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Posts posted by YdaJdiMstr®

  1. Bullshit? He's right lol... I won't even use an exo suit when I play now... If it's an EE game, yes, all the perky goodness... But again, I don't enjoy the gameplay, it feels very WaW-ish to me... Has BO1 Kino map layout with an Ascension texture and model style... I fucking love CoD Zs, but this shitty map doesn't do a thing for me at all...

  2. I hear you, dude, and that's why I changed my comment to including mandatory revives as a custom game mode... Would be more appealing to the eye though to have the 4p high rounds on a mandatory revive mode stick to leaderboards... I realize that I am in the minority here, I accept that... I suggest this mode for the simple fact that it would make the game much harder to play, some people like it and most people on these forums have made it clear they do NOT lol... I'd also like to see timed gameplay implemented instead of rounds... Again though, these are things we implement in custom maps for the more hardcore gamers...

  3. I see what you're saying... And to an extent, you're right... I'm just the type of player, (mostly to my demise) to help those kids get their staffs mid round and upgrade them... The only reason to play with randoms is to show off anyway... However, nearly 95% of my games are with people that are good at Zs, not some scrubby little kid with his MIC in his mouth. I'd like to add challenge to games that are played with experienced people... You're right, playing with randy dandy is a challenge in and of itself, and I'm sorry that's most of your experience...


    Just read my original comment, wasn't trying to come off as an ass... Just my opinion, Zs it too god damned easy...


    How would you guys feel about the game ending in the case that any player bleeds out? It would discourage training and encourage teamwork, I think... I think it would add a much need flavor to a stale game...

    They did that in survival mode of MW3, hated the concept. Pull your own weight, earn everything yourself. Plus this means we can't have too much space between players. I want to play zombies, not horror conga-line. 



    I agree 100%, but most of what I see in online matches is a bunch of people playing on solo, but in a 4p game... Sounds like coop isn't for you... You say you like zombies, not horror conga line, I like zombies too, I just think players running off alone and walking in circles like a dog chasing it's tail is the conga line...

  5. I like most of your ideas, only disagree with a few... My favorite of yours is the EE rewards idea, I think that's genius... The lighted towers in BO2 were cool, in the early days on BO2 I played DRise with a kid that died because he was looking at the lighted tower, one of my favorite experiences in Zs. The weapon reward sounds cool, but anything that gives a veteran player an advantage over a newcomer is something I'd rather stay away from... The mystery that initially surrounded the ranking system was great, The hours (days in my case) discussing different theories with friends was awesome. I like the current ranking system... Your supernatural/fairy tale comment was good too, I think the harry potter magic wands ruined Origins, until I saw the end sequence which ruined it further... However, I disagree with you on two things, WW and flippy floppy... I'd rather do away with WW completely, unless its similar to the waffle iron which would kill you if you werent careful. The BO1/2 WWs were absolutely horrid, the silly bloat cannon on moon, squishy gun on DRise, and jetpack from Buried were just too unrealistic for my tastes. With the introduction of flippy floppy, players went from a round 15 average to round 30 overnight... I liked Zs when it was simple, point and shoot to survive. This nonsense of making it easier has made the game less favorable in my opinion...

  6. You all make valid points... Perhaps further customization to games that don't count to leaderboards... I've just seen the game I love go from Verrukt to Buried... The Zs game mode is quickly becoming geared to much toward children...


    "This is the same gun I used to kill third wife, she was bitch"


    "Aww, he's scared"


    Maybe I'm just getting old...

  7. That's the point... If you have four players that are smarter than the zombies are, the game doesn't end until everyone wants to quit. If one or two get downed it only makes it easier for the remaining two... I absolutely hate it when people train zombies now, I used to do it yeah we all did... I just think a difficulty setting on Zs needs to be implemented... It's a very easy game to play, and after rounds 15-20 I don't see much of a point in playing... Anything that would make it harder to get to that point is a good idea in my book...


    Your team is only as strong as your weakest player, it would encourage members of the team to stick together instead of running off by themselves and walking in a circle all by their lonesome...

  8. I've upgraded only one weapon to 25, and sad to say I died before I even used it... Unfortunately, by the time I finish an EE with 4p I'm so sick of playing the game the weapons don't matter to me... I can't play solo, tried to make a run the bathroom at round 20 by making a crawler and going down the chute to the incinerator room... Came back and I was dead... I was gone for 97 seconds...


