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Posts posted by tnqscarface

  1. I was playing a game with randoms and all of a sudden I hear some creepy bg music and the church bell went off. after that all my perks are gone. So I started cussin and yelling and asking who the **** turned the power off no one said anything.

    So after the game ends I went straight to theater mode to check whos the culprit and I found something far more interesting!!

    Samuel the guy who accidentally turned the power off turned something on. and richtofen started saying something. this could be a huuuugeee part of the easter egg everyone has been trying to figure out. so everyone lets start from here and report back!

    Samuel you are the key!

    Turn your audio UP!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-2Mb3_o ... e=youtu.be

  2. Well I spend most of my games in the fog, and running around. I pretty much never use the bus, and I can't say I've ever come across this. I kill many many many Denizens in every game I play, as well as do a hell of a lot of running around.

    There is one thing I don't do though, and I don't know whether maybe this is the key. I don't hold on to my regular knife. I tend to grab the Bowie Knife or Galvinknuckles very early on, so almost all my Denizen kills are with those weapons. Maybe this ability is linked to getting regular knife kills only on the Denizens?

    So we're saying the persistent upgrade it gives longer sprinting? I'm still skeptical at the moment, but I might look into this one.

    I actually had galvaknuckles the previous 16 round then I died. I spawned in town got jugg tele to diner got a shield, tried to get on the bus but I couldnt catch it so I ran back to the diner with a denizen chasing me, killing i with regular knife.

    Ultimtely, green smoke popped out right after sam wasn't burning anymore and while sprinting. so lava + regular knife + denizen + sprinting is key. just gotta figure out how. this is like a mini EE with proof that it does exist!

  3. Yeah check both of the people at the exact moment it goes off. If one is boarding windows, check the boards afterwards. If one is getting headshots, check to see if bodyshots resulted in heads popping afterwards. I am pretty sure if one of your friends earned a "persistent perk", you would see the green cloud as well. Not sure if it is supposed to happen or if there is a glitch somewhere in there. I know I have gotten a green cloud before for doing nothing. Maybe I earned it too? ;)

    ok i just checked the vid. didnt see a green smoke. he was Marlton and he said some thing like "odd ive never heard that before" the same time the green smoke came out on my POV. he was just in the bus shooting one zombie.

  4. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't your friends see the green smoke if you get the original three earnables? I know I have seen them multiple times. Granted: The zombies don't seem to be exploding, but I have killed many zombies that were on fire and they didn't explode. I am unsure what to think of this.

    ill check theatre mode when I can and watch his POV. but I remember asking him if he saw a green smoke he said none. its driving me nuts I just want to replicate it and do some further testing to figure out what its for.

  5. Definitely interesting. I'm thinking its either a glitch, or possibly a knife multiplier kind of like head shots (though one would assume more people would have achieved it). It'd be interesting to go back through the film and see how many miles you ran, knife kills, and all that jazz.

    for some reason I couldnt check the stats just for that game. seeing that it took me 17 rounds to unlock it and only rode the bus a few times , It must be alot. This has got something to do with lava and sprinting. For how many times and how long is unknown.

  6. nope I think its cause I have jug. I just want to know how to make that green smoke pop out again so I could do some further testing. problem is, I dont know how. this leads me to think that only sam can unlock this perk, what ever it is.

  7. noticed how non of the zombies on fire exploded? pretty much all I did this game was run around the whole map without stamina up and I dont think I rode the bus for a long time. maybe once just to cross the big lavas.

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