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Posts posted by Blitz

  1. "Our greatest barrier is our own fear. Our own doubts"
    "The only thing holding us back is how far we are willing to go"
    I believe that the teasers we have been seeing are them experimenting with the mind. We can make the perfect soldier by removing Fear and Doubt. We have the technology to do so, but are we willing to take that step.
     Who's mind is the question, David or Alex Mason?
  2. What's up Zombie Conspirators, Blitz Here.



    I'm not a new member as a few of you may recognize. I've just been on a long hiatus, with the current hype of Black Ops: III, I have been drawn back into the Abyss of thought and conspiracy.


    I just wanted to introduce myself to any of the new members.




    I'm a Military Intelligence Analyst and a Data Mining expert. So if anyone needs me to dig up some dirt on their current theories be sure to let me know.




    Blitz Out!

  3. This is a comment I posted on YouTube earlier today, I figured it'd be perfect to share on this thread. Keep in mind this is just part of a theory of mine, feel free to criticize it if you feel necessary. Although, I don't think we should discuss the theories in this thread. So please PM me if its off topic.


    It's called Origins for a reason. It's the beginning of the storyline. The game will most likely pick up from buried. Just because it's the most recent map doesn't mean thats were it falls in the story line.
    The entire Zombie story line was just a reenactment from Eddies comic books that were written by Al Arlington. That doesn't change the assumption that a similar group (935) may exist and we MAY actually start a brand new story line loosely based on the previous characters.
    Possibly even have an actual Zombie campaign built into the game. Along with a normal campaign of course. They have space on the disks to handle more content. Maybe even a second disk dedicated to Zombies only.
    They did focus on Zombies pretty hard during the Dice Summit.

    Only time and clues will tell..

  4. post-129733-0-91632000-1428367972_thumb.


    I'm not sure how much this matters, but the numbers 3 4 are the brightest on the Television set. Maybe were are suppose to pay close attention to the Dials and the way they move.


    It also appears that "1985" are the brightest on the bottom dial.

    An Interesting find. The Year 1985: The Radio or "Telegraphy without Wires", Italian Born Inventor Guglielmo Marconi uses radio waves to create a system of "wireless telegraphy" to transmit signals a distance of approximately 1.5 kilometers in Pontecchio, Italy. He found no interest or backers and moved to England. Over the next few years having found financial backing he improved his equipment and in 1901 he sent a signal across the Atlantic from Poldu in Cornwall to St John's Newfoundland in Canada.




    Food for Thought.





  5. Sorry to shoot you down.

    He was MEANT to DIE in ALCATRAZ.

    I believe that him being able to "Break the Cycle" was due to the RIFT being BROKEN.

    Why the N4 are told to mend the rift is because time is broken, and things that happened in history are beginning to change.

    There's no way that changing history is going to mend the rift, it will only further tear it.

  6. I have my own theories on this whole scenario. But yet I agree with you to a certain degree. This all makes a lot of sense. Fated I have to talk to you on Xbox because there are certain points of mine that match up to yours and vise-versa. We need to collaborate our theories because I believe we could get to the bottom of it.

  7. "Al" Arlington is a inspiring comic book artist. Upon his editor constantly "Defacing" his art he turns to a life of crime as a "Booky" or a numbers keeper in order to pay the bills. Al is smarter than he looks and can normally Weasel his way in or out of any deal, hence the nick-name "Weasel".

    Unfortunately, for Al a deal went south ultimately ending up with the crew, Billy, Finn, Sal, and himself winding up as prisoners on "Hell Island", Alcatraz. The other three told Al, that since they got him there that it was his responsibility for getting them off the island.

    Al spent months planning to build "Icarus" which was named after one of the heroes in his new comic book. Al continued to write and draw comics while in Alcatraz to pass the time but his ultimate goal was to escape. He continued sending his work by mail to the "Editor" but it all resulted with the same outcome, it was never good enough.

    Time went by and the other three weren't seeing any of the results, they looked at the drawings of the plane he made and said it would never fly. They eventually lost their temper knowing they were never going to escape and ended up shanking Arlington to death on the rooftop as Al was describing the ramp system he came up with. They then drug his body and hid it inside the shed on the roof.

    The other 3 were then tried and executed for the murder of Al on that cold New Year's Night.

    That was History... Then something changed...

    A rift was opened in the space-time continuum as the result of experimental Nazi Time-Travel. Time was never meant to be manipulated but due to a new element being discovered resulted in experiments with "Magical" outcomes. This element is known as Ununpentium also known as Element 115.

    With this new discovery, it led to new break throughs in science, primarily with Teleportation and Time Manipulation. Unfortunately, it had an alternate use, bringing the dead back to life, but that's another story.

    With the experimentation and constant breaches through time, the rift was created. This rift resulted in time freezing in place, not only in the present, but also in the past. The past was reliving the same moment over and over again, but only a few were aware of it.

    The Prisoners were some of those few. They knew what was going to happen, but had no control on how to change it so the cycle continued, Al being murdered and the others being executed.

    Al has always been smart, and an artist of sorts, the others are completely useless. So Al was chosen... By who you ask? An ancient being, that had quietly been residing inside the world that he has know for centuries.

    As Al sat in his cell he began seeing weird symbols, and was receiving odd messages. He began documenting them but kept them to himself. He never knew what role this ancient being was about to instill upon him.

    It was Dec 31, 1932 New Year's Eve, and the cycle was about to begin again.

    Finn states, "Sal, we must have been through this Fifty times already."

    Sal replies, "And we'll go throught with it another fifty if thats what it takes."

    Everything seems to be repeating the same until a guard that Weasel killed comes back with glowing red eyes. The crew unloaded their revolvers until the guard finally dropped. Then the prison began to morph into the definition of hell itself.

    Weasel says, "This ain't right, something weird's going on here..."

    Weasel has been given his mission to break the cycle. He has to survive and execute his three murderers himself. Thus breaking the cycle. Upon breaking the cycle he is given a gift, what gift is that? Immortality.

    Weasel has been made the pawn of the ancient being residing inside the MDP.

    What is his new mission? Stopping Rictofen and Maxis from ever ruling the Earth.

    How will he do that? By creating the cult of "The Flesh".

    Why would he create the cult? Because only those who have ingested zombie flesh can be communicated to by the "Ancient One."

    Stulinger has ingested Zombie Flesh due to the Cult, Stulinger is being communicated to by the Ancient One. Unfortunately, he has two conflicting voices in his head, as well as a third through electronic devices.

    We are now going to have a third choice of someone to help. By helping the Ancient One we restore balance.

    If you want to restore balance you have to start over, maybe we are stuck in one continuous loop. The only way of restoring balance is by breaking the cycle.

  8. Sir, I really appreciate your work and dedication but, I believe you are looking into it too far. It could be a translation error. We are in a hotel after all and these signs are common in hotels.

    Smoking is prohibited. Any Smoking will result in a cleaning fee.

    I don't mean this to be rude, you are a great theorist and I just don't want to see you wasting your time on a dead end.

  9. I don't really know what its suppose to represent in Zombies. I did notice that it was a political cartoon perhaps Arab or Israeli unsure at this point.

    It definitely represents the rich/powerful suppressing/destroying the weak.

    There is a very large Hammer, crushing a weak and crippled man. I am unsure about how this relates to the story.

  10. What all this means is that you need to "STOP LOOKING"! Its not a sprint its a marathon, meaning your not going to complete it in the first map. Tranzit will be expanded upon. The audio quotes that haven't been heard yet is because we are going to RETURN to Tranzit. There are no more steps to be done right now.

    So you all need to "Slow Down Cowboy"

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