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Posts posted by LegitimateRage

  1. The Message of The Day has changed and confirms our suspicions; the name for the 4th DLC,its' content and the release date being the 27th of August

    These Tweets from reliable sources, CharlieIntel & DigitalWarfare247 for proof-

    https://twitter.com/charlieINTEL/status ... 6864922624


    EDIT -

    So, here's an image of the in-game MoTD naming the MP Maps (if you're interested) and the Origins Zombie Maps. https://twitter.com/CoDzombieforum/stat ... 40/photo/1

  2. I feel the same as BSZ, the final DLC will be the decider in my overall vote but currently I'm standing on about a 7. The exclusion of O4, WW and some Perks are what makes it not as fun. And I feel there's too much of a grind to get into a good game, with building things and traveling distances to go where I want to go.

  3. There likely won't be a fifth DLC, this upcoming one will likely be the last. They generally don't have time to create that many, and out of respect to Ghosts, they don't release maps that close to the game release.

    Unless the Final DLC is split into two separate parts and released for the same time: One for zombies and one for MP.....

    I doubt they would do that, I can only see them repeating all an Zombies Map Pack or a Standard 4 MP + 1 Zombie Map Pack. Plus PS3 will get Vengeance in August, then DLC 4 will likely drop late-August and mid-September for PS3 and October will be filled with Ghosts hype. Like Tac said, not enough time..

    All signs point toward no 5th DLC Map Pack anyway, with the Season Pass describing only 4 Map Packs and the Camos being a DLC.

  4. Dlc 5 could be referring to the nuketown 2025 or nuketown zombies stand alones....

    Well, in the coding DLC_0 and DLC_ZM_0 is there so it's assumed those are both Nuketown remakes.

    I just think DLC 5 is all the Camos they've added to Multiplayer.. Think about it, you've got both Nuketowns which weren't part of any DLC Packs, The 4 Map Packs and the ~10 DLC Camos they've released, totaling 5 DLC Packs not counting Nuketown.

  5. The 5th map dlc thing comes from mrdalekjd. He made a vid where he was searching through codes and whatever and found something that said dlc 5

    This. I'll find the Article in a second but on the PS3s coding it clearly says dlc 1,2,3,4 & 5. They could just be the MP Personalization Packs or something but they have or will have release(d) 5 DLCs this game.

    Edit - Found the Article. Here it is: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/User_b ... rs_surface

  6. .And the town is an American one that's been moved to Africa, right? Well, what would the Ghost of an English woman married to an English man (who never left the British Isles) be doing in an American town?

    Not only that. Why would an entire American town be underground in Africa?

    Well, looking at MrRoflWaffles new post it seems to explain pretty effin clearly how it's happened.

  7. Just did a search on Edward Bernard, nothing. Found an English scholar who died 100 years prior to Sarah's birth but nothing more.

    It seems the only real history is her husband, whose discoveries are the reason we have the motors etc. More of a small easter egg I'd say and not some huge discovery, at least not yet.

    And the town is an American one that's been moved to Africa, right? Well, what would the Ghost of an English woman married to an English man (who never left the British Isles) be doing in an American town?

  8. About the watery map, that's the only dimension which is a missing and could be our new dlc.

    Transit fire.

    Die rise air.

    Motd Afterlife?

    Buried ground.

    Atlantis water?

    I read this as someone's theory back sometime in codz.

    I can see your line of thinking but when you envision Atlantis, you'd imagine a map completely submerged underwater, would you not? And it looks too modern to be Atlantis. Edit - Adding in it's already happened and we're finished with N4's story, thanks to Flammen. Plus why would afterlife have to do with anything?

    I'm thinking it was just an image to show their struggles and journey. If I had to guess geographically I'd say it was somewhere in the east but I can't be sure, going off the rundown look of it.