    I don't find myself playing this game like I did WaW, BO1, and BO2... Used to play with LordGRRR every day, now I can count on one hand how many Xombies games I've played... Perhaps with the implementation of pause, I'll be able to paticipate in your MK20-25 conversation? As for now, this game just doesn't have the excitement/mystery I've come to expect in a zombies game...


    As per the OP, I think a gun of any nature should be quite useless at round 30... Think back to WaW, and BO1, before that dumbass double tap 2.0 was intro'd, guns were nearly useless at 30... I know what you mean with it feeling better to mow them down than use traps, but after 30 rounds I'm tired of walking in a circle anyway...


    I, for one, enjoyed TZit... I've never had so much fun trying to figure out a non-existent EE... The atmosphere of TZit is unrivaled by any other map except Nacht Der Untoten... Hearing a Z coming from somewhere in the distance, walking out of the fog moaning, THAT is what CoD Zs should be... I hate the Harry Potter Magic Wand bullshit that is Origins...

    Teleporting lamps, toilets that are much bigger on the inside, goblins that like to claw your eyes out, a being that can teleport and fire lightning through it's hands.... Sounds to me that tranzit is the most Harry-Potter-esque map there is. 


    Touche, sir... Again, though, my first experiences with any map are my most memorable... I'd heard the weasels scream from in the fog, but the first time I witnessed a friend step into the darkness and return with one on his face, screaming for help, was incredible... It took us countless games to learn how to PaP... All in all, it goes down as my favorite map of any Zs game to date, but I can understand why some people find it a hassle...

  10. lol... welcome to the forum Eric! Sure you will enjoy it around here. :D

    I was wondering when you might rear that ugly mug of yours... Glad you could remove that intravenous needle that is Destiny long enough to say hello! 

  11. Welcome to the site! I've been here for over 4 years now, working on the story since the beginning so it sounds like we'll get to know each other quite well in the coming year :P If you have any questions about the site or just wanna talk, feel free to ask!

    Indeed we will, sir, and I look forward to meeting the regulars here in the off season most of all...


    You seem familiar...."down the rabbit Hole" we welcome you with Open arms. Feel free to look around the forums there's much to see.

    I've always been extremely involved with CoD Zs, mostly on the official ATVI forums, with a dedication to story creation and EEs that can be rivaled by very few... It's nice to meet some cool people here, as I'm accustomed to the ATVI boards getting cluttered with youthful ignorance every other November-April...

  12. I, for one, enjoyed TZit... I've never had so much fun trying to figure out a non-existent EE... The atmosphere of TZit is unrivaled by any other map except Nacht Der Untoten... Hearing a Z coming from somewhere in the distance, walking out of the fog moaning, THAT is what CoD Zs should be... I hate the Harry Potter Magic Wand bullshit that is Origins...

  13. I'm curious to who, and how many, are the most frequent here... Most of you zombie slaughtering fools know who I am already, but this seemed as good a place as any to bust in like the Kool-Aid man and say whatever it is that he says... It's getting to be about that time, just a few more months until we're glued to the game once again trying to form jigsaw pieces of a non-existent plot into some form of hidden story that only makes sense in hindsight... And I'm friggin' pumped about being right in the middle of that rabbit hole!

    I heard through the grapevine that these forums could use a bit of love... I will finally admit, this seems to be the more permanent home for true fans of the franchise... Thanks ahead of time for the generic Welcome Aboard reply, what I;m really interested in is how many of my homies will see this thread before the SHG temporary placeholder appetizer of a Zs game gets released...

    Even to those that read through this and pass by, the passion that has you here in the off-season is why CoD Zs has become what it is, and I appreciate every god damned one of you... Should be pleasant to be part of a Zs forum that isn't littered with, "http://prntscr.com/5uqtfx"

  14. Yo... Your thread title, I must say, is epic... You are not alone, I have a small group of close friends that are also old as dirt and ride on our hoverounds killing zombies... I'm counting downs the months now for a new 3arc map, but in the meantime I'd be happy to get some people together for a game,., Let me know if you're interested, and welcome to the club...

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