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Engineer of Destiny

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About Engineer of Destiny

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  1. It is someone loading a gun and shooting themselves.
  2. Can an admin make a section for nuketown zombies? Seeing how new things keep popping up everyday, im pretty sure there may be an easter egg on that map.
  3. I believe the full Easter egg will be unlocked when Die Rise is released. Perhaps it will give a transition on how the new 4 got to china. Maybe the Navcard will work and there will be an in game ending of you going to the new map.
  4. Thanks! I've been on the site for awhile just decided to make an account. :D
  5. What if the DLC is just a Navcard that you put in the navcard reader and it opens up a new part of the map. Just speculation. :roll:
  6. The Hatch can be used for something else. Who's to say the front of the TRAIN part can't be used for something else.
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