  9. Hey Guys! It's been a loongtime since I've posted/been active but Die Rise got too boring to bother, been lurking for a few weeks while waiting for DLC 2. (Next paragraph is irrelevant to my main point, more of my personal opinion, ignore it if you want)

    And now we have it! Mob Of The Dead, Treyarch's Scariest Zombie map to date. They're not kidding too... Huge map, really taking into account what the community wants. I'm so glad they're doing a Penitentiary, probably some of the craziest places on earth, Like Eastern State & of course Alcatraz

    Anyway back on Topic -

    So the Executive producer specifically said during the trailer that MOTD takes place during the 1920's-1930's, which is clearly obvious due to the construction of the Golden Bridge in the foreground. However, from what we understand in the timeline, Group 935 didn't begin the Zombie Project until Mid-40s. I remember the Tunguska event and how that was the first real discovery of E-115 so these zombies are obviously of some other origin. So how can this map fit in to the current timeline we're aware of?

    One obvious way of telling the Zombies Higher Power is of different origin is through the Red eye color, whereas Samantha's control brought an Orange color and Richtofen's blue. Who is the Overlord of the undead?

    I seem to remember a Veteran here (the name escapes me) explaining how Satan is the original controller and right now that's 100% applicable from the information we've gathered so far. Could it be that in this map we'll uncover the true origin of Zombies?

  10. I personally think Treyarch are gettin us to do our own learning.. Letting us figure it out ourselves or otherwise think of nonsensical theories. Green Run had background hints to keep us interested, am currently on Die Rise I'm really interested in this Georgia CDC HQ..

  11. I know the first Diary entry didn't help at all. New sites, if we were to visit one that would mean we would have to go back in time before Moon to see it in full function.

    Wait, remember the Die Rise Radio? The CDC HQ in Georgia? I know it'd be odd for a 935 site in america, but Nacht is in Hanford somehow.. Just might need to Fact-Check when the CDC began..

    *5 minutes of research later*

    Interesting, First ever CDC building was in Atlanta, GEORGIA in 1946

    935 was under the Reich's funding so maybe the new site in Georgia was a hide-out sort of bunker for a last resort after the Axis lost the war??

    Source: http://www.cdc.gov/about/history/ourstory.htm

  12. This is interesting, because it seems to imply that Edward and Maxis appear to be secretly working together. That sounds ridiculous but what if all this was their master plan to turn the Earth into their testing ground... I'm not confident in this though.

    Aren't you forgetting Maxis discreetly knew about Richtofen's theories? He knew what Edward wanted to do, just not what was actually accomplished. I think a radio in CoTD describes Rich and Schuster presenting the idea to Maxis and he started laughing at them. Maybe this was wrote at the same time? He does describe him as "Mad"

    And if your theory was true, It would both contradict what we've learnt previously and upset the community (I think) Why would Rich kill Maxis and Sam to pursue some MAD scheme lasting decades? One executor being dead and another in a different dimension.. 935: Improving Human Condition.

  13. But wait, I thought richtofen was perfecting time-travel/teleportation behind Maxis' back? Ludwig was working on mass wunderwaff production and cell re-animation? I might have forgotten a detail or two so fill me in if i'm wrong. I kinda thought Kino with that 1st paragraph.

  14. Are you sure Nuketown has an EE? It's CDC, right? I know Marlton's quotes are there but they're re-used ones..

    And I don't think Die Rise will be finished. Once RelaxingEnd/Yoteslaya etc gets to Round 150+ is when I'll call it over. (R-E went 100)

    Not a major EE but smaller ones, every song has been an EE, wouldn't be surprised if another turned up

    Do you mean Map or Song? I mean songs have meaning yeah. The lyrics have gave us info i guess. But The Nuketown songs are just 8-bit remakes, right?

    And if you mean maps, "Five" had barely ANY relevance. They just incorporated it into the EE through Ascension radios. I personally see Nuketown being the same.

  15. Are you sure Nuketown has an EE? It's CDC, right? I know Marlton's quotes are there but they're re-used ones..

    And I don't think Die Rise will be finished. Once RelaxingEnd/Yoteslaya etc gets to Round 150+ is when I'll call it over. (R-E went 100)

  16. I don't wanna get into the discussion on who's evil or not, I think there's a topic in the Asylum about it, but Maxis isn't as innocent as he seems. Richtofen surely does talk to stu but does it mean he's under his control? I doubt it. I think Maxis can still talk to Stu and convince him.

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