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Posts posted by Gaycandybacon

  1. Hi, I was playing tranzit a bit ago and my friend had mule kick! I dont how to get it but he lost it by trading in his 3rd gun,so if anyone knows how to get it tell me plzzzzzzzzz!xzx

    I bet his friend just told him that.. He probably didn't see it for himself. :D

    Edit: I have an idea to how to get it. What if you bought all the wall guns in a single game. See if that works. Which would be Olympia, M14, M16 or Colt, B23R, MP5, Remmington, and AK74u.

  2. I wonder if the kit only effects things that can't be pack a punched... Such as a buildable... A kit could upgrade any buildable to work with acid: The Blundergat, the acid trap (more acid? Cool! ), the fan, the PLANE! Er MER GERD! Crop dusting FOR THE WIN?!?

    We don't know if any of these will be buildables yet... But we know (or at least think) we can upgrade traps...

    I wonder what other buildables will be avaible... Can you build kits? Can you acid-Upgrade a kit?

    Another thing is, if we get the Blundergat from a table and then it goes to the box (like the seliquifier) can you still add the acid upgrade to the table? Or can we not upgrade it if we take it?

    The AK47 does look like it has a different camo on it. hmm. Maybe it's just the new PaP look. But ya besides that, it's believable that only buildables can be upgraded through the kit. Which I've always wanted another way to upgrade a gun. I wonder if this kit can do other things as well.. :)

  3. I haven't noticed this, but today I struggled to use the box when it was at the depot. It only seemed to work when I approached it from the right, and was facing left? On two seperate games I struggled hitting it and ended up losing two guns because I didn't take them out on time. Don't know if this was just me and if it is related to what happened to you on the bus?

    interesting..i couldnt hit the box correctly the last game i was playing but i didnt pay it no mind because i was tired of playin but i also noticed a zombie come out of a fully boarded window earlier that game(yes it was all the way up cuz i had just boarded it up)

    I've always had that problem at the box on depot. It's weird that it takes longer for it to open than any other places.. Maybe there's a reason, but I doubt it. And I've seen that problem with the Zombies jump out of the windows with it fully boarded. Lol it's funny yet annoying as F**k. But as for the bus boarding thing. I think it was just a one game thing. I don't think it was a big deal anyways. haha

  4. i usually have the bowie knife by round 5 so i don't care what the others do. but if i don't get it i will tell the others to meet up inside the b23r area. its not about the free perk. its about the 2k. with this 2k i can get the bowie knife or if i already have it get jug. why is it annoying to sit in one place for a round? was it annoying when in der reise people said to help them at the catwalk?

    It's just funny that people are so anal about that free perk XD

  5. Great job on this Omega.

    I'm interested to why they called upgrading a weapon as a "kit".

    Maybe you can upgrade weapons 2 ways? Probably it's only for the Blungergat though.

    My guess if it was only the Blungergat, I would assume the acheivement would be "upgrade the blungergat". I am assuming that we can use some type of kit on our weapons instead of the PAP. With the possibility of having a PAP as well. Has anyone seen the PAP on any of the trailers?

    Apparently in one of them where people think Brutus Is on the Golden Gate Bridge. That PAP is there. But I don't see it.

  6. Great job on this Omega.

    I'm interested to why they called upgrading a weapon as a "kit".

    Maybe you can upgrade weapons 2 ways? Probably it's only for the Blungergat though.

    Most probably for the Blundergat. Maybe it turns it into the "Acidgat" or something. :lol:

    Would knot be surprised ha.

  7. Only reason it's not effective is because double tap doesn't effect the ray gun.

    Depends how you use it too. If you're training, it takes out a horde pretty quickly. But it also leaves crawlers.. You can run pretty freely also, not that anyone cares, but on high rounds it's helpful so you can get out of pesky situations.

    I don't know why people hate upgrading the Ray Gun. Imo it makes as much crawlers as the unPaPed RG, and it gives you more ammo! I don't know if it's any stronger but, on high rounds if you have money to spend, I'd just PaP it.

  8. Treyarch , you are the best. Thank you for giving us zombies and listening to the community.

    I hope treyarch really reads these posts.

    Not sure about Treyarch but Jimmy Z does and that's all that matters :).

    Wowza that's awesome that he notices us..

  9. Oh!

    An idea is later on, trayarch implements this golden-gun upgrading for survival, greif, and turned mode! (diamond when upgraded)

    Or just have it so your "favorite" weapon in the leaderboards is the weapon that becomes golden...

    I wouldn't mind changing maybe PaPed guns to gold after you complete a EE.

  10. Perma perk ideas:

    Lifting: Allows one to hold two parts at one time, but not two parts to the same machine...

    Wowza so simple yet so effective. So how would you obtain it?

    My idea would be to Build 8 or more parts in a game.

    And the way to lose it is to not build anything for 10 rounds.

    So when you try to reach high rounds, you're not allowed to build at the start, because you will lose lifting after round 10

    And if you've already build the obelisk, it's gonna be worse..

    Good idea for the PP man!

    Good point. They could just put it as not building anything for 1 game for losing it. I like the Build 8 parts in 1 game though. I really like this idea as well. Maybe the lifting PP could also allow you to build/repair things faster.

  11. hmm yes but i think that would be a bit unfair & unbalance but depending on the WW it could work i guess. oh how abut literally an egg grenade (collored for easter of course) thats like a frag grenade but explodes like the scavenger!!! that would be awesome!!! :twisted: :lol:

    Lol that grenade would be pretty funny.

    I don't think it would be unfair though for people to get a special ww in the box for them to use. I mean it doesn't have to be a OP gun. But something for people to work for other than getting the 75+ Gamerscore each time.

  12. It is possible perhaps we encounter Denizens when we are flying on top of the plane, which makes sense because we saw one of the mobsters ready with his weapon (MP5k) and all others in position. Damn Denizens.

    Or maybe you arrive on the bridge and it's overrun and there are denizen as if you were in the fog so you can't stay at the PaP for too long

    Hmm.. maybe there is fog on the bridge!

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