for sure what they said, or who it was, but I do suggest looking for it and seeing wha some of the arguments for each side was.

  13. I believe that the NAV card in a way "locks in" our chosen side of richtofen or maxxis. the first one not working because we have the option to do both. the new ee quest we are given a choice to decide between maxxis or richtofen. and although we can go back in different games and do one or the other, I believe for the NEXT dlc if we use our cards on the machine after doing an EE then the next level will have possibly only one EE. whichever one we have completed so far. just a theory tho no real evidence to support it.

    Its possible, don't really know what trayarch is doing anymore.

  14. Yea, im kinda wishing they will go and make it where you can do the easter egg without four people, even if you have to do some extra steps to make up for it. Or make it where there are 8 diffrent ways to do it and not all of them take four people.

  15. As far as I can tell, there is no known bank, or fridge, or similar storage system in Great Leap Forward. Doesn't make it any less awesome though.

    I hear nothingbut good things about it and makes me want it all that much more. Stupid lack of internet.

  16. I just casually sat down after a long day and started up a game of zombies on tranzit, and once the screen loads, first thing I see, isn't zombies idling around to be knifed, but instead the bus driving BEHIND the bus depot, turning around where the nav card can be found and then around to the front. I have always thought that you should be able to get behind the bus depot, and what if this simple thing we never saw was actually proof that there is a second bus route and more to the map then we've explored? Any thoughts?

  17. Anyone else notice the yellow and blue streak in the top left of the loading screen, same ones on the Nuketown loading screen?

    I personally haven't seen the loading screen for nuketown, but from what I hear, that's generally agreed upon and the post card from green run was slipped in the side by it, stating that the great leap forward comes after green run and of course after nuketown. And now that I think about it, the green run looks like it was just slid into there, so these levels may even be out of order, or just slid into there because they were on the bus, it fits, and is just there to show they made a stop on the way to provinince 22.

  18. This is an interesting find. The map Kino Der Toten seems very relevant to this map. With the nova jumpers and all.

    Its quite possible, that im waiting to learn more about the map before I say we go back to kino. Though it would be cool to be outside the theater of the damned instead of trapped inside.

  19. Relative to the trip to China, yes Colorado is close to California. However, they are separated by hundreds of miles. You would be looking at around 15-20 hours of travel by bus in a pre-apocalypse maintained highways world.

    In a ZPAW after the earth's crust has broken apart I would think this travel time would at the least be doubled...

    I don't know, this doesn't seem to be some run of the mill bus. We saw it drive right over lava several times and it seems like it can just keep driving. I think depending on how many stops the bus makes that it could get there in the same amount of time. Of course, I am assuming that the bus picks up speed in between the two areas. Though if we are going back in time and doing it backwards then distance doesn't really matter, and if we're going forward, then maybe we drove there and used a teleporter, honestly if we are going forward then there's probually something explaining how we came from hanford into province 2 in a later update. I don't think we really know and I don't think we will know untill we get some more information, all I can say now is trying searching the sixties.

  20. check out wyoming.org warren afb during cold war. talks about how they were tasked in the 60s with creating long range accurate missles with heavy payloads. the minute man I missle looks familiar

    I haven't seent the minute man I missle, though I did see a pic of three missles all lined up together and my first thought was immediately moon. Though we do have a whole planet of possibilities and a whole decade to searcg though. Even more if trayarc decides to leave the sixties and go into other time periods, though I think sixties is pretty much where we are staying at for black ops 2 atleast.

  21. I think warren is quite possible, though through searching dulce base I found project plowshare which took place inthe sixties, and through that I found a whole list of nuclear testing for all kinds of reasons including one called DOMINIC II early 1960s which had groups of military people firing what I presume to be nukes as the explosion was seen several kilometers away and doing maneuvers. Real interesting stuff.

    Here's a url incase anybody wants to double check or do independent research

    http://www.cddc.vt.edu/host/atomic/atmo ... tests.html

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